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关于”介绍年龄“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Introducing age。以下是关于介绍年龄的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Introducing age


1、As a girl gets older, and still doesn't have a boyfriend, parents will be pestering non-stop, friends and relatives will keep a lookout for someone suitable.


2、A merchant from Venice introduced coffee to Europe in 1615.


3、Objective To study the reconstructional method and effect of shoulder joint function in the older obstetrical palsy with medial rotation contracture deformity.


4、If the customer is professional, we can recommend and introduce with pertinence .


5、The study included 261 116 women aged

15 to 44 years.


6、The FCC feedstock quality of Zhenhai Refinery & Chemical Company has been declined since 2005.


7、First you need to include your basic information, such as your name, age, gender and major, etc.


8、Cyclades is a new fragrance and it was introduced in 2008.


9、People between the ages of

15 and 55.


10、In January 2015, Chen and daimou signed the "housing sales contracts with intermediary".


11、Most of the former students are now 50 to 80 years old.


12、Howerver, I don't care of your age, gender and anything.


13、Introduction Pujiang Innovation Forum 2011 Annual Meeting of the agenda, participants, the forum introduced and technical support.


14、The new study looked at nearly

2, 800 men between the ages of 75 and 95.


15、There's biological age and chronological age.


16、It says almost 74 million people between the ages of

15 and 24 are unemployed worldwide.


17、The development status quo of high specific gravity alloys has been also reviewed.


18、China to mark 140th anniversary of giant panda 'discovery'.


19、The average age of death from liver disease is 59 compared with between 82 and 84 for heart and lung disease and strokes.


20、The Internet survey questioned over

1,319 women between the ages of

20 and 49.

21、In general, gang leaders, known as "olders", are aged from 一般来讲,团伙头目由“年长者”来担任,他们的年龄介于17到20出头。

17 to their early 20s.

22、VLBI observations at Shanghai Observatory in 1991 are described.本文介绍了xx年上海天文台VLBI观测概况。

23、The ice disaster process of Hunan power grid in 2008 is introduced in detail.详细介绍了xx年湖南电网冰灾过程。

24、Then, around two years ago, I was introduced to Kanban by Henrik Kniberg.后来,大约是xx年前,Henrik Kniberg向我介绍了看板方法。

25、Patients aged between 而年龄介于6到xx岁间的儿童较容易罹患A族链球菌咽喉炎。

6 and

11 years were more prevalent in GAS pharyngitis .

英文句子26:,26、That same year, he was introduced to Margaret Sanger .同年,平卡斯经介绍认识了玛格丽特·桑格。

27、CX: 1983, when his works were introduced to China.残雪:xx年,在他的作品被介绍到中国的时候。

28、The Venetians first introduced coffee to Europe in 1615.xx年,威尼斯人最早把咖啡介绍到欧洲。

29、Your price is 20% higher tha major that just of last year.你方价值比去年高出20%。看看商务英语专业介绍。

30、The overall annual age-standardized prevalence rates ranged between 29-37/1000 for males and 38-46/1000 for females.xx年间所有年龄的男性标准化盛行率介于29-37/1000,女性标准化盛行率介于38-46/1000。

31、This article presents professor Cai Gan's experience in the treatment of senile habitual constipation.介绍蔡淦教授治疗老年习惯性便秘的经验。

32、It's the year of the shooter, and Half-Life and Unreal are introduced.这是xx年的射手,和半条命和虚幻的介绍。

33、The Age limit of Insured Person(s) under this Insurance Program are between 本保险计划只保障年龄介乎17至xx岁之人仕。其他年龄组别之人仕需得到保险公司的特别批准,方能生效。

17 – 80 years (both inclusive). Other age range is subject to the insurer's approval.

34、The Oscars, the Grammys, the Emmys, your company’s annual awards presentation….公司每年的奖项介绍有:奥斯卡,格莱美奖,艾美奖…

35、A study of six children with ADEM (mean age at presentation 研究六个孩子与脑脊髓炎(平均年龄在介绍

7.7 years) were tested for a range of neurocognitive tests after an average of

3.5 years of recovery.



36、Chapter 第一章主要介绍了人口老龄化和老年公寓的建设概况;

1 mainly introduces the aging process of population and the construction surveys of apartment for the aged;

37、The construction and operation principle of a long melting life water-cooled cupola was described.介绍长龄水冷冲天炉的结构及工作原理,分析风眼漏水和炉体挂渣的原因。

38、He/She is five feet six inches.(5英尺6英寸)(1公分=0.39英寸;1英尺=12英寸)

39、Patients in the study were between the ages of 55 and 90 and were followed for an average of 在研究中患者年龄介乎55和xx岁,平均随访了

1.9 years.


40、600 women between the ages of 18-65 saw each ad.共有600个年龄介乎18-xx岁的女士分别看了以上三个位置的广告。

41、Do I mind telling my age?我会介意说出我的年龄吗?

42、This photo feature presents a selection of the major health issues in 2010.本摄影专辑介绍了xx年发生的重大卫生事件。

43、Take 200 boys, between the ages of 采取200个男孩,年龄介于12和

12 and

16, and research into their background and environment.

16 ,并研究他们的背景和环境。

44、The Age limit of Insured Person(s) under this Insurance Program are between 本保险计划只保障年龄介乎17至xx岁之人仕。

17 – 80 years (both inclusive).

45、This article introduce the gay stories which were popular through the internet and media.文章介绍评论近年来网络、影视等等媒介广泛流传的几部同志文学小说。

46、"Chess days Dasheng" Acting on price lists and text sunny Profile: Lianzhong business financiers Cup champion in 2005;“棋天大圣”代理介绍及价目表文晴简介: 联众工商金融家杯xx年冠军;

47、Second, highlighted the "golden cloud Kieu" version, author and a book's.其次重点介绍了《金云翘传》的版本、作者和成书年代。

48、The development status of chlor-alkali industry in recent years was introduced.介绍了我国氯碱行业近几年来的发展情况;

49、The geological conditions of Jiaojia Gold Mine are introduced, the types of engineering rock mass are classified and the methods of stope support are evaluated.介绍了焦家金矿床的赋存地质条件,划分了工程岩体类型,介绍评价了矿山近年来应用的支护方法。

50、The school-children age lies in 10-11 years old, being placed in a middle, late childhood.研究对象的学童年龄介于10到xx岁,处于儿童发展中、晚期。

经典英文句子51:介绍年龄,51、Wenzhou Longtai Hinge Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2001.公司介绍温州市隆泰铰链有限公司创办于xx年。

52、Based upon introduction of land use scope and conditions in greening of city rivers the principles for tree selection is mentioned.介绍了柳江造纸厂的企业基本情况,重点阐述了该厂原料林基地规划布局、树种选择以及主伐年龄、轮伐期和产量情况。

53、Anonymous. " Woodruff introduced the six bottle carton in 1923."伍德拉夫介绍了六瓶纸箱于xx年。

54、The final trend at work here is the average age of the design community, which is somewhere in the 25-34 year range, and rapidly getting younger.最后一个趋势与设计从业人员的平均年龄有关,大多数设计人员的年龄介于25到xx岁之间,而且有更加年轻化的趋势。

55、Bolden was born Aug. 据洛杉矶的老人科学研究组织介绍,波尔顿出生于xx年xx月xx日。这一组织专门负责追踪世界上寿命最长老人的年龄。

15, 1890, according to the Gerontology Research Group, a Los Angeles organization that tracks the ages of the world's oldest people.

56、The researchers studied 28 neurologically-normal subjects, between ages 45 and 65.研究人员调查研究了28名神经正常的试验者,年龄介于45-65之间。

57、According to the mass wedding party "love cottage" Foundation, these "new" in the oldest has been 86 years old, a considerable number of couples who have already become a reality.据集体婚礼举办方“爱的小屋”基金会介绍,这些“新人”中最年长的已xx岁高龄,其中相当一部分人早已成为事实夫妻。

58、Key NPI product in 2011. Product introduction could be found aside them.xx年关键新产品。产品介绍会放置在产品旁边。

59、Despite the age of these archaeological findings, it is believed vine was introduced in Sardinia by Phoenicians, during the period in which they occupied the island.虽然这些结果年龄考古,它被认为是撒丁岛藤介绍了腓尼基人,在这期间,他们占领了该岛。

60、Greet and introduce yourself to a pen pal from abroad using formal conversation techniques. Give precise information about yourself, such as your age, your origins and your family.问候,用正式的会话方法将您自己介绍给来自国外的笔友。给出关于你自己的准确信息如年龄、出生地、你的家庭等。

61、I introduced the valedictorian of the Class of 2006.我介绍了xx年毕业生的第一名。

62、It also introduces the 这一集还介绍了寻找终极答案的千万年计划。

10 million-year project to find the Ultimate Question.

63、This article reviews the diagnosis and treatment of NAFLD in recent years.本文就近年来对NAFLD的诊断和治疗进展作一介绍。

64、In Scotland men and women aged between 50 and 74 are screened .在苏格兰男性和女性,年龄介乎50和74进行甄别。

65、The college said five students aged between 据南泰晤士学院介绍,共有五名学生修了这门课,年龄最小的有xx岁,最大的有50多岁,学生对课程的反响非常好。

16 and 50-plus took part in the classes, and said the reactions were overwhelmingly positive.

66、Recent developmental situation of electrodialysis technique in the world is described.本文介绍了近xx年来世界电渗析技术的发展情况。

67、On the age aspect, the highest infection rate was in the age group of 40-50.在年龄上,不同年龄组居民,以40~年龄组感染率最高;

68、The 78 men and 75 women ranged in age from 21 to 55 years.共有78位男性和75位女性,年龄介于21到xx岁。

69、Candler also introduced the twelve ounce Coke can in 1960.坎德勒还介绍了十二盎司可口可乐可以在xx年。


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