
作者:用户投稿 阅读:481 点赞:0





1、Try reading it out and see what really count.


2、Yes, this, too, is an utterly regular iambic pentameter line: unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, five in a row.


3、Read over them and question them, challenge them.


4、As you are reading and rereading your sources, take detailed notes.


5、An unrepeatable read, phantom read, and reads of uncommitted data can occur.


6、According to this, Jauss established the view which regarded reader as the center in the study of literature.

7、I like eating tomatoes, rather than other vegetables.(强调在“西红柿,要重读 tomatoes”)


8、Everyone has their own study methods — re-reading (or reading for the first time!) textbook chapters, taking practice quizzes, re-reading one’s class notes.


9、We do more reading after school.


10、When you are speed reading, the main point is to keep moving forward and not stop to reread something.


11、Rereading this in the morning.


12、Ss read again and find the detailed information, then finish the exercise: Tick or cross.

13、I like eating tomatoes.He doesn't like it.(强调在"我",要重读 I)

重读音节和非重读音节的固定排列模式。 。

14、Thee arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables into a pattern.


15、The article doesn't bear rereading.


16、Go ahead and forgo the bizarre movie adaptations that've been produced recently and read or re-read the classic itself.


17、You have to read Fabozzi et al.


18、Note that the percent of reading is most significant when the reading is close to full scale, while the percent of range is most significant when the reading is a small fraction of full scale.


19、Go ahead and forgo

11 the bizarre movie adaptations that've been produced recently and read or re-read the classic itself.


20、Everyone has their own study methods — re-reading (or reading for the first time!

21、He is reading a book named "Three doors".他在读一本叫作《三重门》的书。

22、Much attention is paid by both teachers and students especially in college English reading classroom and pre-reading task is always important part in teaching reading.特别是在大学的英语阅读课中,学生和老师都很重视阅读。而预读工作又通常是教授阅读时的重点。

23、Omission of a final or initial sound in pronunciation.非重读字首音的省略。

24、Repeatable read -- The transaction always reads the same data during the transaction.Repeatable read(可重读) —— 在事务过程中,事务始终读取相同的数据。

25、Commands to spinup, spindown, seek, read, write, read long, write long, read compare, sleep, set retries, etc.用来开启主轴电机转动,停转,寻道,读,写,始终读,始终写,读比较,睡眠,设置重试等等的指令。

英文句子26:,26、You put too much emphasis on the last syllable.你把最后一个音节读得太重。

27、That school puts particular emphasis on arithmetic and reading.那所学校侧重算术和阅读。

28、Read my course Job Searches to determine the best way to create this important document.读读我的《工作搜索》以明确创建此重要文件的最佳方法。

29、So remember to stress the important words to your massage.所以要记住只重读你信息中的重点词汇。

30、For example, reading from a read - only look up table doesn t require repeatable read, and uncommitted read is sufficient.比如,读取只读的查找表不需要可重复读级别,未提交读级别就足够了。

31、Accent the word “woman”on the first syllable.“woman”一词在第一个音节重读。

32、Read, edit and re-read your letter for typos. Ask a friend to read it, too.读你的打印稿、然后修改、然后再重读,再让一位朋友也帮忙读读。

33、Personal discipline of Bible study is important.个人 读 经的纪律 是非常 重要。

34、So “his” is unstressed, the other words are stressed.所以“his”是不重读的,其他的词就重读。

35、The following one-syllable prefixes are usually unstressed .以下的单音节前缀通常不重读。

36、Why isn’t “his” stressed?为什么“his”不重读呢?

37、Because Middlemarch should be read when you're 你应该在xx岁的时候读《米德尔马奇》,然后在xx岁重读一遍。

14. And again when you're 23.

38、Dyslexics may need 她说,重复性训练对于帮助读写困难儿童记忆单词和字符的视觉图形很重要,读写困难者也许需要比传统阅读者多10倍时间来调整语言模式。

10 times as much exposure to the language patterns as do traditional learners, she says.

39、An unrepeatable read and phantom read can occur.会发生不可重读和幻像读。

40、No wonder it's the staple of all middle-school staples.难怪本书是中学必读小说的重中之重。

41、Don't update your resume, rewrite it.不要急于更新你的简历,重新读读它。

42、And Nausicaa, in my opinion, is worth rereading not once, but many times.而《风之谷》,依我之见,不只是值得重读, 而且值得重读很多遍。

43、This is worth re-reading, for many readers will find this difficult to accept.这很值得重复阅读,因为许多读者会发现这很难接受。

44、which I thought was a really important play to read in high school.我认为在高中读读这部戏剧作品真的很重要。

45、Read, edit and re-read your letter for typos. Ask a friend to read it, too.读你的打印稿、然后修改、然后再重读,再让一位朋友也协助读读。

46、It is you who lost the key.强调you,所以you重读。

47、As you focus on the areas that interest you, take notes, highlight and notice references that may lead to further reading.仔细阅读这些重要的部分,记下笔记,标出重点和需要进一步阅读的参考文献。

48、Force the NFS daemon nfsd to reread /etc/exports强迫 NFS daemon nfsd 重读 /etc/exports

49、Re-read each passage that you have marked.重新阅读你标记的段落。

50、Some literacy experts say that reading itself should be redefined.一些读写专家们说,应该重新定义阅读的含义。

经典英文句子51:重读,51、Yes this too is an utterly regular iambic pentameter line: unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable five in a row.是的这是个典型的抑扬格五步格诗:不重读的音节后面一个重读的音五个成一行。

52、Time to Re-Read Orwell?是时候重读奥威尔了?

53、做好阅读的思想准备很重要 it is important to get ready for readings。

54、Yes, we want to put a stress on "swing."是的,我们要在“荡“上重读“

55、Nowadays, we should promote the personality of reading, cultivate reading awareness of the public, and rejuvenate classical reading spirits. 当今,我们要弘扬阅读个性,培养全民阅读意识,重树经典阅读精神。参考文献

19 refs.


56、I must say, i had a good laugh reading this and revisited it several times to re-read.我必须说,我有一个很好笑阅读并重新几次重新读取。

57、The outstanding importance is speed but not the scale.重要的是速读而并非规模。

58、The passage introduces the importance of English reading and how to design the activities for teaching English reading in class, which includes pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.本文介绍了英语阅读的重要性和英语阅读课堂教学活动的设计,其包括读前、读中和读后三个阶段。

59、Post-reading design is focused on the design of tasks and feedback.而读后设计重视一些读后任务的设计,一些评价、反馈的给予。

60、Transactional isolation (serializable, repeatable read, read committed, or dirty read)事务隔离(可串行化读、可重复读、读取提交数据或脏读)



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