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关于”带数字“的英语句子53个,句子主体:with numbers。以下是关于带数字的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:with numbers


1、HDCP (high-bandwidth digital content protection) technology is designed to the task for digital signal transmission in the LCD TV.


2、Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 8-bit signed integer equivalent.

8 位元带正负号的整数。

请记住,在 C 语言中,字符串只是一个带有终止 NULL 字符(ASCII 0)的字符数组。

3、Remember, in C, a string is nothing but an array of characters with a terminating NULL character (ASCII 0).


4、Converts the value of the specified double-precision floating-point number to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer.

8 位带符号整数。

QR 码是一些 2-D 图像,用来携带字母数字和其他信息。

5、QR codes are 2-D images designed to carry alphanumeric and other information.


6、Converts the string representation of a number to its 8-bit signed integer equivalent.

8 位元带正负号的整数。


7、You cannot send digitally signed messages because you do not have any digital IDs.


8、Wide-band digital channelized receiver is an important part of the new generation radar.


9、Bring a cable release and a digital SLR camera.

将指定之十进位数字的值,转换为相等的 32 位元不带正负号的整数。

10、Converts the value of the specified Unicode character to the equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer.

将数字的字串表示 (使用指定之文化特性的格式),转换为它的对等

11、Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 8-bit signed integer equivalent.

8 位元带正负号的整数。

作为对比, 用数字带通滤波器检测, 正确率为9718 。

12、In contrast, detection with digital band-pass filter, the correct rate of 9718 .


13、For example, if you find that you have a gift with numbers, and you enjoy it, this is a sign that you will want to develop yourself in an area that is related to numbers.


14、This papaer design a 4-step band pass digital filter.


15、The digital channel carries a

19.39-megabit-per-second stream of digital data that your digital TV receives and decodes.



16、In high-speed wide-band- digitizer at high sweep speed, only a few samples screen.


17、This property is applicable for single line text fields that have assigned keyboard with alphanumeric keys.


18、Converts the value of the specified 16-bit unsigned integer to the equivalent 16-bit signed integer.

16 位元带正负号的整数。

尝试将数字的字串表示转换为 32 位元不带正负号的整数。

19、Tries to convert the string representation of a number to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent.

将指定基的数字的字符串表示形式转换为等效的 32 位带符号整数。

20、Converts the value of the specified double-precision floating-point number to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer.

21、Converts the value of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer.将数字的指定字符串表示形式转换为等效的

8 位带符号整数。

22、Peng Zhiqiang Guangdong Global Net Broadband Digital Technology Co. , Ltd.广东环网宽带数字技术有限公司;

23、Converts the value of the specified decimal number to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer.将指定之数字的字串表示,转换为相等的 32 位元带正负号的整数。

24、Calling the function with no parameters, with a noncontainer data type, or with a container that holds non-numeric data results in an error.如果调用不带任何参数的函数、带非容器数据类型的函数或带内含非数字数据的容器的函数,就会导致出错。

25、It was combined with integer wavelets with parameter and error-correct code to design a translucent digital watermark.结合带参数的整数小波变换与纠错编码设计了一种半透明数字水印。

英文句子26:,26、Magnetic-tape units are compatible with IBM-type digital computers.磁带单元与IBM型数字计算机是配套的。

27、Converts the value of the specified decimal number to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer.将指定之数字的字串表示,转换为相等的 64 位元不带正负号的整数。

28、The Rotating Head Digital Cassette Recorder is a new generation of High Density Digital Recorder( H DDR). There arc many advantages. such as compactness. light. and high tape-usage factor etc.旋转磁头数字盒带记录仪是新一代高密度数字磁带记录仪,它具有体积小,重量轻,磁带利用率高等一系列优点。

29、Two Word Digital Generator capable of supplying Digital Simulations of ARINC 568, 582 and 429 (Hi & Lo Frequencies) with both Static and Dynamic Rates is available.有一个2位数的数字发生器,能够提供ARINC 568、 582 和429 (高&低频率)的数字模拟,并带有静态和动态速率。

30、Converts the value of the specified double-precision floating-point number to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer.将指定基的数字的字符串表示形式转换为等效的 64 位带符号整数。

31、We also made the COF using frame memories and digital BPF and adders and digital balancer. The COF filter's feature is required.利用帧存储器作延迟线,结合数字带通滤波器、加法器和数学平衡器等组成数字梳状滤波器,形成所需要的滤波特性。

32、Digital filter with low pass, high pass, band pass, notch and all-pass and other types.数字滤波器有低通、高通、带通、带阻和全通等类型。

33、The groupingUsed attribute takes a Boolean value and controls whether digits before the decimal point are grouped.groupingUsed 属性带有布尔值并控制是否要对小数点前面的数字分组。

34、The Font Bank takes this mission into the digital realm.字库工程将把这个使命带入数字领域。

35、It adopts the digital method, which can produces baseband noise sequence that includes digital low-pass filter and it also can update the noise bandwidth and amplitude at any moment.该数字噪声信号发生电路采用数字方法生成基带噪声序列,并加入数字低通滤波,可在线修改噪声带宽和幅度。

36、The technology of direct digital frequency synthesis has been most developed in the recent years. At the same time, the digital intermediate frequency signal processors are also presented.基于近年来数字频率合成技术的发展和大量数字中频产品的出现,本文提出了一种利用数字上变频技术进行基带信号的数字域调制和频率变换的方法。

37、The development of the library digitization ask for centralized storaging and backuping the large a-mount digital resources.数字化图书馆的建设与发展所带来的海量数字资源提出集中存储与备份的需求。

38、Now digital cameras and Internet penetration, the number of people into the information age.如今数码相机及网络的普及,将人们带入了数字信息时代。

39、The MPEG ?标准、DVB 系列标准的完善, 数字有线网络已经成为能容纳数字视频业务、宽带数据业务、交互业务的网络。

2 and DVB standard had made the digital cable network that can implements digital video service, broadband data service as well as interactive service.

40、St Ryde has a wide range of characters, including small caps, lining, proportional and tabular figures plus small caps figures, too.St Ryde字十符分丰富,包括字母、内衬、匀称扁平的数字,还有带小帽的数字。

41、The figures, which cover 2002–2007, offer plenty of good news.这些数字涵盖了2002-xx年,它们带来了很多好消息。

42、CATV STB is not only an end-platform of digital television and integrated services based on CATV, but also the most significant gangplank of holistic shifting to digital television.有线数字电视机顶盒是用户接收数字电视和CATV宽带综合业务的终端平台,也是实现有线电视向数字化整体平移的战略跳板;

43、Meanwhile, digital computers are increasing exponentially in processing power, memory storage and communications bandwidth.同时,数字计算机的处理能力、存储空间和带宽正呈几何级数增长。

44、Digital Broadcasting already revolutionized the television industry resulting in, among other things, Internet connection and full high definition TV.由数字广播所带动的电视数字化、网络化、及高清化趋势在今年更加确定并且蓬勃发展。

45、The function takes a format string and a variable number of arguments.函数随带一个格式化字符串和一个可变数目的参数。

46、Digital backups of vinyl and cassette recordingsvinyl 和磁带录制的数字备份

47、Most people have passwords that are alphanumeric or, in the case of a security-conscious individual, alphanumeric with the addition of other keyboard symbols.大多数人拥有字母数字式密码,或者有安全意识的人,拥有附带其他键盘符号的字母数字式密码。

48、Moldova 摩尔多瓦人忌讳13这个数字,喜欢7这个数字,认为7能带来成功和幸福。

13 the number of people taboo , like the number


7, that can bring success and happiness.

49、Broadband Digital Symmetrical Cable: Conform to the standard:YD/T818. Usage:Mainly used for connection between digital switching equipments and Broadband Networks.宽带数字对称电缆: 符合标准:YD/T818。 用途:电缆主要用于数字交换设备之间的连接,也用于宽带网络传输。

50、Fliqlo mimics an old school clock with flipping digits.fliqlo模仿的是带有转动数字的老式学校时钟。

经典英文句子51:带数字,51、Converts the value of the specified decimal number to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer.将指定之数字的字串表示,转换为相等的

16 位元不带正负号的整数。

52、"Employers love to see experience with numbers attached, " notes Lyden.赖登指出:“雇主喜欢求职者的履历中带有数字说明。

53、long double IEEE double extended floating point exponent of longdouble IEEE双字节扩展浮点数

15 bits and signed fraction of 64 bits

15 位指数,64位带符号小数

54、Writes the text representation of a 4-byte signed integer followed by a line terminator to the text stream.撰写

4 位元组带正负号整数的文字表示,并加上行结束字元到文字资料流。

55、In fact, the Skyworth digit set-top box is a member of the wide band synthesis information network before popularizing digital television.实际上,创维数字机顶盒是在走普及数字电视机之前宽带综合信息网的组成成员这

56、Digital multimeters have a bandwidth of roughly half the conversion rate (readings per second) at the display.数字多用表的带宽粗略地为其显示读数的变换速率(每秒钟的读数次数)的一半。

57、It can produce broad-band white noise which has normal distribution, digit noise, and digit increment noise.它能够产生正态分布的宽带自噪声、数字噪声和数字增量噪声。

58、Broadcasters have the ability to use this stream in several different ways. For example广播商可以在数字频道内发送码率为




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