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关于”爱情的诗歌“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Poetry of Love。以下是关于爱情的诗歌的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of Love


1、Jessie: So you think that you must be in love to sing a love song?


2、That ’80s power ballad had it all wrong. Love may keep you from hurting.


3、Cause u are all that I 've been searching for the way you make me feel adored.


4、From this point of view, the love theme of Changhenge is logically reliable.


5、As the songs of art, film songs become lyric movement that people love deeply.


6、Just tell us the songs we might have left out and share your love stories with us.


7、With lyrics that speak of finding love and forever love, it’s not surprising that some of them are favorite wedding songs. Many are also romance movie standards.

能把整首国歌从头唱到尾的英国人只占29%,而25%的英国民众认为传统歌曲《希望和荣耀之土》(Land of Hope and Glory)比国歌更具爱国之情。

8、Just 29% of people can sing the whole song. And 25% said Land of Hope and Glory makes them feel the most patriotic anyway.


9、He said the song is a symbol of their love and Scientology is a basis for their companionship.


10、Kelly: And at night I like to sing along with my favorite love songs.


11、Kasey, who is becoming famous in the music scene, had been writing him a song every year. However, the first song she receives from Mozi predicts the end of their relationship.


12、Mother love is resemble one deep love song , euphemistic melodious, the tray sings light song;

13、need you now too perfect 爱情公寓2插曲英文歌 destiny 艾薇儿婚礼背景音乐

它(歌剧)利用人的歌声, 以其特有的自然力,来冲击观众的基本情感——爱、恨、嫉妒、快乐、悲伤。

14、S11: It uses the human voice to impinge upon the spectators the basic emotions—love, hate, jealousy, joy, grief—.


15、If I love you--- I will never be a spoony bird Repeating the monotonous song for a green shade;


16、Up to the present, it is unknown that so many people pour out their soul. They sing a lot of love-paeans with vehement passions.


17、Freda Bright says, Sale north face, "Only in opera do people die of love."


18、Aaron loves to sing. He can sing anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances. He is also recognized as having the best singing voice in Fahrenheit.


19、When two-fold silence was the song of love.


20、As its title suggests, "Love Affair" is an album about people and their relations. The songs evoke intimacy and demand attention and proximity.

21、The case of Perry and Brand has proved that the "singer-and-actor" formula can go wrong, and turn ugly.凯蒂•佩里和拉塞尔•布兰德的爱情之路证明了“歌手配演员”式的恋情也会出错,甚至反目成仇。

22、All the songs of the east speak of the love of the nightingale for the rose in the silent starlight night.东方所有的歌曲都歌诵着夜莺对玫瑰花的爱情。

23、Different from Yuan Mei who focused on "disposition", Hong put more attention on "emotion", holding that the natural "emotion" was the nature of poetry.不过与袁枚关注“性情”不同洪大容更多地强调的是“情”,认为自然之“情”才是诗歌的本质。

24、No matter how many times you hear it, a list of love songs wouldn't be complete without this splendid song (and reminder).无论你把这歌听多少遍,一大堆的爱情歌曲都不能与这首了不起的歌相提并论。

25、It's a changing process for the original tragic theme of Li and Yang's love story.李、杨爱情故事的悲剧母题从《长恨歌》到《梧桐雨》有一个嬗变的过程。

英文句子26:,26、The song ever and very liked. Can always let me remind of youth and love…这歌曾经很喜欢,听来能让我们想起年青和爱情。

27、A Sinatra love ballad sung in Spanish echoes from a corner dive bar.角落的休闲酒吧传出由西纳特拉演唱的西班牙爱情民谣,歌声回荡在四周。

28、This operatic comedy is about love as destiny. Loretta's mother tries to convince her not to marry for love because "When you love them, they drive you crazy, because they know they can."这部歌舞爱情喜剧向我们讲述了爱情是靠缘分的:Loretta的母亲试图劝她不要为了爱而结婚,因为“当你爱上那些男人,他们会把你逼疯,因为他们知道为了爱你会这么做!”

29、The tiny love ballad comes from the equally small Irish film "Once," and defeated three flashy songs from Disney musical blockbuster "Enchanted."这首小情歌出自同样“小”制作的爱尔兰电影《曾经》,打败了迪斯尼的佳作《魔法奇缘》中的三首华丽歌曲。

30、She is good at, as the growth of the age, she also longing for love and marriage;她能歌善舞,随着年龄的增长,她也渴望爱情和婚姻;

31、Many star-chasers leeched onto the pop singer.许多追星族死缠那位红歌星,表示爱慕之情。

32、Most duets are slow, tender love songs.大部分二重唱是慢而柔和的爱情歌曲。

33、Think about all the romantic movies you've seen, all the pop songs you've heard, all the TV family sitcoms you've watched.想一下所有看过的爱情片,听过的流行歌,电视里家庭剧。

34、This falling in love and being hurt, falling in love with love, that song that Marlene Dietrich sings must be ecstatic.这种坠入爱河并被伤害,爱上了爱情,这首歌,玛琳黛德丽唱必须欣喜若狂。

35、Contrary to the anatomy referenced in all of our favorite love songs, love (as with every other emotion we feel) is not rooted in the heart, but in the brain.与所有我们喜欢的爱情歌曲的歌词相反(及我们能感知的其他感情),爱并非来源于心灵,而是大脑。

36、Renaissance English pastoral poetry addicted to fantasy, which properly revealed the proud nature of the poets in the Golden Age.文艺复兴时期的田园诗歌耽于幻想,是“黄金时代”文人们孤高性情的体现。

37、The border Town is more a grievous custom elegy than a moving love eclogue.《边城》与其说是一只悱恻动人的爱情牧歌,不如说是一只悲切哀婉的风俗挽歌。

38、The story behind this lyric is kind of my little love story.这首歌背后就是我的一个小小爱情故事。

39、Come, let our as much as one likes put a song, let green hill witness our situation, let purl taking our love.来吧,让我们纵情放歌,让青山见证我们的情,让潺潺流水带着我们的爱。

40、Bai's "southern complex" is fully reflected in a large number of his creative works of poetry concentrating on the south of the Yangtze.白居易的江南情结,充分反映在他以江南为对象创作的大量诗歌作品中。

41、"Romantic love, " Meston and Buss write, "is the topic of more than 梅斯顿和布斯写道,“爱情是iTunes上一千多首歌曲的主题。”

1, 000 songs sold on iTunes."

42、There was a time when love was blind, and the world was a song, and the song was exciting!曾几何时, 赒爱情无所禁忌,世界是一首歌,歌声动人心弦!

43、My latest hoddy is a quite challenging one because I try to write down the lyrics of the English songs from the radio.我最近的爱好是听广播的时候,把英文歌曲的歌词写下来,这是一个非常富有挑战性的事情。

44、I'm gonna give my all again takin' a chance on love.歌词大意: 我要去给我所有再次冒着极大的机会在爱情上。

45、Life is a song----sing it.人生是首歌----尽情歌唱吧!

46、So Love went back to basics, dreaming up an album that would be all about songs.所以“爱情乐队”追根溯源,正构想一张全部关于歌曲的专辑。

47、The main themes of tamburitza songs are the common themes of love and happy village life.坦姆布里扎琴演奏的歌曲的主题是通常是爱情和愉快的乡村生活。

48、People have different opinions about the lyrics of love songs. However, I am surprised at the writers'present wits and their careful observation of reality.尽管人们对爱情歌词褒贬不一,我在搜集大量爱情歌词的时候,还是会惊叹于某些作词人的睿智以及他们对生活观察的细腻深刻。

49、This is probably why songs about love are so popular among the youth.这也许就是为何爱情歌曲在年轻人中如此流行的原因吧。

50、“Muse” is musical vase which can sing serenades to you and your favorite plant.“缪斯”(Muse)是音乐花瓶,可以给你和你心爱的植物唱情歌。

经典英文句子51:爱情的诗歌,51、Love's pain sang round my life like the unplumbed sea.爱情的痛苦,像深不可测的大海,围绕着我的生命歌唱;

52、The theme song 'I will also fall in love with someone', both are good in terms of lyrics and melody.主打歌《我也会爱上别人的》曲词俱佳,是首抒情的中慢板作品,歌者的演绎冷静中不失感情,声线也十分吸引。

53、With a Special Song Mix: Burn a few of your favorite love songs or songs to a CD that have a special meaning to you and your partner.歌曲串烧:把你最喜欢的爱情歌曲刻进一张对你和你的爱人有特殊意义的CD里吧。

54、At this point, it is so much akin to love that there are more love songs than anything else.就此而言,音乐与爱情最为向近,所以人间的情歌比什么歌都多。

55、He contributes to his times creative lyric poems and prose , but his criticism on other writers is obviously of duality .他为时代奉献了有独创性的抒情散文与诗歌,但其文学评论却明显具有双重性。

56、However, Tom is adamant. He said the song is a symbol of their love and Scientology is a basis for their companionship.他说,这首歌是他和凯蒂爱情的象征,而科学神教则是他们相爱的基础。

57、For the competition, young people from the minority groups climb up to the hill top and sing a love song for their lovers.的竞争,从少数民族年轻人爬上山顶,唱情歌的爱好者。

58、In the following song, singer Dolly Parton tells her new love that her old flames, her old lovers, cannot compare with him.在下面的歌曲,歌手多莉帕顿告诉她的新爱,她的旧情人,她的旧情人,不能与他相比。

59、Themes of these songs include love, mourning, education and daily life.歌曲的主题包括爱情、悲恸、教育和日常生活。

60、He serenades her every night, buys her gifts, and gives her money, but to no avail—Alisoun loves Nicholas.他每晚为她唱情歌、赠送礼物、甚至金钱,但都徒劳无功,因为爱丽桑深爱著尼古拉斯。

61、Puccini's opera " Tosca " inside a popular arias called the "art of love".普契尼的歌剧《托斯卡》里面一首脍炙人口的咏叹调叫《为艺术,为爱情》。

62、However, many other singers are good at singing about a range of feelings between love and hate.然而也有很多歌手擅长唱爱与恨之间的各种情感。

63、They are the subject of many songs because for men they represent a symbol of affection.烈焰红唇是很多歌曲的主题,因为对男人而言,这是爱情的象征。

64、That was the song "Magnificent. " Like many of U2's songs, it is an expressive love song with a melody that is hard to forget.这就是歌曲“ MAGNIFICENT ”,和许多U2 乐队的歌曲风格一样,这首歌曲用优美的音调表达爱情,让人难以忘怀。

65、Why is life everlasting and unchanging rarely seen legends, epic love story?为什么生活中很少见到传说中天长地久,可歌可泣的爱情故事?

66、Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who, without feeling, broke the hearts of their lovers.近几年有几首流行歌曲唱得就是无情的男人和无情的女人,他(她)们没有感情、伤透了爱人的心。

67、Tonight Seeking Hither My Presence…O Love, from Thy Power (Samson and Delilah , Act 2歌剧《参孙与达丽拉》中的“今晚在这儿寻找我的神灵……哦,爱情来自你的权力”

68、Margo: That's why I don't understand all these plays about love-starved southern women.玛歌:那就是为什么我不明白所有这些爱情饥饿的南方女人戏。


标签: 英文 爱情 诗歌

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