打开灯英语怎么说 英语

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打开灯翻译为英语可以这样说: switch on the light,在日常中也可以翻译为" Turn on the light",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到89个与打开灯相关的译文和例句。


1. switch on the light

打开灯翻译为 switch on the light 。

示例:请打开灯。 Please turn the light on.


2. Turn on the light

打开灯翻译为 Turn on the light 。


1、He thought to himself, "This driver is just as dangerous as a speeder!"So he turned on his lights and pulled the driver over.


3. turn on the light

打开灯翻译为turn on the light。

示例:楼下的响声使他警觉,他坐起来打开灯。 Alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up and turned on the light.


4. switch on the light

打开灯翻译为switch on the light。

示例:So, essentially, it's a glorified light switch? 就是说 这个相当于电灯总开关? So, essentially, it's a glorified light switch?



1. snap on(扣紧; 啪地打开灯)


2. door light( 门灯;


3. unclose(打开

4. unhasping(打开)

5. unhasps(打开)

英语短语&俚语, Switching On ( 打开电灯开关 )

switch on anchor light ( 打开锚灯 )

Switch on /off the anchor lights (关闭锚灯 )

turn on lights ( 打开车灯 )

turn ON flash ( 打开闪光灯 )

Slide to open ( 若要打开幻灯片 )


1. And switches on the light and there in the corner, is your kink.


2. Lights. Somebody get the lights!

译文:开灯 来人开灯呀。

3. inky-black darkness, turn the lights on at the right time.

译文:漆黑的黑暗, 在合适的时候打开灯光。 。

4. Turn those lights back on!


5. Okay, can we cut that? Lights back up please.

译文:好的,可以停了吗?请打开灯。 。

6. Don't turn on the lights 'cause i don't wanna see


7. Okay, can we cut that? Lights back up please.


8. You turn it on, light goes everywhere.

译文:你打开灯,灯光照射到 房间的每个角落。 。

9. They'll turn the light on. They'll talk to you.

译文:他们会打开灯 和你交谈。

10. Kenny, turn that light on, please so we can get a good look at these guys.

译文:Kenny, 请打开灯光 这样大家看清楚这些家伙。

11. turn on the light without covering the window...

译文:。 打开灯 没有包含的这 窗户--窗户。。

12. and they'll come right around.

译文:打开灯,细声轻语 他们就会到访。

13. So what happens when i switch on that light?

译文:所以当我打开灯的时候 会发生什么呢?。

14. - Ratchet, point the light.

译文:- 救护车,打开灯。

15. She took off her shoes, turns on the light, walks past the dark living room into the bedroom.

译文:她脱掉鞋子 打开灯 穿过漆黑的客厅到卧室。



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