关于”文艺“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Literature and Art。以下是关于文艺的四级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Literature and Art
1、Ecological Literature and Art is a new branch of literature and art which is the result of intersection of modern literature and art and modern ecology.
2、Feng Shen" or airs as used to describe a persons elegant demeanour and mien, is the artistic expression of the inherent characteristics of literary works."
3、Its art origin is Historical-literature and Talk-art.
4、In Chinese literature circle of the 20th century, The Literary Position was indeed a literary miracle.
5、Literary criticism is an impetus of development of literary creation.
6、Kang Yong Ki is a pop culture artist.
年 艺术时代——世贸精文艺术大展(上海·金贸大厦精文美术馆)。
7、Era of Art - World Trade Jingwen Art Exhibition, Shanghai, Jin Mao Tower Jingwen Art Museum.
8、Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists or today.
9、The important issues in contemporary Chinese literary theories are the limitations of classical theories in the crisis of literary ecology.
10、Great attention has been paid to the relationship between aesthetic emotion and literary creation.
11、The Arts of China (An Ahmanson M…
12、New advanced techniques provide the production and circulation of literature with new media, which strongly impacts on traditional literature, so the structure of literature changes wholly.
13、Expression of folklore and art is different from works of folklore and art and its derivational works.
14、Firstly, the reason why literature works are called literature works is that there must be a standard.
15、The rule of antinomy and unification in literature art creating and artistic criticizing becomes the core of the art dialectics.
16、Troupe scope of business: theatrical performances, cultural exchanges, performance brokerage, endorsements.
17、Our young writers and artists are vigorous and perceptive and in them lies the future of our literature and art.
18、Beijing Yiwen Performance Ltd. Co. is affiliated to Beijing Culture & Art Audio& Video Publishing House.
19、Earthenware culture is of culture , source of art.
20、The original study of literature and art is not only the important area in the history of arts but also the fundamental topic in the science of cultural anthropology.
21、The entertainment evening party is one of the most comprehensive artistic forms in TV art.电视文艺晚会是电视艺术中综合性最强的艺术样式之
22、The Dashanzi International Art Festival, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China;参加北京798艺术区举办的《北京艺术文献展》;
23、Renaissance art is yet appreciated by artists or heeasystays.目前的艺术家仍然对文艺复新时期的艺术珍爱有加。
24、The literary value is a concept of relationship, which is related to all literary activities of human-beings.文艺价值是一个关系范畴,和人的整个文艺活动息息相关,人的艺术需要是其中重要的中介。
25、This is important theoretical basis of Xunzi's Literary and artistic thinking. Xunzi period is the realistic foundation to his theory.天人相分使荀子由重人文而重文艺,也是他的文艺观的一个重要理论基础。
英文句子26:,26、Arts and literature department is managed by the director. Arts and literature department will plan to organize various kinds of recreational activities and parties.文艺部是由文艺部长领导,干事若干,组织策划文艺活动、各类联欢、派对的部门。
27、Literary and art criticism is a complex question which requires a great deal of special study.文艺界的主要的斗争方法之一,是文艺批评。
28、The folkways fundamentally restrain the creation of literature and art, therefore literary folklore becomes an important field for the study of literature and art.民俗风情对文艺创作有着根本性的制约作用,文艺民俗学因之而成为文艺研究的一个重要领域。
29、The development of the highest art-education has playing a important role in the building of the nationality culture in Yunnan province.文艺事业是整个文化建设的重要组成部分,高等艺术院校承担着培养建设云南民族文化大省所需要的人才和文艺创作重任。
30、A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.艺文:艺术领域或门类的一支,如音乐,芭蕾或文学。
31、Plekhanov had put forward the essence of literary class nature and social utility nature, applying the principle of literary class nature to literary criticism.普列汉诺夫文艺思想的一个重要支点是强调文艺的阶级性与社会功利性的本质,将文艺的阶级性原则运用于文艺批评。
32、The leadership over the literature and art should go in accordance with their own law.联共(布)对文艺的领导,要按照文艺的规律进行。
33、The Avant - grade literature and art, which carried forward the tradition of the"genius" literature and art since the Renaissance, fought against the change bitterly, but failed at last.先锋派文艺继承文艺复兴以来“天才”文艺的传统,进行了激烈的反抗,但最终走进了死胡同。
34、Performances of art reproduced in the form of long Gucha Changning culture.文艺演出以艺术的形式再现了昌宁悠久的古茶文化。
35、Both Mimetic theory and Expressive Theory affirm that literature is a kind of imagination, which makes literature differ from the other human activity.无论再现论还是表现论的文艺观念,都肯定文艺活动的想象性质,并试图在此基础上理解文艺活动的区别特征。
36、Harlem is a famous area in New York. The Harlem Renaissance was a period in which black artists explored their culture and showed pride in their race.哈莱姆文艺复兴时期是指黑人艺术家探求他们自身文化和自豪地向人们展示他们种族的时期,这次黑人文艺复兴包括文学、音乐和其他艺术形式。
37、Secondly, the deepening and distillation of Confucian aesthetic thought of literature and art.三是对传统儒家文艺美学思想的再发现和对理学家文艺芜学思想的应和;
38、The author also introduced the dyeing process, water proofing agent. and the coati…文中对染色工艺、防水剂、涂层工艺条件、工艺流程等进行了探讨研究。
39、Chinese bamboo culture is of high development value because of its applications on landscape, gardening, handicrafts and diet.中国竹文化具有优美的自然景观、竹景文化艺术、工艺文化、饮食文化等旅游开发价值。
40、Jin Yong is more literary, which sometimes may get a bit too heavy handed IMHO.金庸更文艺,恕我直言有时太过文艺。
41、Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.佛罗伦萨是一个意大利城市,它因文艺复兴而出名,文艺复兴是一场文艺运动,它发生在十四世纪,持续了xx年。
42、There are 另有3个语文艺术及非语文艺术的选修科。
3 electives from language arts and non-language arts modules.
43、Skylark arts companies are doing our renowned arts companies.云雀文化艺术公司是我市知名的民办文化艺术公司。
44、Prepare printing process documents and updated them according to ECN.编制印刷工艺文件,并根据ECN对工艺文件进行更新。
45、He acquired an enviable reputation in literary and art circles for his artistic ability.他的艺术才能使他蜚声文艺界。
46、Literary works and literary criticism.文学著作和文艺批评。
47、Chinese artists staged a brilliant art performance following the banquet.宴会后举行了文艺演出,中国艺术家表演了精彩的文艺节目。
48、Furthermore, his literary thoughts has some similarity with the modern literary theory.并且,刘熙载的文艺思想中也有与现代文艺理论相契合的部分。
49、The general properties of art are inadequate to distinguish art from non-art.文艺的一般属性并不能把文艺与非文艺划分开来。
50、Wau Changhe Town of mass culture is strong, active cultural and arts activities, mass culture and the arts with remarkable results.卧牛河镇群众文化基础雄厚,文化艺术活动十分活跃,群众文化艺术成果显著。
经典英文句子51:文艺,51、Early European Art: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renais.早期的欧洲艺术:古代,中世纪,文艺复兴。
52、Art is man-made.艺术是人造物,艺术包含许多文化包袱。
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