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关于”表示建议的句子“的英语句子5个,句子主体:Suggested sentences。以下是关于表示建议的句子的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suggested sentences

1、"Ruguo … jiu …" expresses a postulation. 表示一种假设关系的句子。

2、Table 1. List of vmo parameters and tuning recommendations 表 1. vmo 参数和优化建议的列表

3、You also use "couldn't" in a question to suggest doing something. 用在疑问句中也可用以建议做某事。

4、Now you can give me some advice.  现在你可以给我一些忠告。

5、This advice pleased the lion. 狮子对这个建议很欣赏。

6、I recommend creating a Command struct with fields and codes to represent commands and their arguments. 我建议用字段和代码创建一个命令结构来表示命令及其参数。

7、It's a suggestion. 这是一种表达建议的方式。

8、My English standard is not as high as expected. Hope you can understand. 我的英文水平很一般,希望大家能够理解。(注:这句话很多余,建议不要)

9、We assented to her proposal. 对她的建议我们表示同意。

10、To agree with a suggestion, you can say OK. 要表示同意某项建议,你可以说OK (好的)。

11、Other senators said they had not discussed the tax proposal. 其他参议员表示他们没有讨论过税收建议。

12、"My advice is in favor of international law," Merloe said, agreeing with Boda. 默洛对博达的主张表示赞同。 他说:"我建议支持国际法。"

13、I hope you are very happy at school everyday. Mary(他给你的信开头写的是你的名字,所以你写信时落款是Mary) 希望对你有帮助!

14、The students chorused their approval of the suggestion. 同学们对该建议齐声表示赞成。

15、"I suggest you consider a box of Legos, " I add. “建议你考虑一盒乐高,”我又加了一句。

16、1Sorry,I can not understand your words . Fall to live up to me and could not understand your words. 以上二句都可以用来回答,只不过1更常用,更口语化,建议你使用1。

17、She repulsed his offer of marriage.  她断然拒绝了他的求婚。

18、Next, you will decide which recommendation to pursue.  接下来,您将决定采用哪个建议。

19、He mugged displeasure at the suggestion. 他对那个建议皱了一下眉头表示不悦。

20、Lai Temu said at the meeting, the Belgian "absolutely no" Germany's proposal. 莱特姆在会上表示,比利时“绝对不同意”德国的建议。

21、The generic mainly forms are individual nouns; it can be nominal phrase of quantifier in abstract comment-sentences. 通指主要的表现形式是单个名词,在抽象评议句中,可以是数量名短语,冠词性的“这”也常常表示通指。

22、To agree with a suggestion, you can say OK. 要表示同意某项建议,你可以说OK (好的)。

23、you could suggest going home and coming back early the next day by using the "let's" pattern. 而是建议大家赶紧回家,第二天上午早点来工作。你可以用“let's”句型来表达。

24、Beside of describing those society problems, Kwee also wrote a lot of comments and constructive recommendations. 在反映这些问题的同时,他也表示出严厉的批评,以及建设性的建议。

25、Another way to use the "What if" question is to ask for advice. 另一种使用 “What if”问句的情况是征求建议的时候。


26、He suggests shading plants with bed sheets, shade cloth or brush -- in other words, sticks and branches. 他建议使用床单、遮阳布遮蔽植物。 或者用灌木丛,换句话说,也就是枝条。

27、Express gratitude on specific guidance and advise received by you during the session. 对面试过程中的具体指导和建议表示感谢。

28、We advise that steps be taken at once.  我们建议立即采取措施。

29、It shows how to modify the table creation statement for a global reset. 它演示如何修改表创建语句以实现全局重置。

30、The Working Group broadly endorsed all recommendations of the Volcker panel. 工作小组对沃尔克专家小组的所有建议表示广泛赞同。

31、——请求) be kind to our sister. (对姊妹要和善。

32、As a best practice, we always recommend including either the TO USER or the TO GROUP clause in GRANT statements to avoid any ambiguity. 作为最佳实践,我们建议在 GRANT 语句中总是包含 TO USER 或 TO GROUP 子句,以避免任何二义性。

33、Chris Brind’s very thoughtful comments and suggestions really completed the survey Chris Brind深思熟虑的评论和建议给这个调查真正画上了句号

34、Parents should offer objective and reasonable suggestions to their children. 胡医生建议:“父母应该给自己的孩子提供客观合理的建议。

35、This suggested revision reduces the word count to 20 from 27. It does so by shortening one introductory phrase and eliminating a second. 句子照建议修改,缩短第一个片语、删除第二个片语后,字数从27 个字减少到20 个字。

36、He was invited to the party. 他被邀请来参加派对。

37、They suggest translated phrases and vote on translations that others have submitted. 他们建议翻译一些别人提交上来的句子以及进行选择。

38、The representative's proposal is that a middle school (should) be founded in this village. 这位代表的建议是在这个村子里建一所中学。

39、You can show your appreciation for a suggestion: That's an excellent idea. 你可以对别人的建议表示欣赏:That's an excellent idea.

40、They take the approach of denoting a license through a URI as advocated above. 他们采用上面建议的使用 URI 表示许可证的方法。

41、Defines a mapping between table name and respective weights used to order the tables in the FROM clause when generating a query in the SAS dialect. 建议译文定义表名和在生成使用SAS 语支的查询时用于在FROM 子句中将表排序的相应权重之间的映射。

42、The Senate typically advises and consents by confirming a president’s nominations of high-ranking officials. 参议院通常以确认总统对高级官员的提名的方式提出建议和表示同意。

43、Instead of advice, in other words, what most people seek is your blessing. 除了建议之外,换句话说,大多数人寻求的是你的祝福。

44、According to the official, the timing of the announcement with the NATO ministerial meeting was no coincidence. 这位官员表示,宣布这项建议与北约举行部长级会议在时间上并非巧合。

45、If, in other words, we do as Vaclav Klaus and many other suggest, and let climate change take its course? 换句话说,如果我们按照瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯的建议或其他许多人的建议去做,顺其自然地让气候变化发展下去,那会怎么样?

46、As the user types text in the City Name field, suggestions are dynamically displayed, similar to Google's auto-suggest. 用户在 City Name 字段中键入文本时,将动态显示建议,类似于 Google 的自动建议功能。

47、The online payroll service also suggests replacing common vulgarities with phrases like "What the French toast?" or "brother trucker." 这项在线雇佣调查还建议使用“What the French toast”或者“brother trucker”等词句来代替常见的粗话。

48、She purred her approval of the suggestion. 她高兴地表示赞同这个建议。

49、Order, suggest, demand, inquire, require etc. 表示命令,要求,建议,意见,请求,询问等。

50、When he rephrased his request as "ways to make their jobs easier", he could barely keep up with the amount of suggestions. 当他用”让工作更简单”这样的句子重述了自己的请求后,获得的建议应接不暇。


51、It was crafted on the advice of police psychologists. 这句话是在警方心理学家的建议下录制的。

52、I believe you can get on well with your friends! I hope you are very happy at school everyday. Mary(他给你的信开头写的是你的名字,所以你写信时落款是Mary) 希望对你有帮助!

53、At last they yield to our advice.  他们终于听从了我们的劝告。

54、Nice suggestion.So the suggestion was this. 很好的建议,他的建议是这样的。

55、Write a letter to your congress person either to thank them or advise them of a concern. 向你所了解的国会议员写封信,不管是对他表示感谢或对你关心的问题提出建议都行。

56、To create a variable that indicates the time when the user first connects, use the following statements 要创建表示用户第一次连接时间的变量,使用以下语句

57、This Recommendation is based on Recommendation G. 964 and refers to it for those parts which are common in both Recommendations. 本建议基于建议G.964, 并引用了其中对两个建议是相同的部分。

58、What I suggest is this. 今天要教大家一句是:"What I suggest is this." ‘我要为你建议的是...’

59、Ten sentences for a company meeting. 一段公司会议的十句话。

60、Excerpts of these recommendations are shown below. 下面显示了这些建议的摘录。

61、XXX for his application of a tourist visa。 (如此信是用来申请签证,建议加上这一句), (签名) Name and Title of Signatory: (负责人的姓名及职衔) (I have authority to issue this certification。

62、We make this recommendation for two reasons.  我们提出此建议有两个原因。

63、Figure 5 shows the list of suggestions and the code it suggests for a local variable. 图 5 示了该建议列表和建议创建一个局部变量之后所生成的代码。

64、Hide the suggestion list --隐藏建议列表 ——

65、In addition to meaning "otherwise", "yaoburan" can also be used to give a suggestion. 表示递进关系,通常用于给别人提建议的时候。

66、Figure 4 shows the list of suggestions and the code it suggests for a local variable. 图 4 显示了该建议列表和建议创建一个局部变量之后生成的代码。

67、The passive status of unmarked passives has been a debatable matter. 无标被动句是否为被动句存在争议。

68、——禁止) no eating or drinking. (禁止吃喝。

69、But some advice: be grateful for your joy, every day. 但我可以给一些建议:对快乐表示感恩,天天如此。

70、This statement is represented in the example as subquery S1. 这个语句在示例中表示为子查询 S1。

71、suggestions given to parents suggestions n. 建议( suggestion的名词复数 ); 暗示; 细微的迹象; 使人作(尤其是不好的事情的)推测的理由;

72、Some advice regarding chlorinity expressing measure and assessment method in the chloride ion permeability test is proposed. 并对混凝土氯离子渗透性试验的氯离子浓度表示和评价方法提出建议。

73、Replace "IMCO recommendations" by "recommendations of the Organization". 以“本组织的建议案”代替“海协建议案”。

74、EX2. I do not recommend committing yourself to the purchase of the shares yet. 例句:我现在还不建议你去收购那些股份。


标签: 专升本 建议

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