1、I suggest trying once more.
2、Gieseke therefore suggests a hyper-faculty for landscape.
3、Are they undesirable?
4、205. He suggested a picnic. 他建议搞一次野餐。
5、So, those are two pieces of advice.
6、The Bills Committee accepted the proposed amendment and a Committee Stage Amendment will be moved to amend section 39F(
1) to give effect to the proposal.
7、You're always giving advice, but no matter how good the advice is, it's not yours to decide.
建议你作CT 检查.
8、B:I advise you have a CT.
9、Let me suggest the boiled mutton.
10、I suggest you take the subway.
11、I suggest you try Alishan.
12、I know, Arnold, I know.
13、What do you propose we do?
14、I would recommend hyaluronic acid.
15、He recommended a picnic.
16、Distinguish from a counter offer.
17、B. I'd suggest Bombay Saphirre.
18、Let's make up, don't let some unpleasant affect our feelings.
19、He also established a council (boule).
20、If you can, I highly suggest going to that.
21、There are two suggestions.里面有两个建议。
22、Woolsey also suggests travelersWoolsey还建议游客
23、" Your friends must be happy, they will think that you are a polite girl or a boy! If your friends have some questions, you should help them. They'll thank you for your help. My classmates are very helpful and polite. If one of my classmates has some problems, my classmates will help them solve it. So they are excited. We help each other and take care of each other. I hope you can be a polite and helpful child, and I hope you can get on well with all of your classmates. 网上看到的 你看看行吗
24、I propose aten-minute break.我建议休会十分钟。
25、We recommend that you create a new folder.我们建议您创建一个新文件夹。
英文句子26:,26、I would suggest a flyswatter.我建议用苍蝇拍。
27、The above options are just initial proposals and need to be optimized.以上都只是初步的建议,仍需要优化,您对呢啲土地用途建议有咩睇法呢?
28、I recommend you to support them.我建议你支持他们。
29、Do you have good suggestion?你有什么好建议吗?
5, Countermeasures and Suggestions.
31、So what do you advise?那你有什么建议?
32、They reacted against my proposal.他们反对我的建议。
33、This article presents new recommendations on dose limits of ICRP-60 together with the global adoption of the new dose limits and how they affect medical radiation.本文介绍ICRP-60对于剂量限值的新建议、目前世界上各国采用新建议的现况、以及新建议对于医学界辐射防护的影响。
34、Then what do you suggest ?那你有何建议?。
35、I'd recommend a perm.我建议你可以烫发。
36、Do not exceed recommended dose.不要超过建议服用量。
37、So what's your recommendation?那你的建议是什么呢?
38、I suggest you buy Changhong.我建议你买长虹的。
39、I'm sorry, I should not quarrel with you对不起,我不应该和你吵架
40、They okayed the proposal.他们同意了该建议。
41、Chapter five demonstrates curriculum implementation from suggested teaching methods and assessment commendations.第五章课程实施从教学建议和评价建议两个方面进行论述。
42、Low viscosity. Resin. Recommended for building applications.低粘度,建议用在建筑方面。
43、ZAP Jonway recommends that the proposals be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.永源 ZAP 公司建议,建议书由保证邮件信发出,要求回执。
44、I suggest that you take Chinese herbs. 我建议你吃中药。
45、Your suggestion is worth discussing.你的建议值得商榷。
46、You will always be my best friend, no matter what happens你永远是我最好的朋友,不管发生什么
47、Here are some suggestions.以下是一些建议。
48、Do you have any suggestions?你方有何建议?
49、I know that is a positive suggestion.我知道那是一项建设性建议。
50、Here is my advice to you.我有几条建议
经典英文句子51:建议,51、The Bill proposes that any party to the proceedings may appeal.议案建议讼任何一方都可以上诉。
52、The proposal found general acceptance.这项建议被普遍接受。
53、He consented to the proposal.他同意这项建议。
54、205. he suggested a picnic. 他建议搞一次野餐。
55、如何与同学相处(How To Get On With Classmates) How do you get on with your classmates?
56、I hope we can be reconciled, as before希望我们能和好,像以前一样
57、I suggest you wear moccasins.我建议你穿鹿皮鞋。
58、Michael: That's good advice. Thanks.迈克尔:好建议。谢了。
59、Recommendations: One softgel daily.建议: 每天一软胶囊。
60、President Kennedy has asked you for a 甘迺迪总统要你缴交一份单页备忘录,建议他如何回覆委员会的建议,究竟他该接受或是拒绝PSAC的建议呢?
1 page memo advising him on what to do about the PSAC recommendation- should he take it or reject it?
61、If we suggested it would be nicer if she didn’t that would only encourage her to do so.我们当然建议她不这么做但一旦建议反而会促使她那么做。
62、I also heard from readers who suggested I address what they perceived as a limitation.我还收到一些读者的建议,建议我解决那些他们察觉是缺陷的问题。
63、What birthday present do you want? 个人建议第二个
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