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关于”表扬孩子“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Praise the child。以下是关于表扬孩子的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise the child


1、At the same time, there are still many people who live under the traditional ideas that day schools play an extremely important role in children's study.


2、The baby had picked up the ashtray and put it on her head for a hat and was waiting for praise .


3、You are such a smart boy/girl.

on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多

4、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?


5、The front photo of today's Yangtse Evening Post shows a girl playing in the snow in Nanjing.


6、Your children conduct themselves well.


7、Kids praised for their smarts, on the other hand, were easily discouraged.

on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说

8、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?

on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么好的

9、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?


10、Undeserved praise will cause more pangs of conscience later.


11、I wish these children will keep voyaging towards their wonderful lives with sails of love.


12、When it comes to educating children, encouragements work much better than criticisms.

13、为孩子们表演节目的 Acting on the show for children 为孩子们表演节目的 Acting on the show for children


14、The Panxi granulite is the most important part of Kangding complex.


15、Rather, it's best to avoid too much non-specific praise as well as too much judgment.


16、Have faith in the Yankees my son. Think of the great DiMaggio.


17、Zhang Lu the teacher home visits, from praise a child advantage begins, Deng Yong is hospitable, polite, labor of love, tell sanitation.

我很喜欢看着小伙子踢球。” 海涅表扬道。

18、It is fun watching the lad", praised Heine."


19、COMMENDATION】He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.


20、A young child plays outside in the dust and stones of Blikkiesdorp's communal area.

21、A circus show entertains children.马戏表演使孩子们兴高采烈。

22、Children squint as wind whips the grey sand into their faces.当一阵狂风吹得沙土飞扬的时候,孩子们不由自主地眯起双眼。

23、With that windfall, Baekeland, with his wife and two children moved to Yonkers.带着这笔意外之财,贝克兰及其妻子、他们的两个孩子移居到了扬克斯。

24、We had two more children, Wei Ling in 1955 and Hsien Yang in 1957.我们有了多两个孩子。玮玲在xx年出生,显扬则在xx年出生。

25、"They recognize their kids when they do good things and praise them, but they offer direction and correction when they get off a little bit," he says.“当孩子们做好事时,父母们会意识到给予孩子表扬,但当孩子们有一点失误是,家长就会提供正确的指导和修正方法,”他说。

英文句子26:,26、Choose slightly harder books to read or more difficult chores to do around the house and be sure to praise them each time they succeed at those tasks.选择阅读难度稍高的书籍,或周围更难做的杂活,并且每次在孩子成功完成任务后记得表扬他们。

27、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,

28、Some netizens praised the boy with scornful expressions that he revealed his true nature and was full of childlike innocence.有网友将这个小男孩封为”不屑弟”,表扬他展现出孩童应有的纯真。

29、Gavroche cast a pleased eye on the blanket.伽弗洛什扬扬得意地望着那条毯子。

30、Acting on the show for children为孩子们表演节目的

31、“I get complimented on how much I help at home, Cecilia gets no such gratitude, ” Mr. Friberg said.“我因为在家帮忙照看孩子而备受赞誉,而塞西莉亚就没有得到多少表扬。” 弗里伯格先生说。

32、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么好的父母呀。

33、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么

34、The children began to perform the whole event.孩子们开始表演整个事件

35、The high polymorphism of MHC genes in Chinese alligator would be of great benefit to genetic conservation in the captive population of Chinese alligator.本文的研究结果表明扬子鳄MHC基因的多态性较高,这对扬子鳄饲养种群的遗传保护将非常有利。

36、The mommas sat in chairs with the children on their laps, trying to smile; the older children stood around them, and the support staff on both sides.“妈妈”们坐在椅子上,怀中抱着孩子,她们努力地扬起嘴角微笑,年纪较长的孩子们站在她们身旁,其他后勤人员则分立两侧。

37、The problem here is that the kid ends up relying on the parent to do, push, arrange, praise and basically rescue.这种类型的问题在于孩子总是在回应父母的安排,敦促和表扬,基本上他们是在进行救援工作。

38、Research shows that praising innate ability can actually decrease your child’s motivation and perseverance.研究发现,对孩子天赋才能加以表扬,反而会打击他的主观能动性和毅力。

39、“My cousin was a good kid, ” she said.“我表弟是一个好孩子,”她说。

40、He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为勇敢可嘉而受到赞扬.

41、Praises will not play me up to be perfect!表扬是高帽子,我没有那么好;

42、I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么好

43、The second statement creates a sense of success and self-value.第二个表扬会让孩子体会到成功和自我价值的实现。

44、In the past I sued Sohu for deleting my blog posts, but now I want to praise them.过去,我因搜狐删除我的博客帖子而起诉过它,但是现在我想表扬表扬他们。

45、He kena praised.—他被表扬了。

46、Letters of commendation.表扬信。

47、By the age of xx岁时,富裕家庭的孩子平均得到50万次表扬,8万次批评。

3, children from wealthier households hear, on average, about 500,000 encouragements and 80,000 discouragements.

48、BEIJING (AP) — Celebrity has its perks, but in Beijing, large families are not one of them.名人总是扬扬自得,但在北京,他们没有一人可以多生孩子了。

49、Give praise frequently and honestly, without overdoing it. Kids can tell whether something comes from the heart.我们只需给孩子们真诚及时的表扬,注意不要过分,孩子们是能听得出来那些话是否发自内心的。

50、I don?t like badly-behaved children.我不喜欢表现差的孩子。

经典英文句子51:表扬孩子,51、I even had an eventful "crash" at the appropriate time during the song. Oh, and there were "Doo Whop" girls on stage too!我甚至可以在大家的歌声中表扬他们,啊,还有一个女孩子在舞台上歌唱呢。

52、For example, if a child comes home with an A-minus on a test, a Western parent will most likely praise the child. The Chinese mother will gasp in horror and ask what went wrong.比如,如果孩子拿了个A-回家,西方父母大都会表扬孩子,而中国妈妈却会满脸惊恐,问哪儿错了。

53、With flags aflutter.旗子迎风飘扬。

54、I remember the dust rising from the steps as children ran to their classrooms.我记得,当孩子们跑跳着进入教室时,楼梯上飞扬的厚厚尘土。

55、“I get complimented on how much I help at home, Cecilia gets no such gratitude,” Mr. Friberg said.“我因为在家帮忙照看孩子而备受赞誉,而塞西莉亚就没有得到多少表扬。” 弗里伯格先生说。

56、Nevertheless, students who were praised for their effort exhibited significant improvement, raising their average score by 30 percent.然而,被表扬努力的孩子展示了非常明显的进步,平均分提高了30%。

57、How many cousins do your children have?你的孩子有几个堂/表兄妹?

58、Young remains as involved as he was in the first weeks, with every aspect of our son's care.扬仍然跟孩子出生时的头几个星期那样,对我们儿子的各方面都很关心。

59、Praise them.表扬他们。

60、They actually have a soft and sensitive hearts as all the girls. Even they looks arrogant and bolshie.她们看似张扬、反叛的外表下,却如同所有的女孩子一样有一颗柔弱的内心。

61、Preobrazhenskaya, the gardener, watched with a smile, occasionally correcting a backswing or a grip, nudging the kids on with a murmur of praise and instruction: "Clever boy."琴斯格亚这个园丁面带微笑看着他们。偶尔纠正一下挥拍的姿势和握拍的要领。“聪明的男孩。”


62、He retraced his steps in anger, and threatened them with his stick: the children dispersed like a flock of birds.他狼狈地回转来,扬着棍子表示要打,孩子们也就象一群小鸟似的散了。


标签: 英文 孩子

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