公共厕所用英语翻译为" public toilet",在日常中也可以翻译为" comfort station",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到27个与公共厕所相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. public toilet
公共厕所翻译为 public toilet 。
示例:最近的公共厕所在车站。 The nearest public lavatory is at the station.
2. comfort station
公共厕所翻译为 comfort station 。
示例:下次你去公共厕所,用马桶之前先看一下。 Next time you go to a public bathroom, take a look before you sit down on the toilet seat.
3. public toilets -
公共厕所翻译为 public toilets - 。
示例:为了建设一个更加美丽的城市,每个公民都应该承担起保持公共厕所清洁的责任。 Every citizen should take on the responsibility to keep public toilets clean in order to build a more beautiful city.
4. WC
公共厕所翻译为 WC 。
示例:Captain... There is a passenger down in the WC. 机长,有乘客死在厕所
1. public lavatories(公共厕所)
2. spend a penny(上公共厕所)
3. public convenience(n. 公共厕所)
4. public lavatory(n. 公共厕所)
5. public restroom( 公共厕所;
英语短语&俚语, independence public toilets ( 独立式公共厕所 )
Accessible Public Restrooms ( 无障碍的公共厕所 )
dependence public toilets ( 附属式公共厕所 )
World Toilet Organization ( 世界公共厕所组织 )
mobile public toilets moce public toilets ( 活动式公共厕所 )
Capital Offers Toilets to Gob ( 第一批公共厕所 )
dependence public toilets ( 隶属式公共厕所 )
PublicToilets in america ( 美国的公共厕所 )
1. i am telling you, don't ever go to the last stall in a public washroom.
译文:我跟你说过 公共厕所最后的一间尽量不要上。
2. Outside a public convenience.
3. The nearest public lavatory is at the station.
译文:最近的公共厕所在车站。 。
4. At a public toilet my mother pees in a floating squatting position.
译文:我妈妈上公共厕所的时候 会采用"悬股蹲法"。
5. i find that rather suspect. The cottage at Piccadilly, more likely.
6. Public toilets are disgusting, don't you think?
7. Even if the squat toilet leaves you squeamish, you might prefer it to communal facilities like the ones at the Roman site of Ostia Antica.
译文:纵然蹲式厕所让你感觉恶心,你可能倾向于位于罗马的奥斯塔·安提卡那样的公共厕所。 。
8. Ah, the bathrooms -- the latest political flash point for LGBT opponents.
译文:唉,公共厕所—— 它是反LGBT人群在政治上最新的暴击点 。
9. Why would he want to have a hit in the public toilet?
10. in a public toilet, a fleabag hotel... and at the State Department.
译文:在公共厕所 廉价旅馆 和国务院。
11. A precious jade stone was found in a local handicraft factory...
译文:(近 日 我市工艺品厂在公共厕所 改造施工中)。
12. Pissoirs are for men only; women are out of luck and should continue searching for a public toilet.
译文:这种厕所只供男人使用;妇女没有那么幸运,只能寻找一个公共厕所。 。
13. Whittington's longhouse was in use till the 17th century.
14. Garderobes and public toilets were eventually replaced with something slightly more recognizable to the modern day defecator: a box with a lid.
译文:这种城堡厕所以及公共厕所最终被一种稍微更加接近现代马桶的东西所替代:一个带盖子的盒子。 。
15. Sulabh means "a public toilet"in Hindi. Meanwhile, the company opened a "Delhi's most eccentric museum"as well.
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