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关于”庆祝国庆“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Celebrate National Day。以下是关于庆祝国庆的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Celebrate National Day


1、They just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Or, to be completely accurate___ he celebrated, she repented.


2、The Lakers' celebratory song, "I Love L. A. , " is a funky and appropriate tribute to the city.


3、When is Columbus day celebrated?


4、But I celebrated too soon.


5、Billy: They sure do! In fact many people don't celebrate Xmas but they have a humungous party for the New Year.


6、" In 2008, Rolla celebrated its "100th Annual Best Ever St. Patrick's Day 2008" celebration.


7、By joining in the events of this colorful festival, they begin to understand how the Spanish, in celebrating death, are actually celebrating life.


8、He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall.

盛大的结婚庆典。所有的朋友和家人都来到结婚典礼上参加欢宴和庆祝活动。 宴和庆祝活动。

9、All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations.


10、A little celebration:After the trip on Li river, we have a dinner together, the price of dishes nearby is reasonable.


11、Crowds outside the White House celebrate.


12、Entering 2011, United College will celebrate its 55th Anniversary. The College has organised a series of celebration and activities.


13、Israel is less than 70 years old, and Singapore has just turned 50.


14、A worker gives a final touch-up to the giant Chinese New Year billboard in down town Kuala Lumpur, in celebration for the Lunar New Year celebrations.


15、Celebration turns to panic.


16、We held a grand celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.


17、Do you celebrate New Years?


18、It's celebrating the Earth,

好!吃份咕噜虾球和蛋炒饭庆祝庆祝! !

19、Right, , sweet n sour prawn balls and egg fried rice in celebration!


20、Message for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Ping Pong Diplomacy

21、The College has organised a series of activities to celebrate the 55thanniversary of United College.联合书院为庆祝五十五周年院庆,将举办一连串的庆祝活动。

22、This concludes the opening ceremony. 隆重庆祝 Grand celebration 庆祝成立…

23、Thralsai: I feel the need to celebrate! Bring me a slave-a fresh one. And towels for the blood.斯拉尔赛:我应当庆祝庆祝!给我带个奴隶来,我要新鲜的。还有拭血的毛巾。


25、How do MYM celebrate this champion?MYM 怎么庆祝这个冠军的?

英文句子26:,26、National Day holiday will to, look, my blessing to the USSR to! ! ! ! !国庆假期将到,看,我的祝愿风风火火地来了!

27、热烈庆祝开业7周年 Warmly Celebrate the Seventh Anniversary.

28、If you have any occasion to celebrate, do it tonight and continue the party through tomorrow.如果你有任何想要庆祝的事,今晚来庆祝吧,并把这场欢宴延续到明天。

29、The picture shows the celebration ceremony of China Mobile's acquisition of Paktel.图为中国移动收购巴科泰尔公司庆祝仪式。

30、Augustus, how did you celebrate?奥古塔斯你怎么庆祝的?

31、I'm planning a celebration every day this year — a celebration of life. You're invited. Happy Holidays!我正计划着今年的每一天都要庆祝,庆祝新生。你也在受邀之列,祝你节日快乐!

32、An uproarious New Year's celeBration.我们聚会庆祝新年。

33、The Portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of Malacca.的 马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。

34、Triple Celebrations – Completion of new building, 62nd Founder's Day and official establishment of Old Students' Association.培群举行三庆联欢宴会,庆祝扩建新校舍落成、62周年校庆及校友会成立。

35、The queen's birthday is celebrated twice a year, privately on April 21, her actual birthday, and again with an official national celebration in June, when the weather is better.女王每年庆生两次,xx月xx日会举行私人宴会庆祝真正的生日,然后待xx月天气好转时,再正式举行全国庆典。

36、Scottish cham ps celebrate victory!苏格兰的冠军庆祝胜利!

37、Warmly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of Chongqing Wanzhou No. 热烈庆祝重庆市万州第2高级中学建校70周年!

2 Senior High School !

38、How will you celebrate?你将怎么庆祝呢?

39、Celebrated 72nd Founders' Day with a Learning Carnival & Family Day.培群举办“学习嘉年华与培群家庭日”-庆祝72周年校庆。

40、Failure should not be celebrated.不应该庆祝失败。

41、So they were sort of celebrating now.他们现在似乎在庆祝。

42、Italians marked World Slow Day Tuesday with free public transportation, poetry contests and free yoga and Tai Chi lessons, UPI reported.据合众国际社报道,意大利xx日庆祝了世界"慢日",庆祝形式包括提供免费公交,举行诗歌比赛,免费教授瑜伽和太极课程等。

43、Celebrated 74th Founders' Day with a Learning Fair & Family Day.培群举办“学习展与培群家庭日”-庆祝74周年校庆。

44、They held a celebration rally.他们举行了一次庆祝大会。

45、Many of those non-Irish nationals braving the city centre last night were planning to mark Christmas regardless of whether they would have in their home countries.那些来市中心冒险的非爱尔兰国民中的许多人昨晚计划庆祝圣诞节,不管他们在自己家乡有没有庆祝过。

46、That's something worth celebrating.那是值得庆祝的事情。

47、When things are going well, celebrate.逆风逆水,走,也去庆祝。

48、Then the king consented and the marriage was celebrated with great magnificence.于是国王同意了婚姻是非常隆重庆祝。

49、People had done this in the past, but it is steadily increasing.过去也有人这样庆祝,但现在这种庆祝方式稳步增多。

50、Keep the commandments; celebrate Christmas; Observe Yom Kippur.庆祝圣诞;庆祝犹太人的赎罪日。

经典英文句子51:庆祝国庆,51、Celebrated 60th Founder's Day with a grand dinner with 1730 guests.培群庆祝60周年校庆,出席晚宴的嘉宾有1730位。

52、Overcome adversity and celebrate success.克服逆境和庆祝成功。

53、New Year celebrations in Moscow.莫斯科的新年庆祝。

54、Celebration to China Danxia Qualified as World Heritage!庆祝中国丹霞申报世界自然遗产成功!

55、After your exam, we can have a good celebration.你考完试,我们好好儿庆祝庆祝。

56、Went to a bar for celebration…去左间吧度庆祝…

57、No, was there any celebration?没有,有什么庆祝活动吗?

58、Share that celebration with a ladybro. 有什么好事要庆祝?

59、But what exactly are we celebrating on our birthday and why is it a good idea to celebrate?但在生日那天,我们究竟在庆祝什么? 为什么庆祝生日是个好主意呢?

60、The Native Villagers greeted the Pilgrims and celebrated there arrival.当地人迎接了这群英国人,并庆祝他们的到来。

61、Wish you have Shared National Day holiday, and never have trouble!祝你乐享国庆长假,从此永无烦恼!

62、When she crossed the finish line in first place and took her victory lap carrying a huge Moroccan flag, people in Casablanca poured into the streets to celebrate.当她第 一个冲过终点线,举着摩洛哥国旗绕场一周 庆祝 胜利的时候,卡萨布兰卡市民冲上街头共同 庆祝。

63、Celebrate every success.庆祝圆满成功。

64、Upon the couple’s return, the camp held a celebration of the birth.Drokova 说,营地为他们举办了庆祝会,来庆祝新生命的诞生。

65、We are celebrating our fifth anniversary.我们正在庆祝我们的五周年店庆。

66、Bookworms salute International Literacy Day, designed to increase their number.“书虫”庆祝国际读书日,计划壮大他们的队伍。

67、Landsat Landsat

5: Celebrating 25 Years.

5: 庆祝25周年.

68、This exhibition celebrates the Modern's 110-year history and its continuing evolution.本次展览庆祝其xx年的历史,也庆祝它不断的变化。

69、Celebrate when you learn something.每当学成什么就庆祝一下。

70、During the 1600’s, England celebrated a day called“Mothering Sunday”.在十七世纪,英国开始庆祝拜望双亲日。

71、The celebration party will be held on an day to celebrate the of their efforts.庆功宴会选在吉日举行,以庆祝他们努力的成果。

72、The College Student Union will also organise a series of activities to celebrate the occasion. Details will be announced soon.为庆祝书院院庆,书院学生会亦筹备了一连串的庆祝活动,节目内容将于稍后公布。

73、But Hastings wasn't celebrating.但黑斯廷斯没有庆祝。

74、Champaign is associated with celebration in current human thought-form.香槟在人类当前思想形态中用来庆祝庆典。

75、Celebrate your new beginning!庆祝你的新开始。

英文句子模板76:Celebrate National Day,76、Bai Jianming: How about next weekend? After your exam, we can have a good celebration.白建明:那下个周末怎么样?你考完试,我们好好儿庆祝庆祝。


标签: 国庆

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