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关于”鼓励自己“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Encourage yourself。以下是关于鼓励自己的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage yourself


1、People ride their bicycles on Noerrebrogade boulevard, Copenhagen, on Oct

2. Copenhagen is already one of the world\s most bicycle-friendly cities.


2、We can all begin freely -- a slight preference is natural enough; but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement.

3、Passes through dark can see brightly走过黑暗就能看到光明


4、World Wildlife Fund in China launches energy-saving contest to encourage Chinese people to reduce their everyday energy consumption.


5、In fact, setting patient expectations is proven to engage patients in managing their own care and avoiding complications and readmissions, in turn driving down the overall cost of healthcare.


6、It encourages me by building up my confidence, determination and persistence.


7、So, simulation of high-stress situations, meditation and even positive self-affirmation serve as important brain nutrients.

Grails 鼓励采用自下而上的开发过程,在这种开发过程中通常从定义域模型开始。

8、Grails encourages a bottom-up development process, where you usually start by defining your domain models.


9、Although this is a cross flow world it will not hinder us to encourage the staff to achieve the good faith and fair standards words and deeds with higher moral.


10、Chen Tongbin, a biologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, says the move could also encourage leading Chinese scientists to publish their work domestically instead of in foreign journals.


11、As social entrepreneurs we spend a lot of our time mentoring, supporting and encouraging others. Mentoring programmes give us a much-needed dose of our own medicine.

12、The defeat is mother of the success失败乃成功之母


13、Instead, I encourage organizations to review whether moving any process to the cloud adds business value over that gained by keeping it in their data center.


14、I am a prime example.I encountered many obstacles in preparing for this speech contest,but the African swimmer Eric Moussambani was a great encouragement to me .


15、A park culture and innovation atmosphere of "self-design, self-operate and free competition" and "Encourage success and tolerate failure" is coming into being.


16、But I powered through, because as CEO and co-founder, I am responsible for the livelihoods of hundreds of employees and the care of millions of customers around the globe.


17、It encourages greater awareness in their rights, especially their legal rights regarding divorce.


18、Sometimes they still brabble, east, on the west, air strike rouses the ground to be angry!

认真落实鼓励自谋 职业和促进就业的优惠政策措施。

19、We should encourage people to look for jobs on their own or become self-employed and promote flexible and diverse types of employment.


20、We need to find better ways of encouraging and managing forks and allaying licensing fears.

21、Moreover, the emphasis on problem-solving serves to inspire participants to tackle real-world challenges and produce solutions that benefit others.此外,比赛强调解决问题的能力,鼓励参赛者迎接真实世界的挑战,创造利己利人的解决方案。

22、Rafael Benitez hailed Liverpool's 2-0 victory over Manchester United as the 'perfect response' and urged his side to use the triumph to embark upon a winning streak.拉法-贝尼特斯表扬球员2比0战胜曼联完美的回应,他鼓励自己的球员用这场胜利作为起点开始向胜利起步。

23、He is anti-feminist and thinks women should be discouraged from pursuing higher education; but he favours a "secular" society, supports abortion and declares himself pro-gay.他是反女权主义者,认为女性不应该被鼓励追求更高的教育;但他又赞成一个“世俗”社会,支持堕胎并宣称自己支持同性恋。

24、It is this kind of incentive for the Prut dare to vote at the last minute a key goal, which is the second year of Health also said that Rivers himself benefited from the guidance.正是这样的鼓励让普鲁特敢于在最后时刻投出关键一球,而这名xx年级生也表示,里弗斯的指导让自己受益匪浅。

25、Certainly in Princeton we encourage students to find their favorite affinity groups and make connections and then find ways to leave them as well. -Right.当然了,在普林斯顿,我们鼓励学生们,自己去找最喜欢的兴趣小组,互相交流,而且,他们也会在时候恰当之时离开那里,-的确。

英文句子26:,26、Gates earned the appreciation of his employees by leading an office as casual as a college campus and encouraging free thinking, which allowed him some leeway to exercise tough love when necessary.盖茨让办公室和大学校园一样无拘束、鼓励员工自由思考(从而为自己必要时实施“打是亲,骂是爱“创造了一些空间)而赢得了员工的赏识。

27、Promoting bicycling is part of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's agenda to create a greener, bike friendly and car-free New York.鼓励骑自行车是纽约市长彭博打造绿色环保新纽约计划的一部分。

28、The anchor John Roberts asked Davis about the church’s policy of “disconnection,” in which members are encouraged to separate themselves from friends or family members who criticize Scientology.主持人约翰 ·罗伯茨就教会的“断开”策略向戴维斯发问,这个策略旨在鼓励信徒与自己那些批评山达基的朋友、家人断绝关系。

29、For example, someone who says they have a good sense of humor could try telling jokes to lighten up business meetings or cheer up sad friends.例如,有人表示自己有幽默感,那 么他就可以尝试用讲笑话的方式来打消商务会议的沉闷或者鼓励悲伤 的朋友重新振奋。

30、Motion sensors are recommended for high-wattage security lighting, not only to save energy, but also to encourage natural surveillance.运动传感器,建议高瓦安全照明,不仅节省能源,而且还鼓励自然监视。

31、The Regis might rule for a time, but sooner or later he would assume his rightful place and rule by her side-the Sentinels would encourage him to do so!瑞吉斯或许将统治一段时间,但迟早他会获取自己的正当地位,在她身边一起统治——哨兵同盟也会鼓励他这么做的!

32、The building owners will be encouraged to participate in the scheme voluntarily while seeking compliance with the orders.此外,又鼓励业主在遵行命令的同时,自行参与楼宇安全检验计划。

33、China encourages its companies to import more from Poland. We also hope to see more two-way investment for win-win outcomes.中方鼓励中国企业扩大自波进口和扩大双向投资,实现互利共赢。

34、Australiaheld its first National Singles Day in Sept xx年xx月xx日,澳大利亚举办了首届"全国单身日"活动,鼓励单身男女构建新的关系网,组织并参加单身人士自己的活动。

17, 2009. National Singles Day encourages singles to form new networks, organize and participate in their own singles events.

35、Encourage the development of self-pressure micro-sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, tiny-stream irrigation in hilly areas where the ground has natural slopes.鼓励在山丘区利用地面自然坡降发展自压微喷灌、滴灌、小管出流等微灌技术;

36、Meanwhile, Terry revealed how match-winner Drogba had inspired Chelsea with a pre-match speech seconds before kick-off when he called all the players into a huddle in the middle of their own half.特里还透露说,开赛前片刻、德罗巴把所有队员叫道我们自己半场的中部来,做了鼓励大家的赛前讲话。

37、It was a very good start and it was very encouraging from our front players like I said.这是个很棒的开局,而且像我所说的,这是来自锋线球员对我们的鼓励!

38、So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.我因此自己勉励,对神对人,常存无亏的良心。

39、Baumeister and colleagues argue that the belief that behaviour is pre-determined encourages people to behave automatically, and often automatic behaviour is selfish.Baumeister和他的同事评论,相信行为是早就注定的信念鼓励人们自动地行动,而往往,自动的行为是自私的。

40、Apart from the judges scoring, the host also conducted an interactive session with the audiences. Audiences have expressed appreciation and encouragement on the outstanding team.在评委打分之余,主持人还进行了与观众的互动环节,真可谓是“萝卜青菜,各有所爱”,观众们对自己所欣赏的团队纷纷表示出赞赏和鼓励。

41、Our goal for World Intellectual Property Day and beyond should be to encourage young people everywhere to recognize the creator, the problem-solver, the artist within themselves.我们开展世界知识产权日活动的目地是鼓励世界各地的年轻人认识到:他们自己就是创造者、解决问题专家和艺术家。

42、The reality is that only let their hearts back tears, only time where all the lonely, to listen to their singing, clapping for themselves.现实是,只能让泪水流回心里,只能在所有寂寞的时光里,听自己歌唱,为自己鼓掌。

43、Students are encouraged to get help from others in understanding the material, but the designs and measurements they hand in must be their own work.对于课程内容有不懂之处,我们鼓励同学向他人请教,但是缴交的所有设计和量测数据都必需是同学自己的作品。

44、I saw that Ancelotti was encouraging the players even when we were 2-0 up and this is right, they have to keep giving their best.在我们已经2-0领先的时候,我看到安切洛蒂依旧还在鼓励球员们,这非常正确,他们应该拿出自己所有的力量出来。

45、We grow up in families void of affirmation, encouragement, and respect ? the building blocks to self-confidence.我们成长的家庭缺乏肯定, 鼓励和尊重, 而这些正是建立自信的基石.

46、I am a prime example. I encountered many obstacles in preparing for this speech contest, but the African swimmer Eric Moussambani was a great encouragement to me .我自己就是一个最好的例子。穆山巴尼给了我极大的鼓励。


47、Federal grants have encouraged the militarization of law enforcement, which has led to great damage to civil liberties.联邦拨款鼓励了执法机构的军事化,从而导致公民自由被更严重地践踏。

48、By stimulating industry, by rewarding ingenuity, and by using most efficaciously the peculiar powers, bestowed by nature, it distributes labor most effectively and most economically;由于鼓励勤勉、奖励智巧、并最有效地利用自然所赋予的各种特殊力量,它使劳动得到最有效和最经济的分配;

49、Steven Denning recently wrote a series of articles about high performance teams; the type of teams that Agile organisations need to encourage to be effective.Steven Denning 最近发布了与高效团队有关的一系列文章,而敏捷组织正需要鼓励自己的团队提升效率,最终成为高效团队。

50、In the few minutes of weightlessness, passengers will be encouraged to shed their seat belts and float around.而在几分钟的失重时间里,我们则鼓励乘客松开安全带自由飘浮。

经典英文句子51:鼓励自己,51、The anchor John Roberts asked Davis about the church’s policy of “disconnection, ” in which members are encouraged to separate themselves from friends or family members who criticize Scientology.主持人约翰·罗伯茨就教会的“断开”策略向戴维斯发问,这个策略旨在鼓励信徒与自己那些批评山达基的朋友、家人断绝关系。

52、You may well find the encouragement, support and financial and medical resources you need to better manage your illness and to save on your own out-of-pocket health care costs.你会得到鼓励、支持、财务和医疗方面的资源来帮助你更好地管理你的疾病和节约你自己的健康护理开支。

53、PSF: You prefer doing your work on your own in your studio?你喜欢自己一个人在录音棚里捣鼓吗?

54、The IECQ has two training programmes for assessors from Supervising Inspectorates, and manufacturers are encouraged to attend.IECQ为来自认证机构的审核员提供两个培训项目,并鼓励制造商也参加。

55、Resources are encouraged to associate themselves with as many skills as they have based on experience, including skills that are not associated with their primary competency.资源被鼓励将它们自己与尽可能多的基于经验的技能建立关联,包括没有与它们的基本能力建立关联的技能。

56、He, at last, hardened and talked about his own thoughts.最后,他终于鼓起勇气谈出了他自己的想法。

57、And feeling that you look your best can be a real confidence booster.因此,感觉到自己外表处于最佳状态真的能鼓舞你的自信。

58、2008-01-26, my 3rd birthday in Canda. Happy birthday to myself. Thank all help and encouragement from my family and friends in last year.xx年xx月xx日,我在加拿大的第3个生日了。祝自己生日快乐,也感谢所有的朋友,亲人在过去的xx年中给予我的帮助和鼓励。

59、The choosy males will try two or three different drumsticks before they settle on one they really like.挑剔的雄鸟会在使用自己真的喜欢的鼓槌前尝试两到三根鼓槌。

60、Olympic diving gold medalist Guo Jingjing said her boyfriend Kenneth Fok Kai-kong motivated her to win the gold medal as he sat among audience in the Water Cube during the diving finals.北京奥运会跳水冠军郭晶晶日前在一档电视节目中坦言,男友霍启刚现场观赛对自己而言是一种鼓励和动力。

61、So the practical upshot of this study is: don't encourage the narcissists by paying them any attention.因此,该项研究的特殊结果是:不要给予自恋者关注来鼓励他们。

62、The consulting firm McKinsey &Co. encourages its consultants to build a "spike, " or perhaps it should be called a trough: a deep knowledge of a specific industry or practice.麦肯锡公司鼓励自己的咨询顾问建立一根“鞋钉”,或者可以将其称之为水槽:对于某种特定行业或业务的深入的知识。

63、Rather than be recorded, the educators empowered the Massai with the advantage of technology to document their own experiences.不仅仅是一种记录活动,教育者鼓励Maasai人利用技术去创作自身的体验。



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