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关于”解释原因的句型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Sentence patterns that explain why。以下是关于解释原因的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns that explain why


1、And now Stanford has a radical new proposal to explain why.


2、However, this does not explain how the ineffectual pills actually cause a reduction in symptoms.


3、an explanation concerning sources or causes of profit differentials between firms


4、Herd mentality explains why fads get so popular.


5、This caused a massive release of 12C-rich methane into the atmosphere, explaining the initial drop in 13C concentrations.


6、In apology he explained why he was late.


7、If we knew why, we could explain a lot.


8、The opening ceremonies' Musical Director explained why on Beijing radio.


9、It also explains why we use a specific multiplicity in the correspondence.


10、Doctor Nbwembwe Kabamba was the one to explain.


11、I think there's actually a reason for this aberration.


12、The report cited several societal and economic reasons for the jump.


13、The reaction processes were traced by GC and the causes of different resultants were explored.

14、) It never rains but it rains continuously for weeks there. 那个地方要么不下雨,一下就连续下几个星期。


15、But if I want to explain why it does what it does.


16、Glymour, C. "Learning Causes: Psychological Explanations of Causal Explanation. " Minds and Machines

8 (1998): 39-60.


17、Almost any deficit can be explained as volitional.


18、Explain the reason why do you choose the street fashion products?


19、an explanation concerning the mechanism or reason(s) why the differentials are not equalized by competition, and


20、Prof. Waters prefers a physiological explanation for small dogs' longer lifespans.

21、Lily: To explain to Rufus the real reason I've been lying to him?跟Rufus解释我跟他撒谎的真正原因?

22、Please confirm and explain why.请证实并解释原因。

23、Microsoft explains their reasoning for releasing Volta as an "experiment" as微软解释了将Volta以“实验品”的形式发布的原因

24、The classical ABC model illustrated the molecular mechanism of floral development, and explained the floral organ mutants of homeotic gene.经典的ABC模型有效地解释了花器官发育的分子机制,可以广泛地解释因同源异型基因的突变而引起的植物花器官变异。

25、Ron found it difficult to determine the reasons for these events.荣发现他难以解释出这些事情的原因。

英文句子26:,26、So just explain what you did and why again.请再解释一下你的选择及其原因

27、The model can be used to explain the dehalogenation mechanism.该模型可用于解释卤代芳烃化合物还原脱卤的机理。

28、No one explained, we waited for two hours.没有人解释原因,我们等了两个钟头。

29、It well explained the hardness initiation of the debris flows in the research area. (很好解释了研究区矿渣型泥石流“不易”发生的原因。(

4) Proposed initial pattern of the min waste debris flow.


30、And here lies the explanation for much of the Kremlin's recent behaviour.克里姆林最近的强硬手腕,原因大多可解释如下。

31、As we know, the few measured parameters will lead to multiplicity of inversion and interpretation.测量参数少是造成反演解释多解性的原因之

32、At the same time, the Mohist "category" can not be interpreted without "similarity", because both "essential attribute" and "similarity" can not be missed when wet…在用“本质属性”解释“类”的同时,不能降低甚至排除用“相似性”对“类”的解释,因为这两方面的解释在理解《墨经》的逻辑类型时都不可或缺。

33、But there are several theories as to why paid-click growth is down.但关于付费点击增长率下降的原因有几种解释。

34、将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense

35、The MAKING OF A NATION explains what caused this depression.“建国史话”将会解释是什么原因导致了这场大萧条。

36、Sibyl : And we still haven't been given any explanation for the delay.西柏: 而我们仍然没有听到他们解释延迟的原因。

37、It never rains but it pours.要么不下雨,一下就是倾盆大雨。

38、In the reduction of theory, they act as limiting terms, dual sentences of term or identificatory statements.在理论的还原解释中,对应规则起性条件、双向条件语句或恒等陈述作用。

39、This time-lag is difficult to explain, but there are three.这种时滞现象很难解释,但可能有三个原因。

40、How will you explain the root for this accidence .你如何解释这次事故的原因?

41、Personal organization somehow releases or frees you to operate more effectively.个人的条理分明因某种原因将释放或解放你让你更有效率的工作。

42、How do you explain the reason of this accidence?你如何解释这次事故的原因?

43、That would explain the high number of people who got sick.这也许能解释为什么这么多人得病的原因。

44、Of the original release "The body has 'Yi' and", "Yi" is usually interpreted as "escape", "lost" or "hermit" This being so, difficult to understand the meaning of the whole sentence.原释“其身已‘逸’及”,“逸”通常解释为“逃逸”、“散失”或“隐逸”,若此,全句含义费解。

45、For some inexplicable reason, in this field less is considered more.出于某些不能解释的原因,在战场上少的被当作多。

46、He explained the reason why he was made to catch the offenders.他解释他被要求抓违章者的原因。

47、Some The causes of the tritium's yield is higher than the neutron, high cramming deuterium rate in the Palladium and the "Heat after death" and so on are explained.解释钯中含氘率高和氚与中子产额比高的原因。最后指出“死后热”现象也可用双中子态模型解释。

48、In addition, the possibility of presence of BHC isomers with different contents in different cropland is also explained in this p…同时解释了不同类型农田包气带中六六六异构体含量差异的原因。

49、A large operator explained to me why: shirts wear out rather faster than say, suits;一家大型经营商向我解释了原因:衬衣的磨损率远高于西服;

50、Let me explain to you why .让我给你一个解释一下原因。

经典英文句子51:解释原因的句型,51、"So the keystone is a preuve de mérite, " Sophie said.兰登解释说:“这就是楔石出现的原因。

52、RESULTS and CONCLUSION The burst release is usually not effective and welcome, it should be well controlled by studying the initial release problem thoroughly.结果和结论突释通常是不受欢迎的,随着对突释原因的深入了解,突释问题应能得到解决和控制。

53、Well, I can kind of explain it; there are a couple of factors.或许我能解释,其中的一两点原因

54、"Edge" in Sanskrit as "reasons", and "because" with the co-called "karma.“缘”在梵语中解释为“原因”,和“因”一起合称为“因缘”。

55、A briefing in the new issue of The Economist helps explain why.新一期的经济学人简介栏目中解释了个中原因。

56、We were feeing more puzzled than ever when he began to explain.他开始解释起请我们来的原因时,我们感到从所未有的不解。

57、The reason is the changes in the sun's alignment.原因被科学家们解释为太阳的同向排列。

58、Heart explain why it changed its name to him and get married.素心向他解释改名原因和嫁人的事。

59、Because atomic theory explains things.因为原子理论能够解释一些现象

60、I’ll explain why in a future column.我将会在未来的栏目里解释其原因。

61、A cavity would explain why the remains of RCW 86 are so big.这个空洞解释了RCW 86残骸为什么如此之大的原因。

62、The thesis testifies that the cause of BSR and blanking zone can be explained with different models.本论文证明BSR以及空白带产生的原因可以通过不同的模型进行解释。

63、The reasons for the non-approval will be explained in the respective letter.对于没有被批准的原因将在各自的信件中解释。

64、A theoretical model is established for interpreting production well logging data in horizontal wells and its principle is denoted.建立了水平井生产测井数据解释的理论模型,阐述了解释原理。

65、The causes are often explained in terms of a diathesis-stress model and biopsychosocial model.原因往往是在一个素质应力模型和生物-心理-社会医学模式的角度进行解释。

66、She also recruits Homer and Shakespeare to the cause.她也引用了荷马和莎士比亚来解释原因。

67、Then, briefly explain the extenuating circumstances as to why you did what you did.然后,简短的解释你之所以会这样做的原因。

68、Abdl Khadr explains his delay in openly siding with the opposition.阿布多·卡德尔解释了他延迟公开支持反对派的原因。

69、Susan Candiotti explains why in this report on Sarah.苏珊·参迪特会解释莎拉在这一报告中的原因。

70、Account for the growing strength of Satsuma and Choshu, and explain how these two hans contributed to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. (2001)解释长州及萨摩藩势力日益增长的原因,并解释该两藩如何导致德川幕府的倒台。

71、So if just recite the original text literally a little explanation, and not deep, comprehensive understanding of "The Analects" Chapters of the spirit.所以如果光是读诵原文,在字面上稍加解释,并不能深刻、全面地理解《论语》章句的精神。

72、For reasons that I will shortly explain, name this directory wasp/.将该目录命名为 wasp/,我随后会解释这样做的原因。

73、Gene for gene hypothesis is the genetic explanation for plant-pathogen interaction.基因对基因假说是植物一病原相互作用的遗传学解释。

74、The young man explained why they stopped us.他解释他被要求抓违章者的原因。

75、How else can you explain the popularity of Crocs?我们还能想出什么其他原因来解释Crocs的流行吗?

英文句子模板76:Sentence patterns that explain why,76、Carmen A. Saenz explained the cause.萨斯博士解释了原因。


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