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关于”植树节“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Arbor Day。以下是关于植树节的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Arbor Day

皇帝说了:今天是植树节,谁若不种树,罚他三天饿大肚; 谁若敢毁绿,让他化作春泥更护绿。

1、12 and the emperor said: today is the Arbor Day, who sent him, if not trees three hungry mine, If anyone dare destroy green, let him ChunNi into more protection green.

标题 昆栏树目植物的研究。

2、A study on plant Trochodeodrales.


3、From the word arbor could we guess those who marked this festival in calendar wanna their offsprings have more shade of trees.

输入一棵二叉树的根节点,求该树的深度。 从根节点到叶节点一次经过的节点(含根、叶节点)形成树的一条路径,最长路径的长度为树的深度。

4、OJ's Binary Tree Serialization: The serialization of a binary tree follows a level order traversal, where '#' signifies a path terminator where no node exists below.


5、Today is Tree-planting Day .


6、Vegetation in the reserve includes: deciduous forest, coniferous and broad-leaf mixed forest, coniferous forest, Alpine bush woods, and grass land, etc.


7、The survival rate of transplanting old or big trees lies in the transplanting technology of big trees, which includes heeling in and transplanting.


8、All trees except palms are dicotyledons .


9、Planting before Tomb Sweeping Festival, Chun-yang Zhao Lin, Chun-yu Fei Sa, planting seedlings with high survival rate, grow fast.

from grass to bushes to palms to highly detailed broadleaf trees.通过不同参数,我们可以模拟不同种类的植物……从草到到灌木到棕榈树再到高度细节的阔叶树。

10、Depending on the attributes, different plant species can be mimicked…


11、During the growing season, I can see the burnt remains of the bare trees stands a.


12、Analysis the principles and impact factors of old and big trees transplant;


13、The broad-leaf trees are members of flowering plants, including the oaks, elms, maples, birches, and beeches.


14、Uh, well , on the, on the tree planting day and my , my family and I we went to the suburbs of Beijing and we planted serval trees there and I hope these young trees are still alive now .


15、Bamboo shall be planted at the abandoned paddy near Tai Hang Bridge as recommended in Section

7.4 of the EIA Report.



16、The pine and fir are coniferous trees.


17、Once each season's available trees are reserved, registrations will be held for the next season's TREE Program distribution.

18、Live trees and other plants;

六 章 : 活树及其他植物;

19、every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day 每年的xx月xx日是植树节,你知道在这天我们要做些什么吗?


20、Summing up the features of old and big trees species transplanted commonly, the common methods of transplantation and techniques of moisturizing;

21、Aims Mangrove plants are usually categorized as true mangrove plants and semi-mangrove plants on the basis of their distribution in inter-tidal regions.依据红树植物在潮间带的分布,将其分为真红树植物和半红树植物两大类。

22、National Tree-Planting Day.全民植树日。

23、I had been trying to reduce my carbon footprint for years by recycling, conserving energy at home and planting trees around town with a local non-profit organization, "Trees Atlanta."这些年来我一直在在尝试 通过各种方式减少碳排放,如:骑自行车,节约家里的能源,以及和一个地方非盈利的组织(植树亚特兰大)一块在小镇附近植树 。

24、China set the rule that March 12th is Arbor Day to encourage people of all nationalities for afforestation greening of the motherland improving the environment benefit the future generations.我国规定以xx月xx日为中国的植树节,以鼓励全国各族人民植树造林,绿化祖国,改善环境,造福子孙后代。

25、Trees were cut but none were planted.(过去)只砍树不植树。?。

英文句子26:,26、Young sprouts of Hevea planting materials at various seasons were examined in relation to the water-retaining capacity and osmotic substance which were employed to determine optimum planting season.测定橡胶树不同季节萌动芽的持水力及几种渗透活性物质,并以此判断最适宜的定植季节。

27、Arbor Day: A psycho with a chainsaw slaughters a bunch of high school kids and cooks them into pizza at the local parlor.植树节: 一种将一群中学孩子肢解,在店堂内做成比萨的心里。

28、Classified by natural products and utilization they can be divided into 按其产物和用途可分为6类:药用植物、油料植物、纤维植物、树脂和树胶植物、芳香油植物以及淀粉植物等。

6 types:medicinal plants, oil plants, fibre plants, colophony and balata plants, perfume plants and amylum plants .

29、During holidays in the Victorian era, the English would hang sprigs of mistletoe from ceilings and in doorways.在维多利亚时代英国人过节时会在天棚和门廊上挂上槲寄生植物的树枝。

30、What is this tree or plant called?这树或植物叫啥?

31、A dense growth of trees, plants, and underbrush covering a large area.的灌木丛(小树、矮树丛和蕨类植物)。

32、every year. do you know what can we do to help on the day 每年的xx月xx日是植树节,你知道在这天我们要做些什么吗?

33、Trees are being planted by them.那些树正在被他们种植。

34、On the Planting Festival, many young people provided money assistance to and took part in the Greening Project in the Study Garden at Dian Shan Lake.植树节期间,我行青年积极参加上海银行淀山湖学苑“绿化工程”捐款和义务植树活动 ;

35、Mangrove solonchak is a special type of soil under mangrove vegetation.红树林盐土是红树植被下的一类特殊土壤。

36、In 1963, plant physiologist Charles Coggins proved that application of gibberellic acid allows fruit to remain on citrus trees for extended periods.xx年,植物生理学家查尔斯·科金斯证实使用赤霉酸(一种植物生长调节剂)可以使果实在橘树上停留更长时间。

37、Last year 162 kg of seed was planted, which amounts to about 这个项目是xx年启动的,当时种植了10公斤野橡树籽。 去年种植了162公斤橡树籽,大约发出了100万株树苗。

1 million saplings.

38、All trees except palms are dicotyledons.除了棕榈树,所有的树都是双子叶植物。

39、In this district, the mangrove plants consist of 该地区的红树植物种类计有8科、12属、12种,以红树科植物占优势。

12 species belonging to

12 genera in

8 families.

40、Planting Trees Day comes on March 每年的xx月xx日是植树节,你知道在这天我们要做些什么吗?

12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

41、In Texas, home to several large cities, a program called Trees for Texas has planted 139,000 trees to cut pollution and save energy.在拥有好几个大城市的得克萨斯州,一项被称作“为得克萨斯植树”(Trees for Texas)的项目为减少污染和节能已经种植了


42、The trees are planted on the banks.树种植在岸上。

43、By a law enacted in 1982, every Chinese must plant 3-5 trees a year.根据xx年颁布的全民义务植树运动规定,每人每年都要种植3至5棵树。

44、She likes planting trees and flowers.她喜欢种植花草树木。

45、They will plant many trees today.他们今天将要植好多树。

46、Anumber of students are planting tree snow.现在许多学生在植树。

47、Those pines are machine planted.那些松树是用机器栽植的。

48、Every node in the size tree will have lesser size nodes in its left subtree and greater size nodes in the right subtree.大小树中的每个节点都比左边子树中的节点小,比右边子树中的节点大。

49、The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.搜索二叉树的定义为,左子树的每个节点都小于当前节点;右子树的每个节点都大于当前节点。

50、including laws to the Shebat, to the Sabbath to culture, to different aspects of life.包括对于植树节,对于礼拜作出规定的教规,覆盖了文化以及生活的很多方面。

经典英文句子51:植树节,51、Then you went to head the soil and fertilizer and well, beauty, but delicious, Arbor Day happiness!那么请你往头上撒把泥土和肥料吧,可美容,可美味,植树节快乐!

52、Ivy, cypress, eucalyptus, palm and olive trees have been slowly added and grown throughout the remodel, giving the exterior grounds new life, as well as the interior areas.后来又渐渐植上了常春藤、桉树类植物、棕榈树和橄榄树,这些植物已经长满了整个改建花园,给室外场地与室内空间注入了活力。

53、Today is the Arbor Day, and we uesd to plant trees to make our world green and to remind us to protect the enviroment around us.今天是植树节,我们通常会在这一天去植树,想要为这个世界填一些绿色。然而还会提醒我们去保护周边的环境。

54、Trees were planted by us.树被我们植过了。

55、Not only are they incredible timesavers, the company has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant a tree for every app purchased.这款应用不仅极其省时间,公司也与植树节基金会合作,每卖一份应用,就会值一棵树。

56、On the basis of the study, the reference directory about street trees, landscape trees, foliage trees, flower trees, ornamental fruit trees, woody climbing trees and plant communities is provided.在以上研究的基础上,针对河南野生木本植物资源多样性,分别就行道树、园景树、观叶树、观花树、观果树、木本攀援植物以及自然植物群落等在园林上的应用提供了参考名录。

57、Mangrove plants are usually categorized as true mangroves and mangrove associates on the basis of their distribution in inter-tidal regions.依据红树植物在潮间带的分布,将其分为真红树植物和半红树植物两大类。

58、We planted the trees on the banks .我们把树植在岸上。

59、They planted two hundred trees yesterday.他们昨天植了200棵树。

60、Plant the trees at equal spaces apart.按等距离种植树木。


标签: 植树节

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