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关于”如何学好“的英语句子50个,句子主体:how to learn well。以下是关于如何学好的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:how to learn well


1、Just as the best way to learn how to sail is to sail, the best way to learn how to search with Google is to search with Google.


2、" How to improve push-ups, and "learn" how to move football experts, and how tinea "passed" around.


3、The Internet can be a great resource for learning how to draw animals.


4、I will spend time in studying, learning how to better serve my fellowmen.


5、What about mate preference?

如果您以前从未使用过任何形式的 LVM ,那么您得好好学一学;它是一种非常棒的技术。

6、If you've never used a form of LVM before, you're in for a treat; it's a wonderful technology.


7、"Universities do not do a good job, if they do anything at all, teaching students how to manage a classroom, " said Dr.


8、How to make medical students better acquire pathological knowledge is an issue that teachers of pathology should think about and solve.


9、Therefore, it is of vital importance to study how to develop the students'listening ability and how to teach well in listening classes.


10、How better combs the service, how better avoids the bottle neck, how better reduces the person synergize and so on, these all are enterprise matter of concern.


11、What makes a school good?


12、Nevertheless, I'd like to post a quick defense of Kwame.


13、Learn how to meditate.


14、How is the Natural Science Hermeneutical?


15、We must learn the language and how to use it well.

有效地构建良好的应用程序需要我们不仅学习如何正确地使用 XML,还要学习如何将它用好。

16、Building good applications efficiently requires that we learn not only to use XML correctly, but that we learn also to use it well.


17、What is the best way for learning Englis …


18、The spring is coming. The swallow flies to the north of the country area.


19、How To Be Single And Happy : Learn to appreciate your single status.

你看大三的学生排好阵形 进攻他们的邻居如何?

20、How about every junior learns to march in formation and we invade our neighbours?

21、I will spend time in study, learning how to better serve my fellowman .我会花时间来用心学习,学如何更好的服务我的同胞们。

22、People often writer obscurely because they have never take the trouble to learn to writer clearly .有一种语焉不详的作者在思维上毫无困难,也就未能好好学习如何写作。

23、The process is about things like how areideas conceptualised, how can we support learning and the knowing of how tolearn, as well as the love of learning and investigating.教育的过程指这样一些事情,如思想如何概念化,我们如何支持学习、掌握如何学习,还有对学习、调查研究的热爱。

24、Quite a few posts have been purely skills based - such as learning assertiveness, how to say no, how to improve your speaking voice, how to solve problems.许多日志仅仅是建立在一些技巧上——例如学会自我判断,学会如何说不,学会如何提高说话声音,如何去解决问题。

25、Doyou have any advice for me about learning English?你能给点我如何学好英语的建议吗?。

英文句子26:,26、More training in how to recognize the tell-tale signs won't end it.更多的培训,学习如何认识不稳的迹象,不会有好下场。

27、Is the school reputable? What is the depth of the curricula?这个学校的声誉好吗?课程的难易程度如何?

28、In addition to sleight-of-hand techniques you will also learn the proper way to handle playing cards.除了手法之外,你也会学到如何好好对待你的扑克牌。

29、I asked Professor Xu how to learn English well.我向许教授请教如何学好英文。

30、I think in this way ,you can improve your English. 如何学好英语

31、Read about about the causes of diabetes and how to prevent it.读一些关于糖尿病的诱因并学会如何做好预防措施。

32、How that is the ability learn good business English?那如何能学好商务英语呢?

33、How to adjust one's own role well as parents to cooperate with the education of the school and help children to study well.作为家长如何调整好自己的角色,配合学校的教育,帮助孩子搞好学习。

34、We learn how to throw a ball, how to hit, and how to catch.我们学会了如何扔球,如何安打以及如何接球。

35、I really don't know how to thank the Confucius Institute and SDU for this beautiful program.不知道如何感谢孔子学院和山东大学为我提供了这么好的项目。

36、But they didn’t know how to choose a college, how to begin the complicated application process or how to pay for tuition.然而,这些学生当年并不知道如何选择学校,如何开始复杂的申请过程,或如何付学费。

37、Now if I could just learn how to stand up.要是现在我可以学会如何站起来就好了。

38、He learns how to program better by reading code from various projects and then thinking about how he might improve upon it.他通过阅读各种项目的代码来学习如何更好地编程,然后思考自己如何来提高自己的编程水平。

39、How to understand and present "hyh time"?如何理解和演绎“好尚好时代”?

40、How to produce a marked effect of laboratories in teaching and serve for teaching better?如何发挥实验室在教学中的重要作用,更好地为教学服务呢?。

41、discussion on how college students daily life pay attention to safety(浅谈大学生如何安全做好日常生活注意) 英文不能发呀!

42、This is adynamic way to learn how to write authentic dialogue.这是学习如何写出真实可信对话的一个好办法。

43、Q: How to learn English well?问:如何能够学好英语?

44、How would build university image and gain social identity for non-governmental university.如何塑造好大学形象,赢得社会认同是民办大学发展战略的重点。

45、The point is that riding with others is a great way to improve bike handling sills .关键是,学习如何在集团中骑行,对于如何提高我们控制车子的技巧,总是很有好处的。

46、I mean we’ve learned how to apply pressure to stop bleeding, how to check for a pulse, and even how to apply CPR!我学会了如何通过按压来止血,如何来检查脉搏,还学了如何用心肺复苏法。

47、you gotta learn to play it right 你必须学会如何玩好它

48、I'm not old yet. I want to live and learn and.它告诉我如何生活,如何学习和如何去爱。

49、Webber International University educates students in preparation for careers in the worldwide business environment.维博国际大学教授学生如何在全球商业环境下做好准备。

50、Learn to appreciate your single status. Here are five things that singles sometimes take for granted.如何做个快乐的单身贵族:学会如何看到单身的好处。以下是单身之人必做的五件事。

经典英文句子51:如何学好,51、Discussions on How to Efficiently Organize a Commenting Class of Chemistry.请问“试论如何组织好化学讲评课”如何翻译?。

52、How should we teachers help them to learn, especially to learn English?那么,我们这些当老师的该如何帮他们学习,特别是学好英语呢?

53、The issue sometimes comes up as to how to do well in the course.有时会有同学问到,如何才能学好这门课程

54、Not that I know how to do this, but we’ll learn together.我也不完全懂得如何做好这件事,所以我们将共同学习。

55、I will spend time in study, learning how to better serve my fellowman.我将花时间去学习,学会如何更好地为我的同胞服务。

56、How to Learn English Well?--Where Is the Problem in China?如何学好英语?——多年的问题结症在哪里?

57、Sure. One of the best ways to learn any language regardless of its origins is当然了。无论它如何开始,学习任何语言最好的方法之一就是,

58、One must be tolerant and learn how to disarm your own internal anger - O. K. , fine.一个人必须忍耐而且学习如何放下你自己内心的愤怒–好好,很好。

59、Since metal tigers are aggressive, they should learn how to become more flexible.金虎好斗,也应学会如何灵活处理问题。

60、Better yet, go for modelling classes to learn to walk like a model on the catwalk.更好的方法是去模特班学习如何更好看地走路,就像在t型台上走秀一样。

61、How about your academic records at college?你大学时学习成绩如何?

62、How to better promote computer professional English learning and teaching work, and for the smooth development of the bilingual teaching lay a good foundation.旨在如何更好的促进计算机专业英语的学习与教学工作,并为双语教学的顺利开展打好基础。

63、How can teachers help them find something that they are passionate about and want to learn?教师如何帮助孩子找到其好学与想学的关键?

64、Learning plane geometry well is the foundation of learning solid geometry well.学好平面几何是学好立体几何的基础。

65、About how to get this work done, we still have great blindness in teaching.如何做好这项工作,在教学一线仍存在很大的盲目性。

66、How the effect of classroom teaching, through classroom practice to get good feedback.课堂教学的效果如何,通过课堂练习能得到较好的反馈。



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