四世同堂英语翻译 英语

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四世同堂的英语是" Four Generations",在日常中也可以翻译为" New Four Generations Living Together",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与四世同堂相关的译文和例句。


1. Four Generations

四世同堂翻译为 Four Generations 。

示例:讲述了一个四世同堂大家庭的生活故事。 It's a story of four generations under one roof.


2. New Four Generations Living Together

四世同堂翻译为 New Four Generations Living Together 。

示例:《四世同堂》是一个旅行的文本,也是一个在旅行中不断发生变异的文本。 Four Generations in One House is a traveling text and a text kept variation while traveling.


3. Four Generations under One Roof

四世同堂翻译为 Four Generations under One Roof 。

示例:中国现在很少再有四世同堂的大家庭了。 China no longer has families where four generations live under the same roof.


4. four generations under one roof

四世同堂翻译为four generations under one roof。

示例:Five generations under the same roof. 连你一起五代同堂呀 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Five generations under the same roof.



1. porching( 四世)

2. henry ivs(亨利四世)

詹姆士四世;苏格兰王詹姆士四世\n(james iv 的复数))

3. james ivs( 詹姆斯四世;

都四世;教宗西斯笃四世\n(sixtus iv 的复数))

4. sixtus ivs( 四世;

5. ivan the terribles(n. 伊凡四世)


1. in two days, Philip iV will be dead.

译文:两天后, 腓力四世就会死掉.。

2. Henry iV, School of Economic Sciences

译文:- 是亨利四世中学 经济科学高校。

3. So not into, uh,pompous ass the fourth?


4. This is Carlos the Fourth.

译文:这就是卡洛斯四世 (即查理四世)。

5. Very aptly chosen. Henry iV, wasn't it?

译文:非常恰当的选择 亨利四世, 对吗?。

6. in the 17th century, Sultan Murad iV banned smoking on the pain of death.

译文:在17世纪,苏丹木拉四世禁止吸烟,违者处死。 。

7. Hi. Are you Norbert Peter Steinke iV?

译文:你好 你是诺伯特·彼得·施泰因克四世吗。

8. He serves for the royal tasks definitely showing four generations of heroism.


9. Sultan Murad iv brought it from Bergamo.

译文:梅纳德苏丹王四世 把它从贝尔加马带来。

10. - Did you say you were John D., iii or iV?


11. His young son took up the claim and was crowned Edward iV.

译文:他年幼的儿子继承了他,成为了爱德华四世。 。

12. (All) Long live King Richard iV!


13. Nephew of His Holiness... ..Pope Sixtus iV.

译文:尊贵的教皇... 教皇西斯笃四世的侄子。

14. He's called the iV obviously because he's the fourth Antiochus.

译文:他被称为四世,因为他是第四个叫安条克的。 。

15. The world of Shaddam the Fourth remains only in crumbling history books.

译文:萨丹四世的世界只残余 在历史书的碎片里。


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