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博士论文的英语是" Doctor Dissertation Research Paper",在日常中也可以翻译为" dissertation",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到64个与博士论文相关的释义和例句。


1. Doctor Dissertation Research Paper

博士论文翻译为 Doctor Dissertation Research Paper 。

示例:硕士和博士论文会有不同的要求。 There are different expectations for Master's theses and for Doctoral theses.


2. dissertation

博士论文翻译为 dissertation 。

示例:罗斯发现他的博士论文在纽约图书馆里。 Ross discovers that his Doctoral Thesis is in NYU's library.


3. doctoral thesis

博士论文翻译为doctoral thesis。


1、Each country concerned could increase the number of scholarships and other financial support for doctoral theses and research projects in this area.


4. Doctoral thesis

博士论文翻译为 Doctoral thesis 。

示例:But we're talking about an objective doctoral thesis. 但我们说的是客观的博士论文



1. doctoral dissertation([计] 博士论文)

2. doctoral thesis(un. 博士论文)


3. dissertation(论文


4. treatise(论文

5. Doctor of Philosophy(博士)

英语短语&俚语, Dissertation Proposal Course ( 博士论文指导课程 )

Dissertation Seminar ( 博士论文研讨会 )

dissertation ( 常指博士论文 )

Doctoral Dissertation Data ( 博士论文数据 )

Doctoral Comprehensive ( 博士论文综述 )

Doctoral Dissertation Proposal doctor thesis proposal ( 博士论文开题报告 )

Doctoral Dissertation Defense ( 博士论文答辩 )

Dissertation ( 博士论文撰写及答辩 )

Dissertation Seminar ( 博士论文研讨 )


1. My doctoral thesis was on the advantage...


2. it makes "What the Bleep Do We Know"seem like a doctoral dissertation from Harvard on quantum mechanics -- that's how bad it is.

译文:这部电影使 "我们懂个X” (电影) 显得像是篇博士论文 哈佛大学量子力学的论文-- 这个电影就是这么糟 。

3. Man-Cheong, iona D. "The Class of 1761: The Politics of a Metropolitan Examination", Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1991


4. Chapter three, Ou Yi was called Nazarite of Buddhism Practice in Shi Shengyan's doctoral dissertation.


5. Shu Yuan, the doctoral thesis of Dr. Wang Xi and Dr. Xu Xianxiang, were separately awarded the National "Top 100 Doctoral Thesis"in 2005 and in 2007.

译文:舒元教授指导的王曦和徐现祥博士的两篇论文分别获xx年度和xx年度全国百篇优秀博士论文。 。

6. Now, that hypocrisy kept bugging me, so i wrote my Ph.D dissertation on international drug control.

译文:这个表里不一的概念不停地缠着我 所以我写的博士论文就是研究国际药物管制。 。

7. Zhang Fangzhi. Research on Stability of Embankment under Effects of River Scouring. Jinan University, 2010.

译文:张芳枝。河流冲刷作用下的堤岸稳定性研究。暨南大学博士论文,xx年。 。

8. it makes "What the Bleep Do We Know"seem like a doctoral dissertation from Harvard on quantum mechanics -- that's how bad it is.

译文:这部电影使 "我们懂个X” 显得像是篇博士论文 哈佛大学量子力学的论文-- 这个电影就是这么糟。

9. i got my Ph.D. studying honeybee health.

译文:我的博士论文研究的是蜂群的健康 。

10. You see, i'm doing my Ph. D. thesis in anthropophagy...


11. So i thought, "What to do now? Maybe start to write my PhD thesis."

译文:于是我想,现在干点什么呢? 应该可以着手写博士论文了吧。 。

12. it's a Ph.D. thesis, and unpublished theses go in the--

译文:嗯,这是一个博士论文 未发表的论文?。

13. But you couldn't seem to finish that dissertation.


14. The thesis committee accepted my doctoral dissertation.

译文:是什么好消息 Bernadette? 论文委员会通过了我的博士论文。

15. But we're talking about an objective doctoral thesis.



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