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关于”有没有读的软件“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Is there any software to read。以下是关于有没有读的软件的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Is there any software to read

contrib 目录中包含核心 SQLite 开发团队所没有提供的附加软件。

1、The contrib directory contains additional software that the core SQLite development team didn't provide.


2、Before you go on with this article, you should know a few things about the protocols and the latest changes to the software.


3、The is no video component to their new Simplify Media-based music streaming software, for now.


4、As with all the leading software vendors, Adobe has a picture of where software is going and wants that future to be on their platform.

Flipboard是 - 我从来没有使用这个词来描述在软件 - 落死华丽。

5、Flipboard is — I've never used this term to describe software before — drop-dead gorgeous.


6、Optional reading means, if they don't get read, there will be no significant consequences other than not benefitting from the information they contain.


7、Soft skin, no wrinkles, no hanging jowls .


8、True, but most software isn’t much good.


9、The new X10 software release does not include any new features nor performance growth.


10、For some reason, people occasionally predict the same outcome from giving away software: Everyone will use the free software, but no one will contribute, and it'll die off from bitrot.

是的,您的确是应该阅读 README 文件,但我同样也没有阅读这个文件。

11、Well, it is true, you should read the README file - but I missed this one too.


12、Levie and Houston believe they hold an advantage: neither company has legacy software to defend.


13、There are no free soft drinks or volleyball courts.


14、Similar brain-teaser programs are available on home computers, sometimes free of charge. The scientific jury is still out on the efficacy of such software.


15、If you encrypt it before uploading, no-one can ever read that file.

若 release.plist 文件没有出现,也不要惊慌,此交换机会下载和安装软件,然后重新引导。

16、file does not appear to exist. The switch downloads and installs the software and then reboots.


17、There were dozens of unread mails, and he glanced over all, but found not the mail from Lanhanzhi.

假设该 电脑升级到没有软碟的新机器,该软件便无法执行,因为软碟没地方插。

18、If the computer is updated to a newer machine, which doesn't have a floppy drive, the program now can't be run, since the floppy disk can't be inserted.


19、Rather than sending the AUVs out on preset tasks, the new software is designed for maximum flexibility.


20、Note that in the shift from a hardware-centric to a software-centric computer industry, hardware didn't go away.

21、In software development, good debugging tools help make applications more robust and defect-free.在软件开发过程中,良好的调试工具有助于让应用程序更加健壮,没有缺陷。

22、Fred Brooks wrote about this in No Silver Bullet -- since software is "easy" to change (relatively speaking), people will find reasons to change it.Fred Brooks写到软件没有银弹——既然软件“易于”变化(相对而言),因此人们总会找到理由提出变化。

23、Thieme, there should be a periodic solution after some time. But when using Mathematic software, I never found this solution.我画了,但是没有周期解,很奇怪,觉着软件的算法可能有问题。

24、I'm not interpreting it.我并没有解读它。

25、It Supports all new version softwares and Hardwares.它支持所有新版本的软件及硬件。

英文句子26:,26、Files in the folder "%B" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to see them.文件夹“%B”中的文件无法删除,因为您没有读取它的权限。

27、I haven’t had a chance to evaluate all of these, but they look the most promising to me.我还没有评估所有的软件,但我看来是最好用的。

28、Addressing application security problems effectively is difficult, because the traditional software development lifecycle (SDLC) does not deal with these concerns well.有效地定位软件安全问题是困难的,因为传统的软件开发生命周期(SDLC)并没有很好地处理这些问题。

29、Sony has the hardware and software designers, as well as the stores.索尼有硬件与软件设计师,还有自己的商店。

30、If this software does not work as expected, eats your PC or kills your cat, you should know that it comes without warranty of any kind.如果该软件没有如预期一般正常工作,把你的PC吞噬了或者把你的猫宰了 你需要知道的是该软件没有任何担保。 安装它需要你自担风险。

31、Ah, but could a particularly deceptive bit of malware sneak in under the guise of something legitimate?啊,有没有可能少数特别的欺骗性的恶意软件假借合法行为的幌子潜入系统?

32、The folder "%B" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to read it.无法处理文件夹“%B”,因为您没有读取它的权限。

33、No; she does not know it.她没有读熟。

34、He had noticed that software development was getting so complicated that none of the programmers had the time to figure out how to make software that was either usable or useful.他注意到软件开发已经复杂到没有一个程序员能有时间去关注如何让软件更好用活更有用。

35、In software development, there are very few absolutes; every application is unique.在软件开发中,几乎没有绝对的东西;每个应用程序都是唯一的。

36、Did not read the pre-university, or have not read ESL , can also apply directly to universities.没有读大学预科、或是没有读ESL ,也可以直接申请大学。

37、There are many anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-dialer software products but only a few of them can claim to provide effective protection from all types of Malware.有很多的反病毒,反间谍软件和反拨号软件产品,但只有少数人能索赔提供有效的保护,从所有类型的恶意软件。

38、Did you ever think of the files your application reads as being an API?你有没有想过你的应用读取的那些文件就是所谓的API?

39、"Creative Dream Present Arts" & "Artlim Media · Creative Dream". And when the love goes on……没有相应的制作软件的话,那几本是个梦想而已了吧。

40、Unlike the RPM tools, there's no separate option for upgrading software.不同于 RPM 工具,没有单独的选项用于升级软件。

41、It needs to stay open at all costs, there is no place for proprietary software.它需要不惜一切代价保持开放,这里没有专有软件的容身之地。

42、It is well-known that there is no guarantee for a bug-free software program.众所周知,没有缺陷的软件程序是不存在的。

43、For all devices, the settings are 115200, 对于所有设备,设置是 115200、8 位、无分区、没有硬件或软件流控制。

8 bits, no parity,

1 stop bit, and no hardware or software flow control.

44、The Tonido product is a suite of P2P apps ranging from music- and file-sharing programs to thorough workspace software, none of which require users to be online.Tonido的产品时一个包含音乐、文件分享程序和综合性工作软件的P2P应用套件,这些软件没有一个是要求用户在线使用的。

45、Here are my very first work. I did not edit the pictures but just put them together by a software.所有的片片都基本没有后期修改,只是用软件把它们组合在起了。

46、As a result, with no internet and no Microsoft Word, Schubert dropped out of MATC's fall and spring semesters.因为既无法上网又没有微软Word软件,所以舒伯特只好放弃了MATC的秋季和春季学期。

47、No time to read, have the time and no books to read, it is.没有时间读书,有时间又没书读,这是苦恼。 。

48、This is another soft keyboard files can be in a normal UCGUI displayed, but no increase in controls.这是另外一个软键盘文件 可以在UCGUI里正常显示出来,但是没有加控件。

49、You bought programs X, Y and Z.你买了些软件,有X,有Y,还有Z。

50、Licensing/Cost Accounting – Many software-licensing schemes do not take virtualization into account.许可/成本会计——许多软件许可模式并没有考虑到虚拟化。

经典英文句子51:有没有读的软件,51、The software has the clone homepage function, you may duplicate at will do not have the security chain's fine homepage.软件具有克隆网页功能,你可以随意复制没有防盗链的精美网页。

52、One user from Guangdong province said that without pirated software, 'I wouldn't have the chance to use a computer. . . .广东省的一名用户说,要是没有盗版软件,我就没机会用电脑……

53、No technical or data recovery software skills are required to undelete files.没有技术或数据恢复软件技能要求取消删除的文件。

54、"All software is susceptible to issues - it just depends on how much effort the malware author wants to go to and how much profit can be made, " he said.他认为所有软件都有软肋,要看恶意软件作者的认真程度以及有多少油水可捞。

55、The input file might not exist, or this user might not have permission to read it.输入文件可能不存在,或者该用户可能没有这个文件的读权限。

56、This layer differs from PaaS in that the virtual hardware is provided without a software stack.这一层与 PaaS 的不同之处在于,只提供虚拟硬件,而没有软件栈。

57、The software was able to recreate the skyline - but not the aircraft.而这台电脑的软件只能复制出天空的轮廓——但天上并没有飞机。

58、We were proud that no software defects showed up during the acceptance tests.我们引以自豪的是在验收测试期间没有软件缺陷出现。

59、No person and no software is going to have all the right answers for you every time you have a question.没有一个人或者一个软件能在你有问题的时候都为你解决。

60、Literature journal's meaning is reading by the readers, there is no life for the journals without readers.文学期刊的意义在于读者的阅读,没有读者也就没有了文学期刊的生命。

61、No enternment is so cheap as dring not any pleasure so lasting.没有比读书更便宜的快乐,也没有比读书更持久的快乐。

62、When launched via iPhone homescreen shortcuts, these apps perform just like any other app on the iPhone, but all of their processing power comes from the cloud.这些软件和其它手机软件没什么不同,只不过所有的处理能力来自于云计算。

63、Readers, do you have a 'breaking point'?读者们,你有没有极限点?

64、There were no committee hearings, no debate, no amendments. The measure was whooped through with bipartisan support and no roll call.没有委员会听证会,没有辩论,没有修正案,没有投票点名,提 案在两党一片支持的欢呼声中匆匆通过,大多数的议员没有读法案,无条件地相信领导者们提出的内容。

65、Zero-day attack Computer threats that prey on software weaknesses developers had not identified.是指电脑被攻击是因为电脑软件上有开发者没有发现的缺陷,从而被黑客利用;

66、But generic CAD/CAM can't provide post-processing of specific mode of motion axes.而一般的CAD/CAM软件都没有提供特殊运动轴方式的后置处理功能。

67、While there are tons of note-taking programs out there, I haven’t found anything that works as well as this one does AND offers syncing between my machines.虽然现在有一大堆的笔记软件,但是我还没有发现一款工作起来和它一样好,而且提供在任何设备之间的同步功能的软件。

68、But Fiola's computer lacked adequate virus protection—the software he used wasn't functioning properly—so he could not have detected the activity on his own.但菲欧拉的计算机没有足够的病毒防护,相关软件没能正常运行,因此没有检测出计算机的异常活动。

69、Without [But for] appropriate software, a computer would be a mere box.如果没有恰当的软件,电脑只是一个空盒子罢了。

70、The commands to be run are read from a file specified with the -f option, or from stdin if -f is not used.要运行的命令是从 -f 选项指定的文件读取的,如果没有使用 -f,那么从 stdin 读取。

71、A companion book to Building Secure Software, this one does not focus exclusively on solutions.另一本相关的书是构建安全软件,它没有集中在解决方案。

72、Nobody has success­fully retrofitted cloud constructs and models onto legacy software, which was created with a different set of assump­tions.没有人成功地把云端的结构和模型纳入到旧有软件过,这些旧软件是基于一套完全不同的假设开发的。

73、No spyware, no adware, no annoying advertisements.没有间谍插件,没有广告插件,没有讨厌的广告。

74、It also lacks a route summary and live-traffic reports, though the update I tested now announces street names and integrates music control.该软件也没有路线概览和实时路况报告,不过我目前测试的更新版本可以读出街道名称并集成音乐控制。

75、Without the link element, software would not auto-discover a machine-readable version of a blog's contents and could not provide this advanced functionality.如果没有 link 元素,软件就不能自动发现机器可读版本的 blog 内容,从而不能提供这种高级功能。

英文句子模板76:Is there any software to read,76、illustrationObject-oriented software engineering (OOSE) without design patterns is like cooking without a recipe.illustration没有面向对象的模式设计的软件工程 (OOSE),就好像没有菜谱的烹饪一样。



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