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关于”发朋友圈“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Send a circle of friends。以下是关于发朋友圈的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Send a circle of friends


1、All time is no time when it is past.


2、From friends age to platform, and is the inevitable trend of wechat business future development.


3、because it was like the same circle of friends. So it was cool.


4、Eventually, after an awkward period of pulling away from his study-group friends, he joined a different circle of boys.


5、When my friend Melot set the trap, I think I knew it.


6、My friend likes to eat jelly doughnuts.

7、Yes, I did send message to you, please check again. 是的,我已经发信息给你了,请再查看一下。


8、She has a circle of friends and she participates in activities at her kids' school.


9、Also, use existing supports groups of family, friends, and church.


10、Real wechat business, let your hair content in circle of friends, such ability make social flow to you.


11、Friend lifebuoys are, in your time struggling to choke the water in your body sets;

变邀请为送礼: 想让朋友加入你在网上的圈子?

12、Turn Invitations into Gifts: Want your friends to join you on the network?


13、My business got jump-started by my "circle of friends".


14、Propel the message still wider to their own ever-increasing circles of friends and associates.


15、What did Ronald McDonald give Wendy for their engagement? ----An onion ring!


16、Use Twitter to keep your fans in the loop.


17、Imagine you and your friends standing in a circle, holding hands.


18、Career-minded people discovered long ago that cultivating a wide circle of friends can reap a handsome payback in the jobs market.


19、A happy third-degree friend -- a friend of a friend -- increases a person's chances of being happy by

6 percent.


20、Save your venting for your partner other personal friends outside of work.

21、A. You know this was a fix-up, right?B.我想在我们的朋友圈里有对女同性恋。

22、The average Briton has 英国人平均有18个亲密朋友。 如果将社交网络的上的“朋友”也算在内的话,英国人的平均友谊圈会有208人。

18 close friends and a friendship circle, when all Facebook and other social networking 'friends' are included, of 208 people.

23、Trust can only be extended to a fairly small circle of friends and fellow citizens.信任只能延伸到,一个极小的,朋友圈子及同邦公民。

24、朋友圈经典个性说说 the classic and individual "saying something" of a circle of friends

25、No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.翻译:昨日不复来。

英文句子26:,26、Five is not in WeChat circle of friends and other chat tools to publish personal travel information.五是不要在微信朋友圈等聊天工具中发布个人的出行信息。

27、And hoped that can join my China new attitude circle and become the good friend .并希望能加入我的华夏新姿圈子及成为好朋友。

28、We can send a message by calling the send_message() function.我们可以通过调用send message()函数发送消息。

29、帮我转发朋友圈 Help me to forward my circle of friends 帮我转发朋友圈 Help me to forward my circle of friends

30、The astronauts in an earth space station circle the globe many times a day.地球太空站里的宇航员每天要绕地球转许多圈。

31、Save your venting for your other personal friends outside of work.抱怨的话还是对工作圈以外的朋友说吧。

32、It's known that the micro blog and friends circle are quite popular in China.众所周知,微博和朋友圈在中国广受欢迎。

33、She likes posting her selfies on her Moments. 她喜欢在朋友圈晒自拍照。

34、My efforts yielded many friends and filled my calendar with fulfilling activities.我的努力拓展了朋友圈,日程表上排满了有意义的活动。

35、No.7 Your single friends will disappear from your social life第

七 你的单身朋友将会在你的社交圈消失

36、into Circle of Friends 朋友圈的英文可用WeChat Moments,也可用Circle of Friends表示。

37、He traveled abroad recently in the company of a few friends.他最近跟几个朋友到国外转了一圈儿。

38、扩大朋友圈 Enlarge Circle of Friends;expanding circle of friends;Expand the circle of friends

39、Tell us about your friends and their social snafus .告诉你的朋友以及他们的社交圈。

40、Friends again and again of the brush, and friends are all peers, the initiative to add also the old was rejected.朋友圈一遍一遍的刷,加好友的都是同行,主动去加的还老被拒。

41、Can you describe a circle within a square?你能在正方形里做一圆圈吗?

42、You will expand your circle of friends if you join groups.如果参加团体,你的朋友圈将得以扩展。

43、Any unhappy is a waste of time.——任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

44、His status updates are all over my moments.他发的状态把我的朋友圈刷屏了。

45、They currently have more than 400 regular clients on WeChat.我们现在已通过微信朋友圈发展客户400余人。

46、The best travel is to find a long absent moving thing in strange place. 人生最好的旅行,是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。

47、One today is worth two tomorrows.翻译:一个今天胜似两个明天。

48、Aquarius is considered a social, gregarious sign that is said to be eager to meet new people and expand their ever-widening circle of friends.水瓶座被认为是一个社会,群居迹象表明据说是渴望结交新朋友,扩大其日益扩大的朋友圈。

49、Our "non-work" friends can help us to do that.我们“工作圈”以外的朋友们能帮助我们做到这些。

50、Yet, four in ten admit to gossiping to a close friend from another friendship group.但有十分之四的受访者承认,自己曾向另一个朋友圈中的密友八卦过。

经典英文句子51:发朋友圈,51、A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off.我的一个朋友就把铁圈拆下了!

52、I feel like everyone’s a little crazy and we all walk around with this armor of sanity. 我感觉每个人都有点疯狂,但我们到哪都会戴着理智的盔甲。

53、Time past cannot be called back again翻译:.光阴一去不复返。

54、Time and tide wait for no man.翻译:岁月无情;

55、We also know that if you do not like our boyfriend/girlfriend, set of friends or art project we also hear about it.我们也知道如果你们不喜欢我们的男朋友或女朋友,朋友圈或者我们听说的某个艺术展。

56、第一层楼厅的前排座位 balcony above the stalls in a cinema or theatre

57、It has a great big circle of friends, but there are a few friends sharing weal and woe's true?人们大都有一个很大的朋友圈,但患难与共的真心朋友又有几个?“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识?”

58、The typical 21 year old's social circle nearly hits 100, with xx岁时的标准社交圈人数几乎可以达到100人:13个最好的朋友,17个亲密朋友,还有70个熟人。

13 "best" friends,

17 "close" friends and 70 acquaintances.

59、Some people benefit from large and diverse networks of friends, while others prefer a smaller circle of friends and acquaintances.有些人受益于非常广泛的朋友网络,其他人则倾向于较小的朋友圈和熟人。

60、兜了一圈,回到原处,恢复原状 return to the starting point

61、Her circle of friends includes both single and married women.她的朋友圈既有单身女性,也有已婚女性。

62、Who is your best friend in the show business? Sam lee.圈内最好的朋友是谁?李灿森。

63、朋友圈秀恩爱 A circle of friends and a show of love 重点词汇

64、We can send a message by calling the send_message() function. 我们可以通过调用send message()函数发送消息。

65、Both JRMP and IIOP are used to send message invocation information or return values over the wire. JRMP和IIOP都用于通过网络发送消息调用信息或者返回数据。

66、If all his friends have tattoo, forced by certain of pressure, he will have to choose tattoo or else he may be expunged from his friend circle.如果他的朋友们有文身,迫于某种压力,他也就会去文身了,否则就被逐出朋友圈了。

67、气质”刷爆朋友圈 "Temperament", brush blasting circle of friends

68、The most efficient way to enlarge your circle of friends is to connect your circle with someone else’s.扩大你朋友圈的最有效的方法就是把你的圈子与别人的圈子相连。

69、Yes, I did send message to you, please check again. 是的,我已经发信息给你了,请再查看一下。

70、总有许多人在朋友圈里晒幸福 There are many people in the circle of friends to show their happy

71、Send Mail failed to send message. 发送邮件程序在发送消息时失败。

72、This discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of science.这个发现在科学界得到很高的评价。

73、So friends-of-friends is an excellent place to start if you're trying to expand your circle.所以,如果你想扩大交际圈,“朋友的朋友”是一个很好的开始之处。

74、如果想对别人说“记得@我一下”,可以说“Don't forget to notify me.”或者“Don't forget to give me a mention.”。

75、Do you like to post something on Moments?你喜欢发朋友圈吗?

英文句子模板76:Send a circle of friends,76、When I graduated, I kept my circle of female friends from college, worked with all women and lived with two female roommates.毕业后,我的朋友圈子里都是女人——我大学时的女朋友们,我跟女人一起工作,和两个女室友同居。


标签: 朋友

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