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关于”描写颜色“的英语句子29个,句子主体:color description。以下是关于描写颜色的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:color description


1、Q Trace this letter first, then color the matchable upper and lower case letters.

颜色: 杏色, 黑色, 白色。

2、Color(s): Almond, Black, White.

颜色: 黑色, 杏色, 粉色。

3、Color(s): Black, Almond, Pink.


4、Hand area is segmented based on skin color model, then the hand contour is described by use of Fourier descriptor.


5、The task involves naming the ink color of a contrasting color word: for example, you might see the word “red” written in green ink, in which case you have to say “green.

还可以编写简短的 sed 程序来以颜色标记输出内容。

6、You can also write a short sed program to output matches in color.


7、Mr Thomson's descriptive powers are deft: “The air is watery and grey, the colour of an empty milk bottle.

颜色: 黑色, 灰色, 杏色。

8、Color(s) : Black , Grey , Almond.


9、But then another N-word was once commonly used in clothes catalogues to describe a chocolatey shade of brown.


10、Clinical Usefulness of Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography with Color-Encoding for Tumors in the Face.

PS3 输出的另外一点非常怪异的事情是整个扫描区域的颜色是上一次扫描线的最后一个像素的输出颜色。

11、Another definite oddity of the PS3's output is that the overscan color is whatever was being output in the last pixel of the previous scanline.


12、The artist has again eliminated all natural color from the image, depicting the Great Helmsman in dark grays and blacks.


13、Color words, a kind of words that are categorized according to their concepts, are usually used to depict the colors of various objects in the world.

颜色: 杏色, 粉色, 绿色。

14、Color(s): Almond, Pink, Green.


15、That paint doesn't go.


16、Soft pastel natural colors are the true reflection of the beauty of these petite flower girls.


17、To capture the colors of Paris, the crew went to Paris to study what colors to use to depict the fairy-tale-like city.

颜色: 杏色, 桔色, 绿色。

18、Color(s): Almond, Orange, Green.


19、A vector graphic is a series of commands that describe a line's direction, thickness, and color.

颜色: 黑色, 粉色, 杏色。

20、Color(s): Black, Pink, Almond.

21、The pencil can draw eyebrow shape and darken color. Let face outline more outstanding. Attach brush to use easily. Flamboyant gene let color bright and long wear.眉笔可描绘眉形,加深眉毛颜色,让五官更立体。产品附有眉刷,易于使用。艳丽色彩因子使颜色鲜明,效果持久。

22、Draw a pencil, a ruler, a pencil box and a crayon. Colour them in and write what colour it is underneath.画一只铅笔、一把尺子、一只铅笔盒和一只蜡笔。用彩笔图上颜色并在下面写上是什么颜色。

23、The color of their fur changes from lighter in the winter to a more reddish-yellow in the summer.其皮毛颜色依季节而变化,夏天颜色较深,呈黄红色,冬天颜色变浅。

24、In the fractals pictured above, points that are very close together can be different colors.在以上不规则描绘里,必须接近的点可以是不同颜色。

25、Electronic colour retouching: The ability to alter local areas of a scanned colour subject by defining and then amending them electronically.电子修色:扫描分色后可以作局部颜色修改的能力;它用电子方式定界限和修正。

英文句子26:,26、Custom colors Here you can build a palette of custom colors.自定颜色 在此你可以自定颜色调色盘。

27、Color(s): Black, Almond, White.颜色: 黑色, 杏色, 白色。

28、The statistical information will be used to attempt to predict a person's likely physical description, including hair colour, skin colour and eye colour.统计信息将用于试图预测个人的可能身体特征描述,包括头发的颜色、肤色、眼睛的颜色。

29、"Misc" has been reworded to say "Shoes" on the shoes color settings screen.杂项被改写为鞋子在鞋子颜色设定的画面。

30、In order to investigate the colour characteristics of the blue sapphire from Madagascar, the GemDialogue systerm is used for describing and grading the blue sapphire samples.为了了解马达加斯加蓝色蓝宝石的颜色特征,采用GemDialogue颜色系统对其进行了描述与分级。

31、This article does not address other uses of YUV color, such as still photography.本文不对YUV颜色的其他用途(如静止摄影)进行描述。

32、Description: The medal is gold in color and on the obverse it features a medium blue enameled pentagon.描述:这块金牌是金的颜色和它的正面采用了蓝色的漆包线介质五角大楼。

33、The WordPress:Design Header Image and Color SubPanel describes the details of this feature.设计标题图像和颜色子面板描述了这个功能的详细信息。

34、Apply a 1px outside stroke with #8b8782 color.描边线宽度1px,颜色#8b8782。

35、Z Trace this letter first, then color the matchable upper and lower case letters.首先按线描好字母,然后将匹配的字母大小写的框内区域图成相同颜色。

36、It is essential for realizing color constancy to acquire color descriptors that are not affected by illumination and geometry conditions.使图像获得不受光照和几何条件影响的颜色特性描述是实现颜色便常性的关键。

37、PS. : may you point as below color way at picture ? and then we can easy to combine and avoid any wrong color assignment .另外,烦请把图片上的颜色写在下面以方便我们把颜色组合起来,以免在颜色分配问题上出错。

38、Game Description: Combine two fluffy balls of a kind by hitting them with the white shell.游戏描述: 用白球,使两个颜色相同的毛球碰在一起。

39、While people are used to give out their sense on color by words such as bright, colorful, cold, warm, elegance, and so on.与此同时,人们习惯用如“明亮的”、“五颜六色的”、“冷色调”、“暖色调”、“高雅的”等词汇来描述他们对于颜色的感觉。

40、It is beautifully illustrated with color illustrations, photographs, and scanning electron micrographs.它被用颜色插图,照片和扫描电子显微照片说明得好。

41、Yes, I think so. You could write it in a very bright colour.是的,我这么认为。你可以用颜色非常鲜艳的笔写便签。

42、Write in words the fraction which represents the coloured region of the whole diagram.以文字写出涂颜色部分占全图的几分之几。

43、Normally we would use bright colors to paint that future, using imagination, energy, and hope.我们一般会用明艳的颜色描绘未来,用我们的想象力、能量和希望去描绘。

44、Eye Color: Shades of amber or brown, in accordance with coat color.眼睛颜色:暗琥珀色或暗棕色,与被毛颜色相一致。

45、Image3: Scanning Electron Micrograph of the head of a Flea, colour enhanced.图


46、Choose a very light grey colour, select the Text Tool, and write "jk" in Wingdings font.选择一个非常浅灰色的颜色,选择文字工具,并撰写“ jk ”的Wingdings字体。

47、Stroke –Size: 1px, Position: inside, color: #ce7e01.描边 – 大小: 1px, 位置: 内部, 颜色: #ce7e01.

48、Write the words. Draw and color May.写一些单词。画出梅并为她涂颜色。

49、While we describe the brain as "gray matter" and "white matter", this is not a true description of its color.我们通常都把大脑描述成“灰白质”或者“白质”,这些对它颜色的描述都是不正确的。

50、Describe the color of Kakashi story which you just mentioned about.用颜色来描述一下,你刚才提到会发生在卡卡西身上的事情。

经典英文句子51:描写颜色,51、Color(s): White, Almond, Pink.颜色: 白色, 杏色, 粉色。

52、Make sure no color is selected (no fill and no stroke).确定没有选择颜色(无填色,无描边)。

53、Stroke –Size: 1px, Position: inside, color: #dfdfdf.描边 – 大小: 1px, 位置:内部, 颜色: #dfdfdf.

54、Experience in freehand and computer graphics essential and able to work with colors.在写意和计算机图形经验至关重要,能够与颜色。

55、Description: First the pork is browned in the bottom of the pot before water and kimchi is added.描述:先把猪腿肉放在锅子底部煎成褐色(就是熟了的颜色),再加入水和泡菜。


标签: 颜色

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