纯朴用英语翻译为"unsophisticated",其次还可以说成" SIMTLY",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到66个与纯朴相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. unsophisticated
示例:我宁愿与纯朴的人打交道,不愿与世故的人交往。 I'd rather deal with a simple man than a sophisticated man.
纯朴翻译为 SIMTLY 。
示例:而那善良的古老传统中纯朴的美德。 The homely beauty of the good old cause.
3. simple
示例:我就是喜欢那种小变化大影响而带来的纯朴。 I love the simplicity of a small design change for a big impact.
4. honest
示例:Not been a good start to the day, to be honest. to be honest.
1. purpecha( 纯朴)
2. spianato((音乐术语)纯朴地)
3. ingenu(天真的(人),纯朴的(人))
4. severenesses(n. 严重;
5. spianatoes((音乐术语)纯朴地\n(spianato 的复数))
英语短语&俚语, Innocente simpleminded ingenuous ( 纯朴的 )
Spianato Semplice severely ( 纯朴地 )
Sing Along Duet ( 甜蜜纯朴的心 )
Sing Along Duet ( 甜美纯朴的心 )
Bring back simplicity ( 带回天真与纯朴 )
1. A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire and my little wife massaging my feet while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs.
译文:一个纯朴的乡村小屋 我刚打的猎物正在火上烤着 我的小妻子 在帮我按摩着双腿 孩子们和小狗玩着。
2. Grand in size and stunning in rustic but clean design the tub wows while simultaneously inviting relaxation .
3. They're just looking absolutely perfect and pristine.
译文:They're just looking absolutely perfect and pristine. 如此的完美 原始而纯朴。
4. There are a few different courts i play at, one of which is pristinely maintained, and another the complete opposite.
译文:有几个不同的法院在我玩,其中之一就是保持纯朴,另一个完全相反。 。
5. You're real, you're honest.
6. there was a kindness, simplicity, and goodness of character that marked all the years of his life.
译文:他是个和善 纯朴的人,一生都是这样。
7. Maiden, your simplicity , like the blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth.
8. A native of the Meuse. Or rather a naive of the Meuse.
译文:他是道地摩斯人 你们真该瞧瞧纯朴的摩斯乡下人。
9. The Ayeyarwady River and Salween River, which enjoy extensive and profound history, is just as peaceful as Myanmar people's inner soul.
译文:源远流长的伊洛瓦底江和萨尔温江,如缅甸人纯朴安详的内心世界; 。
10. out of their vitality their hopes and their sorrows grew legends of courage and pride to inspire their children and their children's children.
译文:从他们简单纯朴的生活方式 他们强韧的生命力... 他们的希望与悲伤... 衍生出勇气与荣耀的传奇...。
11. His face opened suddenly, as if lighted with simplicity, as when a flower opens out of the cunning bud.
12. But keep in mind, the Goddesses of wealth and learning don't get along.
译文:他们是保守 但他们有很纯朴的心灵。
13. John C, with its sliced tennis balls on the ends of chair and desk legs, is shopworn but pristine.
14. Later, Zen Buddhism paid homage to nature in the form of pristinely preserved rock gardens and an abundant use of natural materials.
15. i notice that he was fat and baldheaded, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance.
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