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关于”较难“的英语句子59个,句子主体:More difficult。以下是关于较难的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:More difficult


1、It can not only hospitality amount is more guests, and can better processing des questions.


2、Life remains difficult for many low-income people.


3、There is some difficult knowledge among the questions.


4、In small towns, standard land price assessment is difficult for small size, low land use benefit and un- development land market.

其手艺请求高, 现场工作有较年夜地艰难。

5、The technical requirements for high on-site work more difficult.


6、Trivalent arsenic appears to be dearsenized less easily than pentavalent arsenic.


7、Comparisons in the looks department may be inevitable, though.


8、Food is harder to digest at high altitudes.


9、There are some signs that stocks of more viscous oil are building, since it is harder (and less profitable) to refine.


10、Which part of your body is difficult to be clean?


11、There are just two books for the course; they're both at Labyrinth.


12、Therefore, the special studies of"Yizhoushu"Verbs are very difficult, but also of high academic value.


13、Interpreting and charting cervical secretions can be challenging.

14、I know you are good for me.比较全文实在难以理解可以改为 I know you are kind for me.


15、(It is easier to see than to learn.)


16、Still, they admit it's tough to parse fully why better-looking professors rate higher.


17、LARRY: It would be hard for just me to do it.


18、The recognition of Micronucleus Cell is rather difficult.


19、But the sentiment is more rambunctious in the economical investment.


20、The problems for pyrolysis are low yield, difficult separation, wide diameter distribution and so on.

21、However, there are some difficulties too, such as difficulty of raising money, lacking the basis of land circulation across villages, hard to solve the problems left over by history.同时也存在村庄建设资金筹措比较困难、建设用地跨村流转缺乏依据、解决历史遗留问题难度较大等问题。

22、Between the waist dish outstanding. It is more chronic disease, very afflictive.腰间盘突出啊。是比较慢性的病,很难受的。

23、An aircraft sequencing problem (ASP) is a non-deterministic polynomial hard (NP-hard) problem, which is hard to resolve.飞机排序问题(ASP)属于NP难问题,解决比较困难。

24、It is precise for unsaturated soil study to use suction as parameter, however, that brings much difficulty.考虑吸力的非饱和土研究较为精确,但吸力量测起来比较困难。

25、These more complicated scenarios tended to expose more difficult bugs, which were harder to debug and sometimes were intermittent.这些较复杂的场景趋于暴露出较困难的故障,它们更难调试,并且有时是间歇的。

英文句子26:,26、Dewatering in construction in coastal regions is a difficult problem. particularly in sand filled area.滨海地区施工降水是施工中的难题,特别对成孔较难的回填砂层尤其如此。

27、The teacher has cleared up the harder parts of the story.老师讲清了故事中比较难于理解的部分。

28、The purification and cultivation of astrocytes are easier than that of oligodendrocytes.星形胶质细胞纯化培养较易; 少突胶质细胞纯化培养较难。

29、However, seeking a power of diagonal matrix is very difficult usually.然而转化为求对角矩阵的方幂比较困难。

30、We practice the song quite is all famous, moreover the difficulty quite is also high.我们所练的歌都比较出名,而且难度也比较高。

31、And lightness is lower, the gray that different color fastens differentiates very hard clean, the colour with most inferior lightness appears heavier, dirtier.而明度比较低的、不同色系的灰色很难分辨是否干净,大多数明度较低的色彩都显得比较沉重、比较脏。

32、The concept of process is very abstract, so process synchronization is hard to teach and learn.进程概念较抽象,所以进程同步成为老师难讲、学生难学的内容。

33、She views every minor setback as a disaster.她把每个较小的挫折都看成重大灾难。

34、Sulfate scale of boiler is difficult to remove by chemical cleaning.硫酸盐垢是化学清洗中较难清洗的垢物。

35、Finding the right emulation tools may be difficult.找到正确的仿真工具可能比较困难。

36、To fruit product it is easier to mark a price, and to asset of fruiter, fruit forest " fix a price " more complex however, difficulty is greater.对水果产品的标价比较轻易,而对果树、果林资产的“定价”却比较复杂,难度较大。

37、Work difficulty in the grassroots;基层计生工作难度较大;

38、Paddy soil to less than 025 millimeters of micro-aggregates are more difficult because of flooding conditions, the formation of D larger aggregates.水稻土以小于025 毫米的微团粒较多,因为在淹水条件下较难形成D较大的团粒。

39、Embryology is a microanatomy. And students generally reflect it is difficult to learn and to memorize.《组织胚胎学》是一门微观的解剖学,学生普遍反映比较难学难记。

40、It is down more than 目前股指较灾难前水准跌逾9%,不过较灾难刚发生后不久触及的低点已经上升了15%.

9 percent from its pre-disaster level, although it is up

15 percent from the lows hit just afterwards.

41、Afferent coupling is harder to determine and much more valuable.传入耦合比较难判断,但是更有价值。

42、The disadvantage is that transition more difficult.缺点是转场比较困难。

43、But if they are packaged as a long strip of tea, then have a larger degree of difficulty.而如被包装物为较长的条形茶叶的话,难度就比较大。

44、Cos i know this might seem hard to you因为我知道这个或许对你来说比较难

45、Never compare, never fuss, never fear adversity, and never fear suffering.不比较,不计较,不怕难,不怕苦。

46、Typically, the hierarchical file structure is more space-efficient but more difficult to use.层级式档案架构具备较节省空间的特性,但较难使用。

47、In a sense, this is the first difficult lesson of the class.这是这门课第一个较难的结论

48、Business writers are harder to categorise.商业记者较难归类。

49、The microwave resolution of the highpower TWT equalizer syntony cavity is very complex and it is difficult to set up its exact mathematical model.采用解析的方法来对大功率行波管均衡器谐振腔的微波特性进行分析是较困难的,因此对其衰减特性进行仿真也较困难。

50、Plasticized melt - spun HMWPE fiber is hard to draw to high strength because of high HMWPE content and more molecular tangle in as-spun fibers.高相对分子质量聚乙烯的增塑熔纺,由于聚合物浓度较高,大分子缠结多,纤维超拉伸比较困难,难以达到高强度。

经典英文句子51:较难,51、Particularly, it is more difficult to use diving drills to perform drill-pouring piles construction on this kind of foundation.尤其是使用潜水电钻在此类地基上进行钻孔灌注桩施工更是存在较大的困难和较多的难题。

52、Functional block structure is more complicated than the main profile and more difficult to be formed into the needed profile.相对于型材主体来说,功能块结构比较复杂,准确成型较困难。

53、Ballasted track structure on bridge of high-speed Railway is complicated.桥上有砟轨道结构复杂、设计较难。

54、But it is difficulties to control the piston's stroke, top dead position and equilibrium position, also the non-linear effect of the gas forces, and it is not easy to improve the efficiency.但也存在着活塞的行程、上死点位置及平衡位置的控制较为困难,气体力的非线性影响较大,使得提高效率较困难等技术难点。

55、Result With moderate difficulty and high distinction index, OSCE proves to have terrific reliability and validity.结果本次考试方案难度适中,区分度指数较高,有较好的信度和效度。

56、Work on the "easy" questions first, then go back and work on the more difficult ones.首后做容难的成绩,然后再前往做较难的成绩。

57、It is difficult to assimilate a lot of information.难于在较短时间内摄取许多信息。

58、Beginners would feel it difficult to play. But Harry did it well.初学者会觉得比较难,但哈里做得很好。

59、So it was difficult to obtain seeds by backcross.但受精指数仍然较低,很难获得回交种子。

60、It's more difficult to make an unfavourable comparison when there is nothing directly comparable.当没有直接的可比较的东西时,做出不利比较就困难得多了。

61、Which episodes have memorable Bulma and Vegeta moments?哪些有关布贝的情节比较难忘?



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