质量好用英语怎么说 质量好英语翻译

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质量好用英语怎么说 质量好英语翻译

质量好翻译为英语可以这样说:adequate quality,还可以翻译为 good,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到83个与质量好相关的释义和例句。


1. adequate quality

质量好翻译为adequate quality。

示例:A而且你还可以找到质量好的珍珠。 A And you can still find good quality pearls.


2. good

质量好翻译为 good 。

示例:我买一件衬衫因为它不但质量好,而且价格合理。 I bought a shirt because it was not only good in quality but also reasonable in price.


3. able

质量好翻译为 able 。

示例:如果你花钱买质量好的东西,它会让你用得更久,还能为你省钱。 If you are paying for quality, something will last you longer and then save you money.


4. be superior in quality

质量好翻译为be superior in quality。

示例:You know, this is quality fencework. this is quality fencework.



1. have quality(质量好,优良)

2. qualmier( 质量好)


3. quality(质量

4. lineic mass(质量)

5. mass inventory(质量)

英语短语&俚语, good quality clothes ( 质量好的衣服 )

Surface quality is good Good surface quality ( 表面加工质量好 )

Better quality than the Mitsubishi ( 质量好于三菱 )

Is it of good quality ( 是质量好 )

Good quality paper ( 质量好的纸 )

i want good quality ( 我想质量好 )

Forward to a good quality ( 转发到质量好 )

i want good quality ( 我想要质量好 )

product of good quallty ( 质量好的产品 )


1. Quality takes precedence (Jidoka).

译文:质量优先。 。

2. if the quality is good and the price is resonable, do you think you'll place an order now?


3. D. itss s qualified cable and different sizes.

译文:连接线质量好,而且有不同的尺寸。 。

4. Where chalkstone was of poor quality, better stones had to be used at the building corners (quoins) and openings.


5. Wow! That's one strong bath tub!

译文:我去 这浴缸的质量真心好。

6. Commodity with good quality can be salable.

译文:商品的质量好才能有销路。 。

7. What about no compromise, quality above all?

译文:当时说好质量至上 决不妥协的原则呢。

8. Software with high quality, good reliability, good reusability, good maintainability, can be obtained, when designed using the method of CBSD.

译文:使用基于构件软件开发可以设计出质量好、可靠性高、可重用性好、可维护性好的软件。 。

9. The living is good up there, but the women are even better down here.

译文:那里的生活质量好 但这里的女人质量甚至更好。

10. Conclusion: The method was available for quality control of Gujing Maisiha capsule.

译文:结论:方法简便,重复性好,可有效控制制剂的质量。 。

11. To exploit qualities of these print biomaterials well, it agrees to manage correctly the parameters of their application.


12. Have to restock the good fireproof sheets.


13. You know, if the Thornhills want quality give them quality.

译文:您是否有质量问题 保存质量。

14. So i want to use a quality binchotan.


15. Okay, so fluorine is


译文:好 氟的原子质量是

15.2 Okay, so fluorine is



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