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关于”适合生“的英语句子36个,句子主体:suitable for raw。以下是关于适合生的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:suitable for raw


1、Later, under the appropriate stretch, in the village opened a restaurant in the right, from Qingping many business, so the two people now make more.


2、The best way to take good wildlife photographs is to have the right gear.


3、These are pre-beta versions, not suitable for production use.

最终产生一个适合生产使用的知识库,供基于 ICM 的应用程序使用。

4、The final product is a production-ready KB, for use with ICM-based applications.


5、Carbon, Carbon Everywhere, but Not the Right Kind to Use.


6、The second is that fast food is more suitable to the western lifestyle.


7、It is not OK Cupid’s concern whether you are suited for a lifetime together.

8、the first thing that i’d like to do 我要作的第一件事就是.


9、In this article, the methods of the preparation of perfume Lilial are reviewed. And some methods that are suitable for production are proposed.


10、Device erasure occurs by utting the proper erase command sequence.

11、the first thing that i’d like to do 我要作的第一件事就是


12、To this end, FRITSCH is just as happy to provide solutions for the classically-trained small-business baker as for the needs of industrial mega producers.


13、The production of drug-resistance in insects is often accompanied with the fitness cost.


14、Suitably rested and refreshed, the interval is just about over.


15、How to choose appropriate college or university for many examinees, and how every college or university can recruit apprópriate persons with ability, it is a key problem.


16、Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before the right one, so when this happenes, you will be thankful.


17、That explained sandy loam and loam were fit for the occurrence of EPN.


18、What would you say is the most suitable personality for being a doctor?


19、The city lifestyle seems to suit her - she's certainly looking very well.


20、The product is suitable for handling original ore of sand gold and huge amount of tailing sand. It is more advanced gold rush washing equipment having strong applicability at home and aboard.

21、The artificial seawater a source suitable for the growth of living beings is almost like the natural one.极近天然的人工海水,适合生物生长的自然源泉。

22、the first thing that i’d like to do 我要作的第一

23、The nutrient conditions suitable for the growth of the Rhodotorula SCLI were studied.研究了适合于红酵母SCLI生长的营养条件。

24、Ask your doctor whether these treatments are appropriate for you.请询问医生这些治疗手段是否适合于你。

25、How to choose appropriate college or university for many examinees, and how every college or university can recruit appropriate persons with ability, it is a key problem.考生在填报考院校的时候,如何让考生本人选择自己合适的院校和各院校也能录取到合适的人才,是一个很关键的问题。

英文句子26:,26、The liquefier can be simply mixed with asphalt to produce cold blending asphalt suitable for preparing cold blending mixing materials.该液化剂能够与沥青简单混合,生产出适合于做冷拌混合料的冷拌沥青。

27、Corny as it sounds, finding the right scent can be life-changing.虽然听上去是老生常谈,但找到合适的香型可以改变人生。

28、It requires multi-way joins and the generation of proper XML tagging.它需要以多路方式加入和生成合适的 XML 标签。

29、The test of wool textile decrement indicated that the L86 compound enzymes was an ideal decrement agent for wool decrement.生物整理试验表明,L86复合酶比较适合用作羊毛织物生物整理用酶。

30、Conclusion Plant-microorganism combined bioremediation is an efficient way to remediate contaminated soils, and the key is to seek the best matching partners between plant and microorganism.结论植物-微生物联合修复是生物修复的一种有效的形式,其关键是寻找较适合的植物-微生物匹配组合。

31、In addition, IELTS is generally not suitable for people under 另外,雅思考试一般不适合xx岁以下的考生。

16 years of age.

32、The reason probably is the incisive micro-habitats are appropriate to the acid-producing micro-organism.推测可能是因为刻槽微生境比较适合一摘要些产酸微生物的生存。

33、the first thing that i’d like to do 我要作的第

34、Celibacy does not suit a university. It must mate itself with action.大学不适合独身生活,必须要与身边的人互动。

35、Improved asset utilization and employee productivity by providing the location of resources and ensuring assets are in the right place at the right time.通过提供资源的位置以及确保资产在合适时间处于合适位置提高资产的利用率和员工生产率。

36、Mineral makeup is great for acne-prone skin.矿物化妆品是易生粉适合刺皮肤使用的理想化妆品

37、PVC conveyor belt product formulations designed to meet health indicators, appropriate color, light and durable.PVC输送带产品配方设计合理,符合卫生指标, 色泽适度,轻巧耐用。

38、Raising the silver arowana is to simulate a proper ecological conditions for it.养殖银龙鱼就是人为地模拟一个适合银龙鱼生长的生态环境。

39、Grasp the operation indicatio reasonablely, raise obstetrics quality, cut down incidence rate of asphyxia neonatorum.合理掌握手术适应证,提高产科质量,降低新生儿窒息的发生率。

40、Both tree species showed no photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 concentration.CO2浓度升高条件下, 两树种均未发生光合适应现象。

41、The results of the model can be used in productive enterprises.模型的解决结果适合于多产品的生产型企业使用。

42、Model (模型(

4) was fit to estimate birth weight and weaning litter weight.


43、the first thing that i’d like to do 我要作的第一件事

44、You cannot find peace by avoiding life.(你逃避生活的同时就无法找到平和安稳。

45、The units were adapt to small-scale physical refining product-line.此机组适合在小规模物理精炼生产线中应用。

46、This will use the most appropriate health poultice in your inventory.这会使用物品清单中最合适的生命膏药。

47、Many of the cache microhabitat are beneficial to seed germination, a directed dispersal.动物传播是定向传播,微生境多适合种子萌发。

48、It is applicable for producing ornaments and craftworks which are made of terne alloy, zinc alloy and other materials.适用于生产铅锡合金、锌合金等材料的饰品,工艺品。

49、The problem is these issues will often arise at inopportune times.问题是这些意外情况经常在不合适的时间发生。

50、The improved precess and procedure are more suitable for industrial production because of higher yield and lower cost.该合成工艺条件与方法能有效提高反应收率,降低生产成本,适合工业化生产。

经典英文句子51:适合生,51、the first thing that i’d like to do 我要作的第一件

52、Emotive education is suitable for growing university student, especially suitable for implementing and advancing expansionary psychological consultation of university as important course.情绪教育适合于成长中的大学生,尤其适合作为高校实施和推进发展性心理辅导的重要课程。

53、Under the present production condition, the wheat special fertilizer with N and P should be made.在目前生产条件下,春小麦专用肥以比例合适的氮磷二元复合肥较为合理。

54、Applied to punch production for aluminum door and window and plastic profile.适合铝门窗及塑料型材的大批量切割生产用。

55、The synthesizing route of Azelnidipine was studied and an appropriate synthesizing process was designed for industrialization.对阿折地平的合成工艺进行了研究,设计了一条适合于工业化生产的合成路线。

56、Q oes the frequent travel required for this work fit into your lifestyle?经常需要出差的工作适合你的生活方式吗?

57、Best for line art and computer-generated drawings. Only 256 colors. Insufficient color for many photos.最适合线型图片和计算机生成的图片。仅适用256 色,对许多照片而言,颜色不足。

58、} our song ,should've said no,love story,tears drop on my guitar, 【taylor这些调子都很浅,适合别做练习边听哟,

59、be mad, dear, red looks good on you.喏,亲爱的,别生气呀。 红颜色对于你再合适不过了。

60、the first thing that i’d like to do我要作的第一件事就是.

61、That bread improver is not suitable for their production method.可能这个面包添加剂不适合它现有的生产方法。

62、The energy economy of pregnancy is dominated by the biological adaptation of pregnancy anabolism.妊娠 期 合成代谢的生物学适应性所支配。

63、Should do: demonstrate modifications at all times, inviting students to choose the appropriate level for themselves based on sensations of comfort or discomfort.任何时候都要示范经修改的动作,基于学生舒适或不舒适的感受吸引他们选择合适难度。

64、The procedure is mild and clear, improved yields for both anilines and primary amines make it a useful and attractive process for the synthesis of 4(3H)-quinazolinones.这一方法不仅适合于芳胺,也适合于脂肪胺作为底物,该方法作为一种4(3H)-喹唑啉衍生物的合成方法,是非常方便和实用的。

65、Doing Business for a quick return and a small margin fits the psychology of consumers.薄利多销做生意,适合消费者的心理。

66、Personality: Kapaks like structure in their lifes, and military lifestyle suit them .个性:卡帕克龙人喜欢有组织的生活,军事化的生活方式适合他们。

67、Project inspect manages the work outdoor is some more, do not suit a schoolgirl.工程监理室外 工作多一些,不适合女生。

68、It's an obvious tool for rapid prototyping, but has proven its capabilities in production scenarios.显然这是一种合适的快速原型开发工具,但实践证明也适用于生产环境。

69、The processing method can be widely applicable to industrial production of medium and small-sized enterprises.可广泛适合于中小企业工业化生产。

70、The site had been inoculated with soil containing suitable mycorrhizal fungi.在生境中用带有合适菌根真菌的土壤接种。


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