有利条件用英语怎么说 有利条件英语翻译

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有利条件用英语怎么说 有利条件英语翻译

有利条件翻译为英语的说法为: desirability,还网络中常译为"favourable condition -",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到33个与有利条件相关的翻译和例句。


1. desirability

有利条件翻译为 desirability 。

示例:不要放弃你的有利条件。 Don't throw away your advantages.


2. favourable condition -

有利条件翻译为 favourable condition - 。

示例:她具有受过良好教育的有利条件。 She had the advantage of a good education.


3. favorable condition

有利条件翻译为 favorable condition 。

示例:你年轻、聪明、漂亮—有利条件可多啦! You're young, intelligent, attractive—you have a lot going for you!


4. advantages -

有利条件翻译为 advantages - 。

示例:- Still it has its advantages. - Still it has its advantages.



1. favourable conditions([法]有利条件)

2. trading advantage(贸易有利条件)

3. aduantage(优势 有利条件)

4. take the odds(接受有利条件)

5. favourable condition([法] 优惠条件, 有利条件)

英语短语&俚语, Sweeten the pot ( 增加有利条件 )

advantage over ( 的有利条件 )

pump chance ( 泵浦送水的有利条件 )

advantage ( 利益有利条件优点 )

Acquired Endowment ( 后天的有利条件 )

The sales advantage ( 销售的有利条件 )

receive odds ( 接受有利条件 )

acquired endowment ( 或后天的有利条件 )

advantage of an education ( 受教育的有利条件 )


1. Well we think that insulin and iGF-1 hormones are hormones that are particularly active under favorable conditions -- in the good times -- when food is plentiful and there's not a lot of stress in the environment.

译文:胰岛素和IGF-1激素 是特别活跃 在有利条件下--好的时机下-- 当食物是充足的,没有很多压力的环境下 。

2. Favorable geography and topography conditions effectuate water conveying by gravity.

译文:地理条件也有利于自然引水、输水、供水。 。

3. Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to dogood; try to use ordinary situations.


4. They react fast when conditions are favorable

译文:在条件有利的时候 蓝脚鲣鸟总是反应迅速。

5. (narrator) As well as surprise, the Germans had overwhelming superiority in men and fire power at those points chosen for their armoured thrusts.

译文:除了出奇不意, 德国人还具备 在那些被选作装甲突破口的地点 拥有人员和火力的压倒性优势 的有利条件。

6. The variety of national resource of agriculture provides advantaged conditions of various agriculture development in Dingxi area.


7. The conditions may tilt the balance in favour of the Kenyan runners.

译文:这些条件可能对肯尼亚赛跑运动员有利。 。

8. While SOAP still has some advantages (which i'll look at next) for the true Java-phile, it just isn't as attractive.


9. A convenient timezone and a language which imperialism had spread around the globe made it easy for foreigners to operate in the city.


10. Accumulation of unidentified organic matter, harborage, or conditions conducive... to vermin.

译文:堆积无法识别的有机质 成为虫害的避难所 或为其创造有利条件...。

11. and when he cannot obtain it, that he may seek, and use, all helps, and advantages of Warre.


12. The Hulun Buir city is rich in tourism resources which have great development potential.


13. The staff were great and the shuttle into Ubud more or less on demand was a definite plus.


14. Such events occur only when the external conditions are favourable.

译文:此类事件只有当外界条件有利时才会发生。 。

15. She guesses that the high density of whales off the eastcoast of Australia affords more opportunity for new songs to arise than in asparsely populated region such as French Polynesia.

译文:她猜测与法属玻利尼西亚稀少的鲸鱼数量相比,在澳洲东海岸高密度鲸鱼的出现给新歌曲的产生提供了有利条件。 。


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