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关于”夏天的短“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Summer's Short。以下是关于夏天的短的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Summer's Short


1、Last year's summer refuge in Portland, Ore., delivered 106 degrees for three days, so this summer, with the euro down, I decided to rent an apartment with my partner in Leipzig, Germany.

「xx年夏季开办的短期课程」中,有118项符合的查询结果,以下是第121 - 120 项。

2、Results 121 - 120 of 118 for in "Short Courses offered in 2010 Summer Term".


3、That is it that we have a summer filled with Qingse.


4、Thee summer sun was so strong that she felt faint.


5、Summer is an always time in the place where she stays .


6、I can go to the seaside to swim, can also pick up some beautiful shells, although it's really hot in summer, but I can wear shorts sleeves, walk in the street.


7、As summer fast approaches (at least, in my part of world), some of you may be envisioning what summer has in store. I am, of course, referring to *your* love life or dating life.


8、Another dismal summer never knew that, Lonely Summer, and nothing left to say, and nothing is forgotten!


9、A girl from summer and another girl from winter, on a night of 7-eleven.


10、Every summer, attracting countless visitors and to divergent Da.


11、If ever there was a summer-camp staple, it's horseback riding.


12、The summer sun was so strong that she felt faint.


13、In the short term, the foundry plans to use the Gamma II to create all its smaller castings, such as decorative door knockers, souvenir dories and Bluenose II replicas, by this summer.


14、The grains grew very well in summer with mild sunshine.

防水的底毛短、羊毛状、略带油质的毛发(基本特征),但在夏天,除了大腿和肩部,可以发现其他 部位的底毛变硬。

15、A water-resistant undercoat of short wooly, slightly oily hair is essential, but in the summer months may be hard to find except on the thighs and shoulders.


16、In the southwest, the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter, but the summer is unpleasantly hot.


17、I do not want to walk in summer Qunbai let her leave.


18、Make temperature of air conditioner above 26 in summer and below

18 in winter.


19、Summer 2007 was particularly dry with more wind than usual.


20、Their new Summer Short has been blasted all over the internet, blogs, and news feeds.

21、On summer evenings, the workingmen sit on their balconies.夏天的傍晚,工人们都去自家的阳台上坐着。

22、I don't know how he passes over the hot summer.我不知道他怎么度过这炎热的夏天。

23、In the summer the ice melted so they stopped their journey.夏天冰化了,他们只好停下来。

24、This is a video clip named "Summer"; featuring pond, lotus flower, dragonflies, fish and woman picking lotus flower, it creates a vividly beautiful picture of southern China in the summer.这一篇名为《夏》的短片以菏瑭、荷花、蜻蜓、池鱼和采莲的女子为构图元素,创作出一副生动美丽的南方夏景。

25、The Chelsea hotel, in New York. A hot day in summer.纽约的切尔西酒店,在夏日里的一热天。

英文句子26:,26、IN THE summer of 1942, Walter Munk went to the beach.在xx年的夏天,沃尔特芒克前往海滩。

27、A damp basement or humid summer weather will add to this condition.潮湿的地下室或者湿气很重的夏天天气将会加重这个环境。

28、Night thas been deep, not static, count the stars, I think of you, endless summer nights, blessing SMS cool, small, love deeply, say goodnight, wish you a good dream!夜已深,人未静,数着星辰,想到了你,夏夜漫漫,祝福清凉,短信小小,情谊深深,道声晚安,祝君好梦到天明!

29、Summer when the weather is especially hot, I am very afraid of the heat from the north.夏天的时候天气特别闷热,来自北方的我十分怕热。

30、What is superfluous, summer jacket, winter stalk, and your heart cold hospitality.什么叫多余,夏天的棉袄, 冬天的蒲扇,还有等我心冷后你的殷勤。

31、That summer, she seemed to be fulfilling her threats.就在那个夏天,她似乎要兑现她的诺言。

32、Last year I was focused on last summer, this year I'm focused on this summer, and London's always in the back of my head … That's my long-term goal.那是我的长远目标。


33、I will help out on my farther's farm this summer.今年夏天我要到父亲的农场去帮忙。

34、You know what the summer antidote to multitasking is?你知道夏天多任务的解毒剂是什么吗?

35、It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.地的一切疆界,是你所立的。 夏天和冬天是你所定的。

36、Lan & Tong in Else Marie's summer Hourse, Denmark, 2011王彤,蓝兰在艾西玛丽的夏天度假屋,丹麦。

37、The relatively flat landscape is dotted with shallow lakes during the extremely brief summer season.在极短的夏季当中,一些相对平缓的低地上会出现若干个很浅的小湖。

38、Some people say fish caught in winter tastes better than that caught in summer.有些人说在冬天抓到的鱼比在夏天抓到的鱼味道更鲜美。

39、Open on gorgeous swamplands of the Atchafalaya Basin in the summer.在美丽的阿察法来雅沼泽流域的夏天。

40、One day in early summer I walked past a beautiful meadow.一天初夏,我走过一块美丽的草场。

41、Even in summer the temperature is subzero here.即使在夏天这里的温度也保持在零度以下。

42、The story is about Enchantments in a summer night.故事讲述了一段发生在夏天的夜晚的奇遇。

43、During a severe pre-harvest food shortage last summer, many soldiers received only two meals a day, were visibly malnourished and scavenged for food by stealing crops from state farms, he said.去年夏天秋收之前的那次严重的粮食短缺中,许多士兵一天只能吃到两顿饭,他们看起来显然营养不良,为了得到食物他们甚至去偷国有农场的粮食。

44、Fang will not make hairy tofu in the sultry summer.方兴玉是不会在湿热的夏天做毛豆腐的。

45、Wind over the summer, with 45-degree angle looking at the sky, the sun that is dazzling.风在今年夏天,45度角仰望天空,耀眼的太阳,是。

46、Cotton. . You know cotton is good material. It takes sweat in summer.棉的。你知道棉的东西好,夏天穿吸汗。 。

47、I like it. We can put on beautiful, colorful skirts again.我喜欢夏天,又可以穿漂亮的花裙了。

48、The summer began with good news at home and abroad.夏天开始的时候,国内外都有些好消息。

49、Watermelons in Beijing in the summer are a dime a dozen.北京的夏天,西瓜多得根本不值钱了。

50、He was short with me this morning .他今天早上对我无礼… 短音的。

经典英文句子51:夏天的短,51、We have like two months, about three weeks of sun and then it's finished.我们有两个月,大概三个星期的晴天,然后夏天就结束了。

52、Those large shopping centres will have such a feeling : summer into shopping malls, wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt into the icehouse feel like, and who are wearing jackets;逛过大型商场的人都会有这样的感觉:夏天进商场,穿一件短袖T恤感觉就像进了冰窖,而服务员却穿着外套;

53、Childhood May, the childhood summer, Fenger blowing in the countryside.童年的xx月,童年的夏天,风儿吹在乡间。

54、She has been away, spending the summer in Dalian.她离开了一段时间, 在大连过夏天。

55、This summer's Shanghai Expo costs even more -- $45 billion.这个夏天的上海世博会更厉害,450亿美元。

56、The usually striking blue skies were white for much of the summer.往日蓝得醉人的天空在夏天很多时候被一片白烟笼罩。

57、In summer, all kinds of trees grow tall and strong.在夏天,各种各样的树长得又高又壮。

58、I hired Patricia Woo to take her place yesterday.我昨天雇了帕特里夏。吴来接替她的工作。

59、Th is region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer.在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。

60、My patio has always been in the shade; a very cool spot in suer.我的天井总是在凉处的,夏天里是一个尽头凉快的所在。

61、In 1930 summer, we the first senior high student graduated.xx年夏天,我们高中一级的学生毕了业。

62、Here’s how the seasonal change affects the weather: Around the time of the June solstice, the North Pole is tilted toward the sun and the Northern Hemisphere is starting to enjoy summer.季节是这样影响天气变化的:约在xx月份夏至的时候,北极斜向太阳一面,北半球开始享受夏天。

63、This summer the chain began accepting food stamps.今年夏天,该连锁店开始接受食品券。

64、I stored all of my thick clothes during the summer.夏天时,我把所有的厚衣服都收了起来。

65、Large leaves with erect petioles, bolting resistance, suitable for summer cultivation, growing vigorously, about 30-40 days from sowing to harvesting.植株长势强,叶片宽大深绿,叶柄较短,株型直立,株高30厘米左右。耐热抗抽薹,冷凉地区适合夏季生产,播种后30-40天收获。

66、The Arctic ice cap shrank so much this summer that waves briefly lapped along two long-imagined Arctic shipping routes, the Northwest Passage over Canada and the Northern Sea Route over Russia.今年夏天北极冰盖萎缩,短暂地涌入沿着两个梦想的北极航线,西北通道在加拿大和俄罗斯上空北方航线。

67、Fenn was a man who had a big pond of his own.他夏天卖冰,而水塘就是造冰用的。

68、Since last summer, Bear has replaced much short-term funding with long-term funding.自去年夏季以来,贝尔斯登用长期融资替换了许多短期融资。

69、This summer I attended a large family gathering.这个夏天,我参加了一个大型的家庭聚会。

70、We stand; leaves have not timed the summer.我们站着;树叶没有为这个夏天计时。

71、The hurried returned summers hurried the migration of flier.那些匆忙回归的夏天,冲乱了飞鸟的迁徙。

72、This summer, he will make his debut in animation.今年夏天,他就要在动画�首度登场。

73、In the summer of 1816, Percy was again fleeing his creditors.xx年的夏天,珀西为了躲避债主逃跑。

74、Every summer the Browns bath themselves in a hot spring.每年夏天布朗一家都去洗温泉。

75、That afternoon, Charlotte and I went trolling for men.那天下午,夏绿蒂和我去选钓男人。

英文句子模板76:Summer's Short,76、fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is.神的使者从天上呼叫夏甲说,夏甲,你为何这样呢,不要害怕,神已经听见童子的声音了。

77、Or the one-shouldered white cocktail number that she paired this summer in Mallorca with the chunky necklace?或是今夏在马洛卡单肩白色鸡尾酒会装配短粗项链?

78、Enjoy the rest of the summer, we can get through this!享受剩下的夏天吧,我们可以熬过来的!


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