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1、As altitude increases , atmospheric pressure decreases , thus exerting less "push" on the water entering the pump suction.


2、Mindfulness reduces stress, boosts immune functioning, reduces chronic pain, lowers blood pressure, and helps patients cope with cancer.


3、The exergy loss of primary steam after temperature and pressure reduction is calculated.


4、Based in the decompression, the best method should be choosen to reconstruct cervical stability and intervertebral height.


5、Cyst decapitating decompression operation;


6、One sure way to reduce the inertia of the turbine and compressor is to make the turbocharger smaller.


7、Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200kpa.


8、The high injection packing pressure generally reduces the part shrinkage, but also reduces the in-mold creep at same time.


9、If still invalid, can throw decompression, make the engine flameout lever decompression.


10、But, have you ever though about playing in the sand�?� zen garden sand, that is.


11、It is equipped with manometer, pressure reducer and flow indicator.


12、Presents measures for deep topping of vacuum distillation plant (I) in Tianjin Branch Co.


13、Objective To study CT findings of cerebral decompresional damage in minimally invasive surgery and decompressive craniotomy .


14、The reduced pressure storage reduced pressure storage, low temperature depression, is the fresh cut flowers storage and storage of a development direction.

OR6系列不锈钢减压器 ,膜片式减压结构,输出压力稳定,适用于大流量输出需求的场合。

15、OR6 series stainless steel pressure reducer, diaphragm vacuum structure, the output pressure stability, suitable for high-volume output needs of the occasion.


16、Vacuum tower can be divided into two kinds on the basis of different production tasks, which are lubricating oil-type vacuum tower and fuel-type vacuum tower.


17、The depressurizing tower is provided with a side line, and the lube base oil can be pumped from the side line.


18、That damping barrels are shaped by low - pressure die - casting technology is a new high technology in the field of barrel 's manufacturing.

方法将42 只家兔和结果慢升压慢减压对肺不造成明显的损伤;

19、Methods The slow recompression decompression and the explosive decompression were used to make experiments on 42 rabbits and

10 rats.

10 只大鼠分组进行慢升压慢减压实验和爆炸减压实验。


20、With decompress well and drainage ditch to drain and decompress can effectively reduce groundwater level and prevent immersion outside reservoir.

21、Stress Relief - What do you do when your stressed?减轻压力——有压力时你会做什么?

22、To improve the quality of hydraulic damper and develop new hydraulic damper, we need advanced test-beds which have high stability and precision both in manufacture and repair factory.为提高油压减振器的制造与检修质量,研制开发新型油压减振器,迫切需要稳定性好、精度高的新型油压减振器试验台。

23、By integral spinning, a tank shell was produced which showed deductions in weight and weld seam by30% and 70% respectively.用内旋压、无模摩擦收颈旋压方法,试制出整体旋压油箱壳体,减轻质量30%,减少焊缝70%。

24、Not leak in the hydraulic oil , may also reduce the pressure.在液压油不泄漏的情况下,压力也可能减低。

25、Safe and reliable pressure reducer assembly and low-pressure whistle.安全可靠的减压器总成及低压报警哨。

英文句子26:,26、The construction of many types of pressure reducing valve, in the past frequently have thin film valve, piston valve, etc. within the spring.减压阀的构造类型很多,以往常见的排气阀排泥阀有薄膜式减压阀、内弹簧活塞式减压阀等。

27、When diaphragm is below the horizontal line, turn adjusting collar from right to left to increase the reduced pressure - opposite to decrease the reduced pressure.当隔膜位于水平管道下方,则从右到左旋转调节轴套增加减压- 相反就是减少减压。

28、The invention relates to an atmospheric and vacuum distillation device with a vacuum flash tower and a method thereof.本发明涉及一种带有减压闪蒸塔的常减压蒸馏方法及设备。

29、GA-1 Reducer is used in quantitative output reducer for gas shielded welding and gas explosimeter . it has performance of pressure- reducing and gas flow control .型减压器是用于气体保护焊与气体测爆仪的定输出减压器,具有减压、控制气体流量的性能。

30、How can ability ease autogenous pressure?怎么才能减轻自生的压力?

31、Core decompression and drilling decompression were effective methods to treat IOH.髓芯减压术和钻孔减压术是治疗骨内高压的有效手术方法。

32、The unloader: The unloader that you have serves two functions, a regulator and an unloader.减压器:你们的减压器有两个功能,作为调节器和减压器。

33、The PORV' backup valve is opened to lower the pressure.减压阀的备用阀门被打开,减少压力。

34、Severing of depressor nerve.减压神经切断组。

35、The quality of vacuum distillates is closely related to the configuration of feeding part of the vacuum tower for crude distillation.原油蒸馏装置减压塔进料段结构与减压馏分油的质量密切相关。

36、These devices take the form of frangible disks or pressure relief valves.减压装置以易碎盘或减压阀的形式出现。

37、Effective measures are recommended to control the naphthenic acid corrosion.并提出了减少减压炉管环烷酸腐蚀的措施。

38、Open water test and cavitation test of standard propeller 4119 are carried out in depressurized towing tank.本文选用标准桨模4119,在减压拖曳水池进行了常压下的敞水重复试验及减压下的空泡性能试验。

39、Increase the pressing roller pressure to shrink cotton, reducing channel blocking.加大压辊压力来收缩棉条,减少通道堵塞。

40、Objective To compare the clinical effect of treating severe head injuries using the large craniectomy versus the routine craniecromy.目的比较大骨瓣减压与常规骨瓣减压治疗重度颅脑损伤的临床效果。

41、Reduce stress. Stressed out folks have more memory lapses.减轻压力。不堪重压的人有更多的记忆缺失。

42、Less pressure will create less compression damping, allow more sag, and be suppler.低气压能够提供较少的压力衰减,可以压下去更多, 更加舒适。

43、Oil reducing valve belongs to the pilot valve piston valve.进口油用减压阀属于先导活塞式减压阀。

44、Analyze the relationship between flow, pressure, pressure differential and valve opening of pressure reducing valves.分析了减压阀的流量、压力、压力差和阀门开度的关系。

45、The dynamical stress produced by superposition or interference of reflected stress wave makes confining pressure reduce and change at low values.地震动态应力使围压产生低值波动,一方面使围压减小、摩擦力减小;

46、Note the undercutting of the lamina with bilateral decompression of the thecal sac.同一患者经皮减压后,注意硬脊膜双侧减压的椎板切除。

47、Objective: The mechanism of hyperbaric Oxygen(HBO) treatment was studied during fast decompression stress and decompression illness in animals.目的:探讨快速减压应激和减压病时用高压氧治疗效应的机理。

48、This demonstrated that repeated boiling was more severe than vacuum-pressure.这证明反复煮沸条件比减压加压条件恶劣。

49、Building valves - Water pressure reducing valves and combination water pressure reducing valves - Requirements and tests.建筑阀门。供水减压阀和复合供水减压阀。要求和试验。

50、Reduce pressure with bilevel positive airway pressure.减少压力,两层正压。

经典英文句子51:减压,51、The temperature fall and decompression in great degree is serious depreciation of the energy.大压差减温减压是能的严重贬值。

52、Those who have used it say that they feel relaxed, stress free.而使用过“减压橡皮”的人都说他们感到轻松,压力减轻。

53、Safety relief valves shall be labeled for relief pressure rating.安全减压阀要有标示,标明压力释放级别。

54、Operative methods applied were fenestration, semi-laminectomy and total laminectomy, respectively. The excellent-good rate was 88.2%.手术采用椎板开窗,半椎板减压,全椎板减压术,手术效果优良率为88.2%。

55、The valves are normally installed upstream of the regulator or pressure control point, with the external control line installed approximately eight pipe diameters downstream of the regulator.通常它们装置在减压阀或压力控制点上游,而外接控制感应线取自减压阀或压力控制点下游八倍管径长度处。

56、It is a guide for the vacuum deep cut revamping on atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit.结果表明对常减压装置减压深拔技术改造有一定的指导意义。

57、Tea is a good stress-reliever.茶叶是一种很好的减压品。

58、The purge air pressure is set with a pressure-reducing valve and pressure gauge.净化空气压力通过一个减压阀和压力表来设定。

59、During allopurinol treatment, the average decrease in casual BP was -6.9 mm Hg systolic and -5.1 mm Hg diastolic.在别嘌呤醇治疗期间,偶尔测量血压平均收缩压减少



60、Now’s the time to relax and reduce your stress.现在,是 放轻松,给自己减减压 的时候了。

61、They were divided into two groups, which are merely suboccipital decompression and suboccipital decompression associated with reconstruction of cisterna magna.患者分为单纯的枕下减压组和枕下减压、枕大池重建组。

62、Student: because it reduces their stress.学生:因为它减少压力。

63、Relief Devices (减压装置(5和

5 and

7): To protect the container from over-pressurization, it is equipped with two relief devices.


64、Intestinal tract decompression through fibro- colonoscope or exploratory laparotomy was an effective method.纤维结肠镜肠道减压或剖腹肠道减压是有效的治疗和诊断方法。

65、You can hang out with friends to help relieve the pressure你可以与朋友闲逛以帮助减轻压力

66、Proper unloader setting allows a small amount of continuous bypass (approximately 5% of total flow) to minimize the pressure spike and compensate for nozzle wear.正确的减压器设置允许少量的连续旁路(约总流量的5%)来减少减荷器压力以及补偿喷嘴磨损。

67、Compressive Creep is the gradual loss of thickness that may occur if a cushioning material is如果减震材料长时间在高度压力下会发生厚度逐渐减少的现象,这叫压缩变形。



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