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关于”暗示分手“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Hint to break up。以下是关于暗示分手的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Hint to break up


1、The square between Jupiter and Saturn denotes some problems with self-esteem.


2、It was indicative of my shift in priorities that I chose math, although I was better at handball.

但国泰君安证券分析师Wang Hu表示,最新数据暗示经济已然触底.

3、But the latest data suggested that the economy had touched bottom, said Wang Hu, an economist with Guotai & Junan Securities in Shanghai.

我暗示他的轻率, 他的愚蠢, 但他没有觉察我的暗示。

4、I hinted at his imprudence, his folly, but he did not take my hint.


5、Some men are very skilled at reading affective cues, " Farris told LiveScience, "and some women find the task challenging.


6、Other officials suggested the term implies debtholders agreeing on a voluntary basis to accept later repayment.


7、I appreciate it more than Ican say.


8、The wrasse's stripes may signal that it is a useful helper rather than a ready meal.


9、If shoe ark is belonged to bright shown space, so different material shop is chosen to stick on porch ground level ground, be a suggestion is divisional .


10、Some of the dim branches exhibit bright recoil leaders.


11、The difference of the suggestibility between experimental group and comparative group is significant.


12、His words implied displeasure.


13、I wish I could translate the hints about the dead young men and women.


14、When a left hand has been stenciled, this implies that the artist was right-handed, and vice versa.


15、The opposition between Jupiter and Saturn suggests difficulty in recognizing personal limitations.


16、Wands suggest journeys and changes.


17、Smaolach put a finger to his lips, and I took the hint.


18、Take advantage of word and score multiplying power-ups as well as Discard and Hint Accumulators .


19、Are you implying me?


20、This will launch a pattern where gray-market handsets continue to decrease in unit shipments for the next four years, IHS indicated.

21、The band director cued the drums to begin.乐队指挥暗示鼓手们敲起来。

22、Experiment Research on Developing the College Students Learning Potential by Using Hint Teaching Technique;学生们将详细学习针灸、顺势疗法、骨疗手法以及暗示疗法。

23、Google expects to complete the transaction by early 2012, and is on the hook for a breakup fee of $2.5 billion in cash, according to a person familiar with the matter.据知情人士透露,谷歌预计xx年初前能完成此次交易,交易的“分手费”为25亿美元现金。 高额分手费可能暗示一些人担心此次交易的前景,即交易能否获监管层批准。

24、That was an implication.而这是一个暗示。

25、Photographers and designers can surely think of many ways to visually imply more by not showing the whole, that is, showing more by showing less.摄影师和设计师一定能想到很多的不展示整体的视觉的暗示,也就是通过展示小部分来显示更多。

英文句子26:,26、The text is damaged, but what remains does not imply the end of time.碑文已有残缺,但剩余部分并未有对末日的暗示。

27、And if they are, does their being temporally extended imply they have "temporal parts"?如果是,是否其时间中的延展暗示它拥有“时间性的部分”?

28、So some of this seems to be, you're suggesting, a kind of a cultural convention and pressure.所以其中部分因素,你暗示了,出自文化传统和压力。

29、It signifies that you're in the club” – much as a certain kind of handbag or shoe does.它暗示着你很入流”——就像某种手包或鞋子一样。

30、Despite its tablet-centric design, Google has dropped several hints that Honeycomb could eventually reach smartphones.谷歌已经释放一些暗示,Honeycomb可能最终到达智能手机。

31、The linear shape of Cu ore-bodies may imply the existence of syngenetic faults.铜矿体的线性分布特征可能暗示着同生断层的存在。

32、I hinted at his imprudence.我曾暗示他的不谨慎。

33、On China's, even those suggesting something as innocuous as a dialogue are being pilloried as "traitors".在中国,即使这些暗示无伤大雅的对话正在被作为叛国者而上颈手枷。

34、In this section, I will introduce some of the implications of taking the variance-governance approach.在此部分中,我将介绍采用方差治理方法的一些暗示。

35、The hand design changed, though, perhaps suggesting yet another Nikto sub-race not yet accounted for.手部设计也被更改了,这也许暗示着又一个未加说明的尼克托人亚种。

36、Movable splitters should always advertise their pliancy with cursor hinting.可移动的分割线应该借助光标暗示显示其受范性。

37、Close examination of his hand revealed a partially healed injury, suggestive of a defensive wound from an earlier fight.紧密的检查他的手发现了部分已愈合的伤口, 暗示着之前搏击时抵抗所受的伤。

38、In fact, dark matter seems to act as a scaffold on which visible matter is arranged.实际上,暗物质的分布如同脚手架,可视星体在其上分布。

39、Oliphant is quietly suggesting that Bolton is a narrow-minded zealot.奥列芬特在此不动声色地暗示,伯尔顿是个思想狭隘的狂热分子。

40、To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.为了暗示谈话的结束,在你耳朵边拍手,做鬼脸。

41、In the dark, across the street from the store, Hector watches, the number 911 is still on his cell phone.在店铺对面街道的暗处,Hector看着这一切,他的手机屏幕上显示着“911”。

42、Implication education, closely related to the individual subconsciousness, attaches importance on the initial effect, which is important in the personality education.而暗示教育(分为自暗示与他暗示)则由于与个体的潜意识的紧密相连,注重原动力效应,在人格教育中显得至关重要。

43、"Hand Reaching for the Stars may not be his way, would not be the primary sludge, " subtly pasted.“伸手摘星,未必如愿,亦不致一手污泥”暗暗自勉。

44、The article is full of suggestions.这篇文章充满了暗示。

45、He can’t be counted on to respond to my pinching, even when it produces a bruise.尽管我十分用力地拧他的手臂 他也不会有回应.他老是忘记我的暗示 就算被拧得瘀青都不会记得.

46、Although previous studies have shown a limp , 'wet fish' handshake indicates shyness, and a firm ' pump ' confidence, there has been little evidence about the effect this has on an interviewer.尽管先前的研究显示,一个软弱无力的“湿鱼”握手暗示着胆怯,而一个有力的“劲握”则象征着满满的自信心,不过还没有多少证据显示出握手对面试考官的影响。

47、We're not insinuating anything.我们没有暗示什么。

48、I think this is a hint in the film, suggesting Agam has a purity insipid beautiful character.我想,这是影片中的一种暗示,暗示着阿甘的人品的纯洁平淡而美丽。

49、The gaps between the murders also suggest the killer may have been a traveller.各案件的时间间隔也暗示凶手或许是位旅人。

50、Hubble's Cluster Lensing and Supernova Survey- CLASH - is charting the distribution of dark matter in 25 clusters.哈勃的集群透镜和超新星调查显示将暗物质的分布分成了25个部分。

经典英文句子51:暗示分手,51、His grueling schedule is just one not-so-subtle hint of what he expects from employees.他总是排得满满的日程,就不太隐晦地暗示出他对手下员工的期望。

52、Ragged clothing infers poverty.破衣烂衫暗示贫穷。

53、This is your way of saying i should break up with vanessa?So me and you can. embrace our fate.你是在暗示我应该和瓦内萨分手吗?这样我和你就能,-拥抱我们的命运。

54、It is the ultimate suggestion of respect when opponents use terms normally associated with Bruce Bowen.当对手把通常形容Bruce Bowen的术语用在你身上时,这是尊重的终极暗示。


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