关于”中的缩略词“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Abbreviations in。以下是关于中的缩略词的初中英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Abbreviations in
还需注意各种缩略图被放置在缩略图目录中,并且具有文件名 domain_name.png — 例如,thumbnails/ostg.com.png。
1、Also note that the various thumbnails are placed in the thumbnails directory and have the filename domain_name.png — thumbnails/ostg.com.png, for example.
2 shows what a person who has enabled the Acronym Expander plug-in sees if the acronym IBM is defined in the dictionary.
2 显示了启用 Acronym Expander 插件后所看到的情况(前提是词典中定义了 IBM 这个缩略词)。
3、This department to discuss Chinese lettered words and English abbreviations in the composition method of the differences.
4、Based on metonymic thinking ability and by virtue of stereotypical relationship as well as contextual restraints, people are able to understand a certain shortened word correctly.
5、Chunk word, twin word and abbreviation, three types of words are the most common cluster model in terms of martial arts.
6、The methods of translating trademarks are usually used as follows: transliteration, free translation, the combination of transliteration and free translation, abbreviation, coined words etc.
7、Click the link symbol in between the mask and the moon thumbnail in the Layers Panel to make the link symbol go away.
8、You need a way to define acronyms and their associated expanded meanings.
9、Every financial bubble has its popular phrases, initialisms and acronyms.
例如,我们希望为所有的 Lotus Sametime 用户预先加载缩略词词典。
10、For example, letâ ™s say we wanted a preloaded acronym dictionary for all our Lotus Sametime users.
11、The type of mediation you perform is, of course, not restricted to just acronym expansion.
12、The present study was a survey study which attempted to explore the overall pattern of English vocabulary learning strategies used by high school students in Handan.
13、On this basis two strategies are provided, expanding strategy and concent rating strategy to the Chinese accounting profession.
14、This dissertation focuses on discussing how to translate tour guide presentation, especially the culture contained information.
15、Though an abridged dictionary is convenient to use it contains far fewer definitions than an unabridged dictionary.
16、While in cognitive strategies, rote repetition and dictionary strategies are more used than guessing and contextualization strategies;
公共场合亲密行为很常见,也很多样化。 它已经拥有了自己的首字母缩略词--PDA。
17、Public Display of Affection is so common and varied that it`s earned its own acronym, the PDA.
18、They are all influenced by loanwords and most of them are abbreviated.
要在缩略词词典中输入所需的缩略词(Acronym Expander 插件使用该词典来扩展缩略词),需要使用 Eclipse Preferences 页面。
19、To enter the acronyms that you want in your acronym dictionary (which the Acronym Expander plug-in uses to expand your acronyms), you use an Eclipse Preferences page.
它能否提供坚实有力的成效? 还是仅仅是另外一个以DD结尾的缩略词?
20、Does it provide tangible benefits, or is it just another *DD acronym?
21、For example, after the Co-ordinate verb, an adjective can be linked directly, Catenative verb and the case of noun can be omitted, etc.例如,并列副动词后可以直接连接形容词、联系动词省略、名词的格省略等等。
22、Part of that is the elimination of small words, "the," "and"; the abbreviation of certain words, "your" to "yr."他们语言的一部分是对小词的省略,如“这“,“和“,和一些词的缩写
23、The acronym data is stored as a string.缩略词数据存储为字符串。
24、Part of that is the elimination of small words, "the," "and"; the abbreviation of certain words, "your" to "yr."他们语言的一部分是对小词的省略,如“这“,“和“,和一些词的缩写“
25、As an important element of Chinese lettered words, the borrowed initialismscan quickly meet the demand of Chinese communication and avoid troubles possibly made by transliteration.作为字母词的重要组成部分,外来缩略词可以更快地满足汉语交际的需要,避免了音译转写可能造成的麻烦。
英文句子26:,26、For neologisms in Netspeak English, the highly productive lexical formation means are abbreviation, compounding and derivation;在词汇层次上,网络英语新词中构词能力强的构词方式包括缩略,合成和派生法;
27、In jolting down, people like to use abbreviation, acronyms and initials.在快速笔记时,人们喜欢用缩略词、首字母缩略词和首字母。
28、Below is a list of acronyms and their meaning as used when describing the request flows for various scenarios.下面是缩略词清单及其在用于描述各种场景的请求流时的含义。
29、Speed up browsing of pictures and videos in Windows Vista by disabling the Vista thumbnails cache.通过停用Vista的缩略图缓存策略,加快在vista中浏览图片和影片的速度。
30、Using it on the command line is straightforward for creating thumbnails even on pages that include Flash content and other embellishments.在命令行中使用该程序可以很轻松地生成缩略图,甚至可以为包含 Flash 内容和其他修饰的页面生成缩略图。
31、Under the hood, SOAP requires knowledge of several more acronyms.在下面,SOAP 需要其它几个首字母缩略词方面的知识。
32、In Management GPM is an acronym for Goals, Plans, and Metrics.在管理中 GPM是目标、计划与指标的缩略语。
33、Word - formation is one of the methods to help students enlarge their English Vocabulary . it includes affixation , composition, conversion abbreviation, etc .构词法是强化记忆扩充词汇量的良好方法,它包括词缀法、合成法、转类法、缩略法、拼缀法和逆成法等。
34、Notice that IBM is an acronym in the message sent.注意,发送消息中的 IBM 就是一个缩略词。
35、The methods of translating trademarks are usually used as follows:transliteration, free translation, the combination of transliteration and free translation, abbreviation, coined words etc.翻译商标通常采取音译、意译、音译兼意译,缩略词和杜撰词等方法。
36、In all of the technical jargon, and in the sea of acronyms, sometimes software developers and managers forget that people make software.在所有技术行话和首字母缩略词的海洋中,有时软件开发人员和经理们会忘记:是人 制造了软件。
37、Common acronyms such as IMHO (in my humble opinion), TTYL (talk to you later), and BRB (be right back) are popular, and new acronyms appear constantly.常见流行的缩略词有 IMHO(窃以为)、TTYL(稍后再聊)和 BRB(马上回来)等,而新的缩略词也在不断出现。
38、Note that the letters array is shifted after each acronym lookup in order to search for both "ibm" and "bmx" from the string "i b m x."注意,每执行完一次缩略词查找后都轮换字母数组中字母的位置,以便从字符串 “i b m x” 中搜索 “ibm” 和 “bmx”。
39、But some abbreviations have been around for longer than expected.不过其中有些缩略语的历史由来已久。
40、Totesing is not random. On the contrary, it has strict rules to follow.网络缩略词并非凭空捏造,相反,它遵循了严格的规则。
41、What does FIRST-UP stand for? Definition of FIRST-UP in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free Online Dictionary and Thesaurus.UP么意思?FIRST-UP的定义见免费在线词典词库提供的缩合字和缩略语列举。
42、Netspeak is a series of shortened words that are easy to type.网络用语就是他们通常用的一系列容易输入的缩略词。
43、Yes, I'm using acronyms for acronyms; if you are confused, look up sarcasm in the dictionary!是的,我正在用首字母缩略词来说明首字母缩略词;如果您感到不解,请查寻字典中的 讽刺!
44、Abbreviations made up just 缩略语作出仅为
2.4 percent of the vocabulary of IM conversations, which the researchers describe as an " infinitesimally small" proportion.
2.4 %的词汇的IM会话,其中研究人员形容为一个“无穷小”的比例。
45、You then set (or more appropriately, reset) the message with the expanded acronym text as shown in listing 然后使用扩展后的缩略词文本设置(“重置” 可能更适当)消息,如清单
14 所示。
46、Develop your own way of abbreviating words.养成自己词语缩略方法。
47、You should also have one thumbnail per image, saved in a separate thumbnails folder.每个图片还要有一个保存在单独缩略图文件夹中的缩略图。
48、I don't know all of the acronyms.我不太清楚那些缩略词。
49、In the lesson, some abbreviations and acronyms are used.在第二课里出现了一些缩略语和首字母的缩略词。
50、Abbreviating is a change of linguistic form, choosing a part or some parts from its or their primary words or expressions to make up of an abbreviated form to express the same meaning.缩略是一种语言形式的变化,它从原词语中选用部分形式组成一个新形式表示与原词语相同的意思。
经典英文句子51:中的缩略词,51、"Best friendship takes place", he would declare if pleased with the results. He also had a habit of reducing things to initials, like "B.F.R." for "Best Friendship Relationship".如果他对结果满意,他就会说:“Best friendship takes place”他也喜欢用缩略词,比如把“Best Friendship Relationship”缩写成“B.F.R”。
52、This listener class can provide mediation functionality; in our case, the mediation function is the expansion of an acronym.此侦听类可以提供中介功能;本文中的中介功能是扩展缩略词。
53、The origins of other millennial slang expressions are more complicated than "totesing".零零后使用的其他俚语表达的起源要比“网络缩略词”复杂得多。
54、If it does, the associated expanded text for the acronym is retrieved and concatenated to the message string destined for the user.如果有,则检索到缩略词关联的扩展文本并连接到发给用户的消息字符串。
55、Use thumbnails.使用缩略图。
56、Some initial-letter abbreviations are pronounced like words. These are often called acronyms. Articles are usually dropped in acronyms.有些起首字母缩写的发音像单词,这些常统称首字母组合词且冠词通常省略。
57、Letter words will be divided into three categories: borrowing, contractions and alternative, through statistics, further defining the attribution that letter words belong to loanwords.将字母词分为三类:借入式、缩略式和替代式,通过统计,进一步确定了字母词系外来词的归属问题。
58、Learn how to speak without using acronyms.避免在谈话中使用缩略语。
59、They can also be front clipped and in this case the back syllable is kept; chute from parachute.也可以省略前面的单词,比如chute是parachute的缩略词。
60、Abbreviations must be added to a synonym dictionary to be mapped to the full term for index and query processing.缩写词必须添加到同义词词典中才能映射到索引和查询处理的完整词汇。
61、You won't have to stop what you are doing to enter in the latest acronym or employee serial number mentioned in the meeting to find out the associated data.您不必停止正在做的事情就可以输入会议中提到的最新缩略词或员工编号来查找相关数据。
62、Clipped words can be back clipped, which is the most common type, and only the beginning is kept; intro from introduction .缩略词也可以是省略后面几个音节,只保留前面,这种方法是最常见的,比如intro是introduction的缩略词。
63、As indicative pronoun, it is slightly different from indicative pronouns of Mandarin;作为指示代词,孝感方言词“奈”与普通话中的指示代词略有不同;
64、In an experiment on 500,000 web pages, we extract abbreviations with frequencybigger than 100, and get the precision of 51.4% and the recall of 81.7%.在对50万张网页的实验中,我们以频度大于100的新词为候选缩略语集进行提取,准确率是51.4%,召回率是81.7%。
65、The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) announced the addition of several acronyms to its dictionary, adding some interesting trivia behind the origins of these Internet-associated expressions.牛津英语大词典(OED)宣布收入若干条网络缩略语,同时为这些来源于网络的词汇加上了有趣的解释。
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