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关于”仿写季节“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Imitation season。以下是关于仿写季节的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Imitation season


1、The water quality has seasonal variation.


2、Called a solstice, the date traditionally marks a change of seasons -- from spring to summer in Earth's Northern Hemisphere and from fall to winter in Earth's Southern Hemisphere.

but don't cling to it once it's over. You've gotta know when to say goodbye.拥抱生命的每个季节,一个季节过后也不要恋栈,人应该知道何时说再见。

3、Embrace each season of your life…


4、So with the holiday gift-giving season under way, I write this column for parents who may be asked by children for a dog or a horse.


5、It’s not the same beats season after season.


6、Genette brings forward the theory of hypertextuality, whose emobodiment is imitative writing and parody.


7、Tao Heung season, we harvest of hope.


8、Jenna: Is the puppet show about season?


9、All nature seemed to be having a holiday, and to be laughing.


10、Short for In-Circuit Emulator (ICE).


11、It is calving season in the Arctic.


12、Harvest time for the moneylenders.


13、Time and rain assisting, a humble gastronomical announcement had become a profound piece of advice.


14、Stunning handmade reproduction of a Victorian original nightdress . Comes in free size and 100% cotton. Perfect for summer, winter and holidays. Made in UK.

风力机; 变速运行; 桨距调节; 仿真;

15、Wind turbine; Variable-speed; Blade pitch control; Simulation;


16、She writes, “The seasons were so regular that you could almost predict that the long, monsoon rains would start falling in mid-March.”


17、It's hard for you to change the idea of an old man.


18、You can imitate them and learn from them. So.

作为本季的收官之作,《黑镜子》第二季的第三集于xx月xx日播出。 在这集中,一档电视节目中的虚拟人物仿佛开玩笑般地提出要竞选国会议员。

19、In the third and final episode of season two, which aired on Feb 27, a computer-generated character from a TV show is jokingly put forward to become a member of Parliament.


20、The simulation was carried out, and the result showed that the four-bar link joint has good bionic characteristics.

21、In June, the flowers in full bloom season;xx月,百花盛开的季节;

22、Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.雾霭的季节,果实圆熟的时令。

23、The IOD has significant influences on the MJO intensity in boreal summer.IOD对北半球夏季季节内振荡强度存在显著影响。

24、Microbial amount presented no evident difference in different seasons in Tianbao cave but evident difference in Dibao cave in different seasons;微生物总数在天宝洞中各季节差异不明显,但在地宝洞中各季节差异明显。

25、The old South, the spring season.旧时的江南,草长莺飞的季节。

英文句子26:,26、The seasons came and went and they revolved round Joshua.寒来署去,冬去春来,xx年四季仿佛围绕着J旋转。

27、The Arctic ice cap fluctuates with the seasons, growing in the freezing winter and shrinking over the summer.北极冰盖随季节而变化,在严寒的冬季增长而在夏季则会减少。

28、She cameoed as anne Boleyn in a Man for all Seasons.在《所有季节的人》中她扮演安妮·波列思做了一个特写。

29、The best symbol of this season was Ron Artest blowing a dunk in the third quarter.罗恩-阿泰斯特在第三节时将球扣飞是湖人队本赛季的最好写照。

30、Winter is known as cold season - and it's not just because the temperatures are dropping.冬天是一个寒冷的季节,不仅仅是因为它的温度在降低。 你感冒的几率在这个季节里在增大。

31、Entire progress dynamic simulation used "double simulation clocks " to simulate the entire process of construction, taking account of both integrity and detail.全过程动态仿真采用“双仿真钟”模式,兼顾了仿真的整体性和细节性,对整个施工动态过程进行仿真。

32、Another cross-quarter day is Groundhog's Day.另一个跨季日是土拨鼠节。

33、When the crawfish season ends, around June, the traps are pulled out and the rice season begins.小龙虾季节在xx月份左右结束之后,这些圈套就被拉出来,随后稻米季节开始了。

34、The natural landscape in different season, display their magic, as if men and women love the four-step song.自然景观随季节不同,各显其妙,仿佛男女情爱的四步曲。

35、Little tumuli of oyster shells in the oyster season, and of lobster shells in the lobster season, and of broken crockery and faded cabbage leaves in all seasons, encroached upon its high places.在牡蛎季节中的牡蛎壳,在龙虾季节中的龙虾壳,在所有季节中的破碎的陶器和枯萎的卷心菜叶,像小坟般一堆一堆地侵占了铁路线的路堤。

36、During busy seasons they help with field work.农忙季节他们帮助干农活。

37、The joint of robot usually adopts two linked single axle joint that has a non-powerful bionic characteristics.机器人关节通常采用二连杆单轴关节,仿生特性不强。

38、Have students read their own text in groups, and then in class.在理解课文的基础上仿写课文。

39、So, have seasonal of melancholia say.所以,有季节性忧郁症之说。

40、Out of season, out of price.季节过,价钱落。(贵在时令。)

41、Combining with the achievement of study on human-body joint of biologic medical science, a kind of four-bar link close-chained bionic joint was studied.结合生物医学人体关节研究成果,研究了一种四连杆封闭链仿生关节;给出了一种由四连杆机构组成、智能MR阻尼器控制的多轴仿生膝关节机构;

42、Quebec City is known for its Winter Carnival, its summer music festival and for its Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations.魁北克因其冬季嘉年华,夏季的音乐节和圣徒让帕斯特节日庆典而出名。

43、It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.仿写:全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。

44、Notes : Figures in brackets denote seasonally unadjusted quarter-to-quarter percentage changes.注释:括号内数字指未经季节性调整的按季变动百分率。

45、You may have the winterblues, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD).也许你患上了冬季抑郁或者是季节性情感抑郁症(SAD)。

46、The decree is made that Baal will rule during the seasons of fertility and Mot during the seasons of sterility and drought.法令已经制定,在丰产的季节由巴力统治,贫乏和干旱的季节则由莫特统治。

47、I've got one in the notes, it's just acetone and chloroform.我在笔记中写了一个,它是丙酮和氯仿。

48、There were obviously seasonal variation of polychaete quantity.数量有明显的季节变化。

49、Things easily get mildewed in the rainy season.梅雨季节东西容易发霉。

50、Falling on the catkins of the season.就在那个柳絮飘零的季节。

经典英文句子51:仿写季节,51、Bangkok is low-lying and always threatened by floods during monsoon season.曼谷的地势很低,在季风季节,市场受到被洪灾威胁。

52、What is the season in London now?现在伦敦处在什么季节?

53、This is the season when fish migrate.这个季节正是鱼洄游的时候。

54、In order to prevent the loss from rising again, it is necessary to change some technology properly in high humidity seasons.为避免套管在梅雨和低温季节介损值回升,应在特殊季节对工艺适当调整。

55、The season comes in a gentle and mild way.和风细雨的季节又来了。

56、Mozart Season. Groupie Without Teh Secks.莫扎特季节。 追星族没有的Secks。

57、Semi-physical simulation nodes and mobile nodes are connected with each other according to satellite constellation.根据卫星星座,半实物仿真平台把半实物仿真节点和移动终端动态地互联起来。

58、This time already was the rainy season.此时已经是梅雨季节了吧。

59、"Shuo Y ue Quan Zhuan " in aspect and so on detail, plot imitates "San Guo Yan Yi".而《说岳全传》在细节、情节等方面多模仿《三国志演义》。

60、The tree itself has a storied and inspirational history — it was almost uprooted during a typhoon, then it dried out from the subsequent trauma.树的本身就续写着一段历史,遇到台风季节,几乎就被连根拔起,之后又遭遇干涸等接连的创伤。

61、Welcome to the most easily misunderstood season of all, winter, a beautiful season of intimacy and reflection. I'm Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax.欢迎来到这个最易被误解的季节,冬季。这是一个可以亲密相处,同时又可以静下心来思考的美丽季节。

62、The one, it's beautiful, it's beautiful.但有一个季节非常非常美的。

63、Late autumn, the season is a miss, I miss the inclusion of greeting cards, to bless into the Shin-Tien, miss, the date on!深秋,又是一个思念的季节,我把思念写进贺卡,把祝福融入心田,想念,年年月月!

64、Many seasons have passed me by.许多季节都从我身边走过。

65、It is understood that there are three printed silk-like fabric sales rising.据了解,目前有三款印花仿真丝面料销量节节攀升。

66、Explanation: This August was eclipse season.说明: 这个xx月是日月食的季节。

67、A three DOFs planar robot with passive end joint is used for simulation, and the simulation results justify the proposed algorithm.通过末关节为被动关节的平面三连杆机器人进行了仿真,仿真的结果证明了提出算法的有效性。

68、Thanks for the season greetings! Hope your holiday season was awesome!感激这个季节的来到,希望你有个快乐的假节!

69、Walden: Or, Life in the Woods, by Henry David Thoreau. See the listing in the books section. I pattern this preface after Thoreau's introduction to his work.瓦尔登湖:又名《生活在森林中》,亨利·大卫·梭罗著。详见图书引用清单章节。


70、Bangkok is low-laying and always threatened by floods during monsoon season.曼谷的地势很低,在季风季节,市场受到被洪灾威胁。

71、Purple is the color of the season.紫色是这个季节的流行色。

72、We have sharp distinction between the seasons.我们这季节差别很明显。

73、In the document Writing a Simulator for the SIMH System, you can learn more about the simulator architecture as well as some of the details of the various simulated machines.在文档 为 SIMH 系统编写仿真器,您可以了解有关仿真器体系结构以及各种仿真计算机的一些详细信息。

74、The joint of robot usually adopts two linked single axle joint that hass non-powerful bionic characteristics.机器人关节通常采用二连杆单轴关节,仿生特性不强。

75、Cairn plugged and abandoned both wells as the summer drilling season ended.夏季钻探季节结束后,凯恩能源放弃了这两口油井。

英文句子模板76:Imitation season,76、Susan: Donna, what's "in" this season?苏珊: 多娜, 这个季节流行什么?

77、Now, my team and I hate copycats.现在,我的团队和我都痛恨那些盲目模仿的节目。


标签: 季节

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