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It's like”也被称为明喻。

1、It's like" is also known as a simile.


2、Neither can the mind be explained by similes and parables.


3、But Starbucks held an inexplicable attraction for me.


4、I think Hartman is absolutely right to note that it's this aspect of Milton's similes that sets them entirely apart from the similes in any other epic poem.


5、The body parts are best compared in similes .


6、It's an allegory precisely cleverly introduced by language about the inefficacy of speech.


7、The similarities between the vehicles in Chinese and English reveal that people from different nations share the general and common knowledge about the world.


8、Two visible ways in which children demonstrate their metalinguistic awareness are through creating humorous utterance and using figurative utterance.


9、Okay. First of all, let's look at the simile that compares Satan's shield to the moon.


10、This is the simile of what I have just given to you.


11、Now the metaphor is coming to life. Several personal drones are scheduled for completion next year.

又说,神的国,我们可用什么比较呢。 可用什么比喻表明呢。

12、And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it?


13、The teacher compared the heart to a pump to illustrate its function.


14、Aziz; in the sight of Fielding, the whole India seems to be effected by the echo.


15、His angels-on-a-pin distinction that other dalliances had not crossed a line.


16、It is easy to see that the people of different cultures have always copied each other.


17、Yu was also involved in the panel charged with reforming the news program.


18、Similes set off an exciting chase scene in an adventure in language arts.


19、It is easy to see thabout the people of different cultures haudio-videoe frequently copied every other.


20、His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.

21、One of the main pillars of jargon has always been metaphor, both sporting and mixed.隐喻从来都是行话的一个主要支柱,既可卖弄才华,又语焉不明。

22、They may say, for example, that a certain scriptural account of creation is a metaphor.例如他们可能说某些圣经创造的说明就是一个隐喻。

23、Metaphor is the bringing together in a statement of identity of the discourse that's attempting to articulate itself.比喻就是表述,试图自我阐明交谈特点的过程。

24、So think of the article on Milton's similes by Geoffrey Hartman.想一想杰弗里哈特曼关于弥尔顿的明喻写的文章。

25、How then will you understand any parable?这样怎能明白一切的比喻呢?

英文句子26:,26、The poem seems unusually self-conscious about the role that its similes play.这首诗看起来不同于往常地,对明喻在其中扮演的角色有所自知。

27、The defying of logic and the introduction of absurd allegories give an interesting edge to his works.蔑视逻辑和抽象比喻的说明,这也成为他作品一种有趣的优势。

28、Sure to make the reader as happy as a clam, this bright simile story also includes a clear explanation of similes and shows how to include similes in a story.当然,以使该高兴,因为蛤蜊的读者,这明亮的比喻故事还包括明喻明确解释,并说明如何将其纳入一个故事比喻。

29、Galileo appears in the simile but actually seems to be unnecessary for the general purposes of the comparison.伽利略在这个明喻中出现了,但明显他对于,这个对比的整体目的来讲是可有可无的。

30、"The reforms will create greater diversity and competition in the sector," said Yu.“这些改革将加强业界多元化及竞争。” 喻国明说。

31、The realization of the underlying emotional metaphors and metonymies in the characters is influenced by context.对汉字在具体语境中的分析表明,语境对隐喻和转喻在语言中的实现过程中存在着一定的影响。

32、Above all were embodied in the economic lexicon of Yu Shi Ming Yan.这些在《喻世明言》的经济词汇中都有所体现。

33、Milton's similes are notoriously difficult as you no doubt have already experienced.弥尔顿的明喻众人皆知的,非常难懂,正如你们已经领教过的。

34、The study indicates that the translators, in most cases, have kept the image unchanged when they do the metaphor translation.本研究表明,译者在处理《围城》中的隐喻时,尽可能地采取了保留喻体的方式。

35、To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.使人明白箴言和譬喻,懂得智慧人的言词和谜语。

36、The simile is a common device and a useful one, but similes coming in rapid fire, one right on top of another, are more distracting than illuminating.明喻是常用的修辞术,也很好用,但是像连珠炮式的比喻与其说是富有启发性,不如说是在转移注意力。

37、The result of this study reveals that metonymy helps the reader reconstruct textual coherenc…研究结果表明,转喻对名词回指现象具有一定的解释力。

38、Simile makes the finishing point in Chinese and English.在英汉语言中,明喻都起到了画龙点睛的作用。

39、Eating fish has been shown to be highly beneficial for infant brain development, but what about healthy skin?研究表明吃鱼对婴儿大脑发展十分有帮助,这是不喻自明的。但是对健康的皮肤又有什么作用呢?

40、And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?又对他们说,你们不明白这比喻吗。 这样怎能明白一切的比喻呢。

41、Metonymy is found to form an important basis for organizing narrative content and narrative segments.研究表明,转喻是组织叙事内容、布局叙事片段的重要依据。

42、There are many dari ng similes in this book.这本书中使用了很多明喻。

43、Simile is based on a comparison between two things or phenomena that have certain characteristics in common and indicates the similarity relationship of the signified and the signifier.明喻是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比说明本体和喻体之间的相类关系。

44、It probes the metonymy classifications and the metonymy motivations of a concept with multi-forms within the HAPPY frame.探讨了"喜悦"框架中以转喻映现为基础的汉语成语转喻类别及多种形式表征的转喻动因。

45、The narrative compares Vere to Abraham and Billy to Isaac . Is the comparison justified?拿亚伯拉罕和比利比较维尔与以萨。证明比喻正当性。

46、By using the metaphor, we can epitomize problems visually, and can make language vivid, brilliant, and full of the expressive and infective forces.运用隐喻,能形象而概括地说明问题,使语言生动、鲜明、富有表现力与感染力。

47、Complaining about human nature yesterday and today, and expecting a different outcome tomorrow, is no more wise than banging one's figurative head against the metaphorical wall of human nature.抱怨人性昨天和今天,明天期待不同的结果,是撞不超过一个人的反对人性的隐喻喻头墙明智的。

48、In addition, media environment is measured by Yu' s media index(2008-2012).此外,通过喻国明的传媒发展指数(2008-2012)衡量媒介环境。

49、The question is a comparison between himself and Lee Myung-bak.这个问题是对他自己和李明博的一种比喻。

50、These studies demonstrate that "human emotions, which are abstract in nature, are largely conceptualized and expressed in metaphorical terms."这些研究主要表明了,人类的情感是抽象的,但是它们又通过隐喻和转喻来进行概念化和表达。

经典英文句子51:明喻,51、Her mother, Chiyo Fukuhara, was also a renowned table tennis player in Japan.她的妈妈福原织月也是一名日本家喻户晓的乒乓球明星。

52、But today, only 10% of viewers tune in for the nightly news, according to Yu.但据喻国明说,目前只有10%的观众收看《新闻联播》。



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