关于”道林格雷的画像名句原句“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Dorian Gray's portrait。以下是关于道林格雷的画像名句原句的八级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Dorian Gray's portrait
1、FELLIG: I don't know her name. I don't think I ever knew it.
2、He had nearly finished a portrait of a very handsome young man called Dorian Gray.
所有这一切都在格雷格管道图(感谢格雷格!) 充分而详尽的显示。
3、All of that is amply and exhaustively illustrated over at (thanks Greg!).
4、That is a good reason to support our program," Regling said.
因为美智子的原因,画像上的人脸上有一道伤疤,像极了大疤瘌。 。
5、Because of the reason of michiko, portraits of people have a scar on the face, like big BaLa.
6、The German artist Hans Holbein the Younger painted this portrait around 1536.
7、As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is just where the trouble begins.
8、My answer is that some names—such as Mrs. Maggs, Spray, and Mr. McGregor—simply come to mind.
9、"To be yourself"—this words, as all moral maxims, is easier said than done.
一名NBA 训练师,森林狼队的格雷格·法南说他与切斯勒联系过,因为他们球队的球员都比较年轻。
10、One NBA trainer, Gregg Farnam of the Timberwolves, said he contacted Czeisler because of his team' s relatively young roster.
11、Guilin, the small city is unique and like a water color painting, especially a Chinese painting.
12、It is the key to accurate grasp the characteristics of style and skill in studying Gaogouli s murals of ancient graves.
13、President Reagan for his "Bridge of Peace" plan.
14、In the meantime, seriously, can we talk about this Blake Griffin guy?
15、What is that adage ' You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink! '
16、The context of the Davis incident mimics the spy novels of John le Carré or Graham Greene.
17、Greg home every room hung with rich rural colorific adornment.
18、Yulin of northern Shaanxi is the important production areas of stone reliefs in the whole country.
阿格雷尔:我?我是阿格雷尔。这场大战中一名微不足道的士兵,有战争就要有人牺牲。 。
19、Agrael:Me? ? I am Agrael. A mere soldier in a greater war, and war demands sacrifice.
20、“Maybe the bishop is the Dorian Gray of sleep, ” I suggested.
21、Graham Greene, early to mid-20th century writer, a famous writer in English.格雷厄姆•格林,二十世纪中期英国的一位著名作家。
22、She was born Margaret Hilda Roberts in Grantham, Lincolnshire, in 1925, the daughter of a local grocer.她xx年出生在林肯郡的格兰瑟姆,原名玛格丽特·希尔达·罗伯茨,是当地一名杂货商的女儿。
23、Chapter 第四章探讨了模糊性法律英语的翻译原则和具体方法,为本次论述画上了句号。
2 presents the origin and importance of fuzziness in language, a brief view of fuzzy legal language.
24、The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame 柳林风声,肯尼斯·格雷厄姆
25、Ever since, Salinger fans have been poring over the text, looking for hidden meaning.自那之后,塞林格迷们开始寻章摘句,寻找塞林格隐藏的含义。
英文句子26:,26、Let me say a few words about Greenspan's connection to Ayn Rand.让我们说几句关于格林斯潘和安·兰德[5]的关系。
27、"i wish i could love, " cried derian gray with a deep note of pathos in his voice.「我希望自己能爱。」道林格雷用低沉哀怨的声音叫道。
28、Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray has long been regarded as the story about the young persons who were punished by their moral degeneration.奥斯卡。王尔德的小说《道连。
29、In the UK, one small Scottish village has become synonymous with the act of eloping.在英国,一个小小的苏格兰村庄成了“私奔”的代名词。 格雷特纳格林坐落于伦敦和爱丁堡之间的一条古老的公共马车线路旁。
30、different buildings that are famous in New York like the Empire State, bridges, you know, the Brooklyn Bridge.画在各种纽约著名建筑的木块上,像帝国大厦、布鲁克林大桥。
31、This canvas, signed by actor Macaulay Culkin, is estimated to sell for $200 - $300.这幅署名为马克拉雷库克林的油画,估价在200到300美金。
32、'I don't know how he planned to explain the false name and why he was living at Pen House, 'said Holmes.“我不知道他是筹算若何诠释他更名改姓和住在格林盆宅邸的原因的,”福尔摩斯说道。
33、He heard one of them whisper to the other, “That is Dorian Gray.”他听见其中一个向同伴低声说道:“那就是道林·格雷。”
34、Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray not only exposes and criticizes the moral corruption of the bourgeois upper class in the Victorian England but also advocates serious moral education.王尔德的《道连。格雷画像》既揭露和批判了英国维多利亚时代资产阶级上流社会道德的堕落,又对人们进行了严肃的道德教育;
35、Losing the Renoirs was a shock, but the Rembrandt has been a national treasure since its arrival in 1956.失去了雷诺阿名画已经令人震惊,伦勃朗的自画像更是自xx年以来就被视为国宝。
36、People want to be able to fit in, and that might involve sharing laughs about the latest Simpsons episode or comedy 格林说道:“人们想要融入角色之中,他们可能会以最近几集的《辛普森一家》谈笑,或分享喜剧片中的那些妙句。”
18)catch phrase.
37、The last sentence of this essay makes the finishing point.这篇文章的最后一句话具有画龙点睛的作用。
38、Recalls Gleis, “There was no camera on the skid.格雷斯回忆道,“滑道上没有摄像机。
39、The most notorious Gargoyle fighter against mankind in those days was named Gratagmalem.在那些日子里,最臭名昭著的石像怪武士叫做格雷塔格麦伦。
40、The victim was a homeless alcoholic called Graham who apparently made "an inappropriate comment" about the 10-year-old daughter of one of Tony's friends; something to do with the length of her dress.被害者是一个名叫格雷厄姆的流浪街头的酒鬼,据说他是对托尼的一个朋友的xx岁的女儿作了一句“不恰当的评论”;好像是和她穿的裙子的长度有关。
41、The first sentence is famous: "When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin."开 篇第一句非常有名:“ 当格雷戈尔·萨姆沙从令人不安的睡梦中醒来,他发现自己在床上变成了一只可怕的害虫。”
42、This painting from 1944 by Adolf Wegener is called The Third Reich.这张由阿道夫.瓦格纳于xx年创作的宣传画名为“第三帝国”。
43、Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted.弗林德斯太太决心请人给她画幅肖像画。
44、Dorian Gray's soul had turned to this white girl and bowed in worship before her.道林·格雷倾心于这个白皙的姑娘,并且向她顶礼膜拜。
45、We were really looking forward to paying off that relationship.我们真的期待把这段关系可以画上句号。
46、The Spot: A moonlit self-portrait, Grenadines, Caribbean拍摄现场:月光下的自画像,加勒比海格林纳丁斯群岛(位于西印度洋)
47、I have been nearly mad and you know the axiom , -- non bis in idem .我是几乎发过疯,您知道有一句格言说‘一事不重现。 ’
48、Artist Graham McKean stands with his oil painting of Michael Jackson at Govan Old Parish Church in Glasgow, Scotland.苏格兰格拉斯哥的戈万老教区教堂,艺术家格雷厄姆·麦基恩(Graham McKean)站在自己绘制的迈克尔·杰克逊肖像油画作品旁。
49、“I would love to know what they’re saying in there, ” says Shareen in a stage whisper.站在台阶上的谢林小声嘀咕了一句,“我很想知道他们会说些什么。”
50、Do not yawn: this is no tedious group of ancestor likenesses.你不会感到乏味: 这并非一组风格雷同的祖先们的画像.
经典英文句子51:道林格雷的画像名句原句,51、Everything you have ever known, Kratos, will now suffer because of your sacrilege. You will never be the ruler of Olympus. The cycle ends here.你要知道你现在所遭受的一切是来自于你的亵渎,你将永远不会成为奥林巴斯的统治者,是时候在这里画上句号了。
52、Lincoln calls Gretchen and fills her in on Self's double-cross.林肯格打给格雷琴,将赛尔夫的出卖告诉了她。
53、The spine of each piece comes with an official's name, title, crime and sentence received, the report said.报道说,每张肖像画上都有官员的名字、官衔、罪名和获刑情况。
54、'Dorian Gray?Is that his name?'asked Lord Henry.“多里安·格雷?这是他的名字吗?”亨利勋爵问道。
55、"mr. dorian gray? who is he?" asked lord fermor, knitting his bushy white eyebrows.「道林格雷先生?他是什么人?」佛摩勋爵紧皱起浓密的白眉毛问。
56、His death in 1997 ended their 67-year marriage.她丈夫xx年去世,为他们xx年的婚姻画上了句号。
57、A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.句中不应有赘余之词,段落中不应有赘余之句,就像画作中不应有蛇足之线条,抑或机器不应有多余之零件。
58、Payoff is spirit this sentence to heart to think of another thing, he began to constantly draw four pictures, hope to draw people into a reality.「心诚则灵」这句话令心让想到另一件事,他开始不断画素四画像,希望画中人变成真人。
59、Mr. Green n laughed and answered, I don't remember any of the other names.格林先生笑着答道:我不记得其他任何人的名字。 。
60、The play is based upon a novel by Graham Greene.这个剧是根据格雷厄姆格林的一本小说改编的。
61、Bragge, an acquaintance of Mrs. Suckling, a lady known at Maple Grove.那是在布雷格太太的表姐家,她是萨克林太太的熟人,在枫园颇有名气。
62、All these paradoxes make his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray profound and provoking.正是作家的这些矛盾让《道林·葛雷的画像》这部小说意义更加隽永。
63、Lin lobbied President Reagan for his "Bridge of Peace" plan.林同棪向雷根总统游说「和平桥」兴建计画。
64、Muarmar Gaddafi's 42-year rule of Lybia finally ended.卡扎菲在利比亚长达xx年的统治画上了句号。
65、The family was living in Harlem when Mr. Salinger was born, but then, as Sol Salinger’s business prospered, moved to West 82nd Street and then to Park Avenue.塞林格出生时,他们住在哈雷姆区。 但后来,随着扫罗·塞林格生意的繁荣,迁到西82街,后又搬到公园大道。
66、The Picture of Dorian Gray.道林格雷的画像。
67、Lincoln and Sucre question a cashier who tells them that Gretchen and Self bought a phone.林肯和苏克雷询问一个收银员,他告诉林肯,格雷琴确实买了一部手机。
68、Orin Hargraves is a lexicographer, someone who writes dictionaries. Hargraves explains what happened.欧林·哈格雷夫斯是一名词典编纂者,也就是编字典的人。他解释了当时发生了什么。
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