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1、Some people are more visual. Some people are much more feeling and more kinesthetic.


2、And forty-eight percent believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP.


3、Two people who trust telling their secrets to each other feel safe.


4、Take care not to feel towards the inhuman, as they feel towards men.


5、Women have rounder hips than men.


6、Human infections with H5N1 peaked in 2006, when 115 cases -- 79 of them fatal -- were reported to the WHO.


7、The H1N1 swine flu viruses are antigenically very different from human H1N1 viruses and, therefore, vaccines for human seasonal flu would not provide protection from H1N1 swine flu viruses.


8、They were interpersonal alienation, sense of meaninglessness, sense of powerlessness, sense of self-dissociation and sense of culture-dissociation.


9、When avian flu is around and human flu appears, this will raise the chances of avian flu turning into a human flu.


10、That so many people are in motion gives Shenzhen and surrounding areas a rootless , transient quality.


11、Q6. Can swine influenza in humans be treated?


12、Everybody has financial fears.


13、It's not a pity because women treasure the love while men treasure experience.


14、Because being thanked feels good.


15、A positive finding will presumptively conclude that the patient has the new, previously unseen strain of H1N1 swine flu.


16、Yes there is no denial to it. It's same like when we say we say Amitabh Bachchan is an Indian.


17、Whoever is interested in life is particularly interested in death.

的确,是自信使人们感到与别人相处时十分舒适, 使人们不感到没有安全感(杨晏慈注意!)

18、Indeed, it's self-confidence that allows people to feel comfortable interacting with others without feeling insecure and vulnerable.


19、Influenza A (H1N1) viruses do not normally infect humans. Most commonly, direct transmission cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs.


20、Since China confirmed the first human infections with the bird flu virus in late March, the country has so far reported 130 confirmed H7N9 cases, including 33 deaths.

21、Of 34 cases confirmed in Egypt, 埃及迄今已确认34例人体感染禽流感的病例,其中13人死亡。

13 have been fatal.

22、People like talking about people, makes us feel superior, makes us feel in control.人们喜欢讨论别人,这使我们感觉高人一头,使我们感觉一切尽在掌握。

23、Jackie in the party who all care her gratitude, especially grateful that kindness.杰姬在宴会上感激一切关怀她的人,特别感激那个好意人。

24、And it's great to people watch.看人来人往的感觉很不错。

25、She disgusted everyone by spitting.她随地吐痰,使人人感到厌恶。

英文句子26:,26、Different from other flus, for HINI, youths are the main group catching the A/HINI flu virus in China.不同于其他的流感,在中国,青年人是感染甲型流感的主要人群。

27、Nationwide, swine flu has been confirmed in 从全国范围来看,已被确认感染猪流感的人数为1626人,其中48人死亡。

1, 626 people, of whom 48 died.

28、Of 80 cases confirmed in Indonesia, 62 have been fatal.印尼已证实有80人感染禽流感,其中62人死亡。

29、他的信很感人。His letter was touching.

30、But how about “moving” or even “humbling”?那么,再加一个“感人”,甚或是“令人自感渺小”如何?

31、So people bacame fearful of catching H1N1 flu.这样人们就会担心感染甲型流感。

32、Halting a project causes frustration, a sense of personal failure, and guilt.停掉一个项目会让人们灰心丧气,个人产生挫败感和负罪感。

33、Feeled attractive and intoxicate in heart;迷人的感觉醉人的心;

34、The influenza patients were compared with patients with moderate influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and a control group of healthy individuals.研究人员把这些流感病人和患良性流感、感染呼吸道合胞体病毒病人,以及一组健康的对照组做了对比。

35、It is true that women aremore socially proficient than men by nature, but they can't read your mind.女人天生比男人感性[socially proficient被翻成感性,个人感觉不准确]但他们却不能知道你的想法。

36、His letter was touching.他的信很感人。

37、And yet,for all that,feels removed,distant, alienated from the others,feels lonely even in the crowd.但还是感觉非常疏远,有距离感,感到和他人疏远,在人群中都觉得孤单。

38、Thank my relatives, friends and all the people who always accompany me! 来自英语牛人团

39、People can be disgusting and if people are seen as disgusting they matter less.人会变得令人反感,如果我们对他人感到反感,他们的重要性就降低。

40、By virtue of being moving.以德感人,为人师表。

41、So far, most human victims have caught the virus from sick poultry. But there have been some cases of human-to-human exposure.迄今为止,人类死亡病例大多是因为病人接触生病的家禽而感染禽流感病毒的,但是也出现了几例人与人之间感染的病例。

42、Birds-flu mainly infect birds, generally don't infect people, so don't panic.禽流感主要感染禽类,一般不易感染人,不必产生恐慌;

43、When a new flu infects one human being, all are at risk.当一种新流感感染了一个人时,对所有人都有威胁。

44、Most avian influenza viruses do not infect humans; however some, such as H5N1, have caused serious infections in people.绝大多数禽流感病毒不会感染人类;但H5N1等某些病毒却造成严重的人间感染。

45、English language sense is the feeling of a people to English language; it includes the peoples feeling to the speech of English, semantic of English, and so on.英语语感是人们对英语语言的感觉,包括人们对英语的语音感受、语义感受、语言情感色彩的感受等。

46、"It galled me that it took something like that for people to say, "He's human, " he said.“人们说“他还总算是一个人”(有人类的情感),这是我感到恼怒。”他说。

47、Which character did you identify with?哪个人物让你感同身受的感觉?

48、ScienceDaily (Apr. 《科学日报》(Science Daily)2010-4-13——许多人说,因为镜像神经元,我们人类才所以成为(有情感的)人(指人类能够对其他同类的感情与行为感同身受)。

13, 2010) —Mirror neurons, many say, are what make us human.

49、But now scientists have proved that human really do have a sixth sense - that lets them detect magnetic fields.但现在科学家已证实人类确实有第六感,正是这第六感让人类能够感应到磁场。

50、Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value and status in society.此外,工作给人以充实感和成就感,工作使人感到自身的价值和社会地位。

经典英文句子51:感人,51、Taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell don't even begin to cover the ways we sense the world.味,触,视,听,,嗅被我们称为人的五感,然而事实上人的感到远远不止五感。

52、Not only are seasonal flu strains circulating but also the H5N1 avian influenza virus, which has killed 258 out of 423 people infected since 2003.除了季节性流感,H5N1禽流感也是会流通的,自从xx年开始,禽流感已经感染了423人,其中造成258人死亡。

53、flu has killed 257 of the 421 people who have contracted it.相反,禽流感感染421人中257人死亡。

54、They are people's different feelings of such music essential elements as temper, tone, mode, texture, rhythm and structure.是人对律感、音感、调感、织体感、节奏感、结构感等音乐底基要素的不同感觉。

55、Thank my relatives, friends and all the people who always accompany me! 来自英语牛人团 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

56、He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop.他感觉着风,他感觉着冷,他感觉着呕人的下落。

57、Musical hearing is better in women than men.女人的音感比男人好。

58、In Franz Kafka's novels, he describes conditions of human being's Being and articulated the loneliness, sense of sin, anxiety and the sense of alienation and drift of modern people.卡夫卡通过小说中人物存在的境遇,言说现代人的异化感、孤独感、负罪感、恐惧感、陌生感和无归宿感。



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