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1、In this type of Skiing alone, there are a lot of Ski Tricks executed by Freestyle enthusiasts.

我喜欢滑雪, 更喜欢滑雪后的闲暇时间。

2、I enjoyed the apres ski more than the skiing itself.


3、Team events were added in Nordic combined and ski jumping.


4、Conrad has a sled, but he does not slide in it.


5、We mushed across the snow on our way to the mountain.


6、When snow crystals stick together, they produce snowflakes.


7、Lili: It includes the lift ticket, insurance, renting of sleds, skis and outer clothing, and lunch.


8、Skating boots, ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear, sn-owboardboots, wrestling boots, boxing boots and cycling shoes.


9、Avalanches are commonly thought of as snow events, butcan involve other materials as well, including rocks, ice, and debris.


10、The amount of snow this year have is below average.


11、Abby and Collin like snow. They hike in the snow.


12、Humidor boxes are the best solution for storing cigars.


13、To get around the island, one must rely on snowmobiles, cross-country skiis, or perhaps reindeer wrangling.


14、Precipitation enhancement should be conducted at the enhancing stage of snowfall.


15、It often snows, and we can play with snows or go skating.


16、Edel weiss, edel weiss, every morning you greet me.


17、This time the sledge moved a little. I hacked at the ice with my ski-pole and boot, desperately trying to break the sledge free – and heaved again.


18、When the weather turns cold, some people dream about Caribbean vacations, but others look forward to cold-weather sports: ice fishing, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing.


19、Freestyle skiing, snowboarding, and the Nordic disciplines will take place in Zhangjiakou, which is about 100 miles away.


20、Before the race starts, the luger sits up on the sled.

21、Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh.冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上。

22、Why don't' we have snow, and sleds , and hills?为什麽我们没有雪,雪橇,和丘陵?

23、Play the tournament mode with the four different disciplines - downhill, super g, giant slalom and slalom.游戏有四种不同的教学模式:斜坡滑雪、超级大回转、障碍滑雪和大型障碍滑雪赛。

24、So they have runs for different kinds of skiers?那是说他们有滑雪道给不同的滑雪者啊?

25、Snow owls.雪枭。

英文句子26:,26、A man cleans the street with a snowblower after heavy snowfall in the Thuringian Forest in Oberhof, Germany, Thursday, Dec. 在大量降雪后,一男人用吹雪机清理街上的积雪。

2, 2010. AP / Jens Meyer

27、After it had stopped snowing, we all went sledging.雪停了以后我们全去坐雪橇玩。

28、Everybody knows that skiing and snowboarding have been the most highlighted sports of the winter, but what about snowshoeing ?大家都知道,滑雪和滑雪板已成为最突出的冬季运动,可是你知道雪鞋?

29、Nearly a foot of snow clogged the streets and sidewalks as people began digging out of a storm.暴风雪过后,将近一英尺厚的积雪堵塞了街道,于是人们开始铲雪。

30、They tossed snowballs at each other and made snow angels.他们互丢雪球,还玩做雪天使的游戏。

31、Snow Blower for sdark you should beer…only used on snowy days.出卖清雪机……仅能在雪天利用。

32、There is so little snow this year, so the sports association made snow with machine to create ski slope for the ski contest.今年降雪少,因此运动协会人工降雪为此次滑雪比赛建造…

33、This all over the sky snow, against the snow only farewell.这满天冬雪,迎着雪花只为告别。

34、Let happiness "Snow" diffuse your heart, let the beautiful "Snow" dance beside.让幸福“雪”漫你心,让美好“雪”舞身旁。

35、The children were balling up snow to make a snowman.孩子们正在把雪堆成球状,做一个雪人。

36、They feature winter sports held on snow or ice, such as Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, figure skating, bobsledding and ice hockey.其特色是在冰上和雪地进行各种冬季运动,如高山滑雪、越野滑雪、花样滑冰、雪车以及冰球等。

37、It's snowing out of shopwindow, snow flakes dancing in the air.橱窗外正在下着雪,雪花在空中飞舞。

38、Go outside to make a snowman, use carrots, sticks, snow, hat, buttons and a scarf to make a snowman.出去堆雪人,用胡萝卜、棍子、雪、帽子、纽扣和一条围巾来做一个雪人。

39、Conrad has a sled. Does he slide in his sled?康拉德有一个雪橇。他在滑雪橇吗?

40、Snow was made inside the tent and blown into specially constructed moulds to make massive snow blocks.It could then be cut into figures and shapes.艺术家在大棚�对积雪进行处理,往雪堆�添加特殊的建筑材料制作出巨大的雪块。然后,再将这些雪块雕刻出形状。

41、Loaders are also used for snow removal, using their bucket or a snow basket, but usually using a snowplow attachment.借助铲斗或除雪铲,装载机也用于除雪作业,但通常使用除雪装置。

42、Making snowman with my friends is a very interesting thing.希望可以帮助到你!

43、Snow hazard of snow drift on highway is the most prevalent; most frequent and most serious snow hazard form of highway in seasonal snow areas of my country.公路风吹雪雪害是我国季节性积雪区域最普遍、最频繁和危害最严重的公路雪害形式。

44、Custom 3-wheel bicycle with sidecar and snow plow accessory.三轮铲雪自行车,有边车,有铲雪犁。

45、In winter, our world is covered with white snow, so we can either make snowmen or fight with snow.冬天,我们整个世界都被雪覆盖了,所以我们可以堆雪人或者打雪仗。

46、Play snowball fights better, make snowballs into a snowball, and then you throw me, I throw you, snow fall, ice ice cool, everybody happy.打雪仗更好玩了,先把雪团成一个个雪球,然后你扔我,我扔你,雪落到身上,冰冰凉凉的,大家开心极了。 。

47、SKI TICKET (CHINA) for your Ski Tickets China Specials!滑雪票网(中国)为您提供中国特价滑雪票!

48、Skiers and snowboarders watch a snowmobile demonstration during the Winter X Games Europe March 滑雪者和滑雪看在欧洲冬季极限活动会在蒂涅xx月xx日,法国一雪地树模。

10 in Tignes, France.

49、One resort has even opened a grass piste for all-year skiing because of the unreliable snowfall.一个度假胜地,甚至开辟了全年度滑雪,因为不可靠草滑雪场降雪。

50、Chevrolet 1990 mobile transport. 1965 Chevrolet step side short bed truck … 1998 Chevrolet Z71 model forum.xx年雪佛兰卡车传输。 “ xx年雪佛兰短床侧步车 ” … xx年雪佛兰 z71论坛模式。

经典英文句子51:雪,51、Second, rain and snow patterns are changing, so that less new snow is added to replace what melts.其次是雨雪模式正在发生变化,以致于新增的雪不足以弥补融化的雪。

52、The plow banked the snow along the side of the road.扫雪车把雪沿路边堆积起来。

53、Chill all the ingredients in the fridge. Chill the mixing bowl and the electronic whisk as well.将所有材料放入雪柜雪冻,打发忌廉用的大碗和打蛋器也要雪冻。

54、Cross - country skis. ski binding screws. requirements.速度滑雪板。滑雪板皮靴固定螺钉。要求。

55、We got together in February 2001 in Snowbird.xx年xx月,我们在雪鸟滑雪场相聚。

56、Wear a helmet while skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.在滑雪或者雪上摩托时要戴上头盔。

57、Added light snow weather effect for snow and tundra environments.增加了雪和冻土环境的光雪天气效果。

58、Has now completed three middle-class ski slopes, which runs nearly 80 meters wide and 300 meters in Beijing junior ski ski ski one of the best junior.现已建成初中级滑雪道3条,其中宽80米长近300米的初级滑雪道是北京滑雪场最好的初级滑雪道之

59、It should also help in the prediction of avalanche risk, because snow slips are often the result of dense snow falling on a less-dense underlayer.该研究也可以帮助预测雪崩的风险,因为雪层的滑落通常是因为较密实的雪层覆盖在较松软雪层上的结果。

60、So they have runs for different kinds of skiers?They have runs for advanced skiers and runs for beginners?那是说他们有滑雪道给不同的滑雪者啊?滑雪道有分高阶者和初学者吗?。



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