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1、Its fleet of massive battleships surrounded the pastoral world, cutting off direly needed supplies to the planet.


2、Suppose one person gets into It by propitiating the Deity with hymns and worship, and you are pushed into It.


3、This text is divided into three parts:The first chapter discusses the specific content of poetry criticism of George Ye;

人是看外表(如我们的说话、诗歌、动作、身体的姿势等等), 但神却是看内心。

4、When we worship, God looks past our externals -words, songs, postures, actions and so on-to see the attitude of our hearts.


5、However, it is not advisable to one_sidedly and curtly make a conclusion that poetry translating only has artistic character.


6、Therefore, the landscape and pastoral poetry of Ch'ien Ch'i, in form and technique on, he succeeds Hsieh Ling-yun and Hsieh T'iao more close to Wang Wei;


7、Renaissance English pastoral poetry addicted to fantasy, which properly revealed the proud nature of the poets in the Golden Age.


8、The following poems set to now-forgotten tunes are examples of the popular literature of that period.


9、A bi-lingual verse translation of one of the greatest plays by the outstanding dramatist of Spain's Golden Age.


10、So we're talking about a poem being able to sustain itself in the world to be equal to the world.


11、The legend of Urashimataro is recorded both in earliest Japanese poetry anthology "Manyoshu" and in ancient history book "Nihonsyoki".


12、Roving is the living experience for the creation: Politices is the idealistic drive for the poet and The imperial examinations is the impetus for the improvement of art and culture.


13、It's hard to grasp the breathtaking scale of the epic war between Microsoft, Google and Apple.


14、I love how The Message paraphrases our verse today, "Give freely and spontaneously.Don't have a stingy heart.


15、From this point, the thesis attempts to apply the theory of narratology to the translation practice of narrative poetry, aiming to propose a new method to the poem translation practice and criticism.


16、He contributes to his times creative lyric poems and prose , but his criticism on other writers is obviously of duality .


17、Can be said that the Three Gorges is a poem sublime, each section of Canyon, every piece of the river, all tonal harmony.

弗莱坚持说他们的离异与文学无关。 尽管她常常怀疑布可维斯基的诗歌水平。

18、Frye insisted that their separation had nothing to do with literature, though she often doubted his skill as a poet.


19、When she had said her piece, she turned on the cassette player and put in a tape: a woman singing rancheras.


20、That is partly influenced by "respecting Du's style" and " composing poetry as prose" . So, this chapter will focus on the three facets.

21、Since Mid-Ming Dynasty, Siming poetry, prose and drama, affected by Wang Yangming's heart-and-mind aesthetics, have developed a school of its own.明中期以降,四明诗歌、散文、戏曲因受阳明心学美学影响,独树一帜。

22、By the grammar of rhetoric, knowledge was structured as poetry and dialogue -- subject to interruption, questioning, and parenthetical diversions.通过修辞语法,知识构成了诗歌和对话――易于插话,质疑以及转移话题。

23、Now The Wasteland was the first poem to have footnotes, and you have to ask yourself: what do you have to think the poem is in order to think that it needs footnotes?荒原》是第一首有脚注的诗歌,所以你们需要问问自己:,这首诗究竟有什么特别,而使得它必须要有脚注呢?

24、Two main problems in body part, namely, foreign language teaching poetry investigation and high school foreign language teaching methods of poetry.正文包括两部分内容,第一部分是有关高中语文外国诗歌教学现状调查。

25、The dealing with the actual situation ingeniously makes the whole poem demonstrates mild and roundabout twists, leaving a lasting and pleasant impressing or aftertaste wholly.巧妙的虚实处理,使诗歌整体呈现出委婉曲折而余味无穷的特征。

英文句子26:,26、Judging from his life story, poetic thought, content, artistic style, artistic methods, we can see that he is an undiscovered poem star, who deserves complete evaluation.通过对其生平的考证,对其诗歌的思想、内容、艺术风格、艺术手法全面研究,可以看出,他是一位被埋没光彩的诗星,应给予充分的评。

27、Then he saw the Kenites and uttered his oracle: "Your dwelling place is secure, your nest is set in a rock;"巴兰观看基尼人,就题起诗歌说:“你的住处本是坚固,你的窝巢做在岩穴中;

28、And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said他就题起诗歌说,比珥的儿子巴兰说,眼目闭住(闭住或作睁开)的人说

29、We have a strained image of the composition of the poem at its very outset and we have an image of someone writing as if he were participating in a race.如果一开始我们就对诗歌的创作有一种不友善的印象,那么我们就会对诗人有一种印象,就好像他正在参加一场竞赛。

30、As multi-faceted artists Botto e Bruno are working on installations as well as videos, music and poetry.波多和布鲁诺的艺术表现形式是多样的,除装置作品外,还有影像作品、音乐及诗歌。

31、This is Wallace Stevens, Wallace Stevens who said, "Poetry is a means of redemption", and meant it.这就是华莱士史蒂文斯,他说过,“诗歌是赎罪的一种方式“,并且他也是这样践行的。

32、The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.后先知书则是诗歌型和神论似的著作,预言家被认为是完成这部作品的人。

33、The study of Yueman in the past was concentrate on his Diary, poetry creation and the achievement of historiographic research.学界对越缦之关注较多集中在《越缦堂日记》、诗歌创作与主张、史学研究成就。

34、At a very early age, Milton brooded on his poetic vocation as if it were an actual calling from God.在很早的时候,弥尔顿就在沉思他的诗歌事业,就像是来自上帝真实的召唤。

35、That this great mind and great memory Let's see. On your handout I have Yeats on the subject of magic.这一伟大的思想和记忆,在你们的讲义材料上,我提到了叶芝诗歌中的魔法。

36、Li Dong is a poet in the late Tang dynasty. The writing attempts to study his composition activities in Sichuan, the time and reason and the way to Sichuan.本文根据现存文献资料,对晚唐诗人李洞的蜀中诗歌创作加以考索、辨正,并兼论其入蜀时间及原因、入蜀途径等问题。

37、And this is something to contrast with the early Yeats and its high idealism, and its drive to exist in an abstract and ideal world.这可与早期他诗歌的理想主义,致力表现,抽象理想世界作对比。

38、His poetry criticism not only has the features of the age but is also resounded with individual characteristics because o.非同寻常的经历和学识使其诗歌批评既富有时代色彩,又充满了个性特征。

39、It was the reason that we always saw Haizi being painful, lonely, drunk, wailing, and tearing up many poetry manuscripts.这就是为什么,我们经常看到海子痛苦、孤独、大醉、哭泣、撕毁很多诗歌原稿的原因。

40、The life journey rough is not good steps on, needs some people to read the song to listen to everybody, you live in my heart's strong strength, has the guts to me to stand reads the song poem!人生路途坎坎坷坷不好踩踏,需要有人念歌给大家听,你活在我心中的坚强力量,给我有胆量站出来念歌诗!

41、Nostalgia, reclusive loneliness and pastoral peace became his perpetual themes of poetry, reflecting his loyalty to the former dynasty and his determination never to serve the new rulers.对故国的怀恋、隐居乡野的落寞和田园生活的宁静成为他诗歌吟咏的主题,也是他恪守民族大义、不仕新朝的遗民情怀的诗化表现。

42、English-Canadian poetry has been shaped by a unique set of historical conditions and social developments in Canada that have affected the structure of its imaginative visions and humanistic ideology.加拿大英语诗歌在一定程度上是由加拿大独特的历史背景在不同方面对诗人的人文思想和想象力视角结构的影响中形成的。

43、You can think of many of the poems, for example, of Langston Hughes in this regard ; and of a great deal else that goes on in the Harlem Renaissance; so that's the third phase, kinship.你们可以联想到很多诗歌,比如,兰斯顿·休斯,以及很多其他诗人在哈莱姆文艺复兴时的作品;,这就是第三阶段:亲属。

44、Well, his poems themselves have an occult dimension of evoking this "great mind" and the spirits contained therein through symbols.他的诗歌有玄秘的意境,能召唤“伟大的思想“,其中灵魂通过象征体现。

45、The impressionist painting and simplistic poetry have influenced the impressionistic music in the aspect concept.印象主义的绘画和象征主义的文学诗歌,从艺术观念上影响了印象主义的音乐。

46、The kiss theology implicated in the Bible opens a new route to recognize Li Shangyin's poetry which possesses the feminine beauty.隐含在《圣经》中的亲吻神学思想开辟了认识李商隐诗歌的一条重要途径。

47、In this sense, how to understand and receive Xie's works is undoubtedly the key of the poetry development in Qi and Liang Dynasties.在这个意义上,如何认知、接受谢灵运,是齐梁时代诗歌发展的关键。

48、Then he saw the Kenites and uttered his oracle: "Your dwelling place is secure, your nest is set in a rock;巴兰观看基尼人,就题起诗歌说:“你的住处本是坚固,你的窝巢做在岩穴中;

49、This strategy enables the landscape poetry school of high Tang, with Wangwei and Meng Haoran as representatives, to enlarge language implication and demonstrate the peculiar artistic magic of Chinese.以王维、孟浩然为代表的盛唐山水诗群运用这种语言策略,增大了诗歌语言的暗示性,从而产生了特殊的艺术魔力。

50、Overall, Jiang Kui's poetry works both the inheritance trend of the times, but more importantly. it demonstrated beyond.从整体来看,姜夔的诗歌作品既有对时代风气的因袭,更主要的则表现为超越。

经典英文句子51:诗歌,51、Due to Shangguan Wan'er's effort, poetic creation in this period matured in form, and prepared for the advent of apex of poetic creation of Tang Dynasty in content, imagery, style, etc.在上官婉儿的推动下,这一时期的诗歌在形式上走向了成熟,在内容、意境、风骨方面为盛唐诗的创作做了多方面的准备。

52、A considerable number of love songs in The Book of Songs were either composed on bank of water or closely related to water .《诗经》中有相当数目的情歌吟咏于水滨河畔或与雨水密切相关。

53、But more emphasis on the pursuit of poetry in the arts, and has achieved considerable success in Shangguanyi "Qi-Cuo-Wan-Mei" and Xujingzong poetry as the main body of Chung manifestations.但更注重诗歌在艺术方面的追求,并取得了相当的成就,以上官仪的“绮错婉媚”和许敬宗的颂体诗为主要表现形式。

54、Judith Wright, a famous Australian woman poet, contributed a lot to the growth and prosperity of Australian literature with her critical theory and poetic creation.朱迪丝·赖特是澳大利亚著名的女诗人,她以卓越的文学理论和诗歌创作为澳大利亚文学的发展和繁荣做出了不朽的贡献。

55、The television obituaries that followed Mr. Kazan's death on Sunday were like an anthology of great moments in method acting.周五喀山先生去世后的电视讣告就像是一场伟大时刻的诗歌表演一样。

56、The folk song in the Han style and narrative poem are the most precious elegant works of art presented by Chinese history.汉乐府民歌叙事诗是历史馈赠给我们的不可多得的艺术珍品。

57、Modern poetry is, in all these ways, Promethean, astounding, arrogant, enormous, imprudent, visionary.综上可见,现代诗歌是普罗米修斯般令人惊骇又自大的,无穷无尽的,轻率的却又充满了幻觉的。

58、The poem Melancholy as a different case in Nan Xing s poems indicates the breakout from the world inside the Yard.而作为这一时期诗歌创作特例的《沉忧》则象征着对“庭院内的世界”的突围。

59、While other literary forms are still "dallying" when the poem has long been "on stage" input "battle" of the.当其他文学形式还在“磨磨蹭蹭”的时候,诗歌早已“粉墨登场”投入“战斗”了。

60、The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.后先知书则是诗歌型和神论似的著作,预言家被认为是完成这部作品的人。

61、The aspiration and the spirit that his poems express represent the spirit world of scholars in the middle period of Qing Dynasty.黄景仁诗歌中表现出的精神,在一定程度上代表了清中期文人的精神世界。

62、His poetry career also began in poverty and obscurity. His unfortunate life experience made the themes of his poems tragic and pessimistic.罗宾逊的诗歌事业开始的时候,他也过着清贫凄苦和默默无闻的生活。

63、In which the concrete meanings of the Avan t-guard Poetry are reflected, and what are its essential historic and poetic characteristics, is the prerequisite of a spread study;“先锋诗歌”这一概念的具体涵义到底体现在哪些方面,它所包含的历史和诗学的重要特征有哪些,这是展开研究的必要前提;

64、As a Hakka, Huang Zunxian s Hakka complex exerted a strong influence on his poetic theory and practice.黄遵宪作为客家人,其浓郁的客家情结对其诗歌理论和创作实践有着巨大影响。

65、Milton's subject in his first English poem is -- we can guess it it's his future literary career.弥尔顿在他的第一首英语诗歌里的主题,我们可以猜一下,是他将来的文学事业。

66、In the history of criticism and acceptance on Li He' s poetry, Qian Zhongshu is absolutely one of poets who can not be ignored.在李贺诗歌批评和接受史上,钱锺书是绝对不能被忽视的一位大家。

67、It differs not only from those poems which conform to the music, but also from the general poems in its theme, style, form and language.它与人乐歌辞不同,与一般的徒诗在题目、题材、形式和语言上也不同。

68、He sang songs of such beauty that the entire natural world would move and dance in response. This is the story of Orpheus that we have received up to this point in Milton's poetry.他的歌声是如此动听,整个大自然,都会随之翩翩起舞,这是到目前为止,弥尔顿的诗歌所讲述的俄耳甫斯的故事。

69、This feature has been criticized a lot, but on the other hand, his early works with purity are quite excellent.虽然这使得陈东东诗歌非议颇多,但他早期的澄澈之作是极其出色的。

70、I see this as a course that's an introduction to the literature of a period, to modern poetry.我觉得,这只是一门引导性课程,引导大家关注某一时期的文学创作和现代诗歌。

71、Although is was revised by Kongzi, the Book of Songs still reflected the current social reality, people's life style and ideological emotions, and the earliest poetry style in our country.尽管诗经经过孔子修订,但它仍充分反映了当时的社会现实、人们的生活样式和思想感情,也充分反映了我国最早的诗歌式样。

72、If the Intentional Fallacy is correct, then unearthing biographical data will not help us ascertain a poem's meaning.如果意图谬见是正确的,那么传记资料将无助于我们确认诗歌的意义。

73、In the fifth grade, Yuliya begins to sing in church choir, and traveled to Ukraine, Poland and Slovakia.早在xx年级朱莉娅就开始在教堂唱诗班唱歌,并巡演在乌克兰,波兰和斯洛伐克。

74、For this, thirty years ago, when I wrote the first poem on the way of parting homeland, I had sworn inwardly: In lifetime, I will not let an unclean word get in poem.为此,在xx年前,当我在离别故乡的远途写作第一首诗歌时,我就暗暗发誓:此一生,我不会让一个不洁的文字入诗。

75、But, Changyao is a contemporary poet, the emotion of the contents and expression that his verse presents to show, reappeared the middle of 但是,昌耀作为一个当代诗人,他的诗歌所呈示的内容及表达的情感,真实地再现了二十世纪中期以来的中国社会图景。

20 centuries really hereafter of Chinese social diagram view.


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