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关于”保护动物“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Protect animals。以下是关于保护动物的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Protect animals


1、It is evidently that novel scheme obtains both excellences of the above two differential ones.


2、Knee-cap will protect you in sports.


3、Hancock County Animal Control officers helped capture the pet kangaroo, named Skippy .


4、The Wildlife Heritage Foundation is a U.K.-based charity for the protection and preservation of big cat species.


5、It has

10 species under first-class protection including giant pandas and golden monkeys.

希尔达,后来给她起的名字,经过护理恢复了健康,很快成了农场动物避难所的第一位住户 - 避难所致力于解救、护理和保护农场动物。

6、Hilda, as shewas later named, was nursed back to health and soon became the first residentof Farm Sanctuary - an organization dedicated to the rescue, care, andprotection of farm animals.


7、It is all rare protected animals of our country to be such as giant panda, golden-haired monkey, but their quantity is limited, we must protect them.


8、There is every likelihood that more naturals would be extinct without natural reserves.


9、Open lamp circuit protection: latch-off within

1 second.

宝天曼 自然保护区不仅是野生动物的天然“防空洞”。

10、Baotianman Wildlife Nature Reserve is not only the natural "air-raid shelter."


11、These animals have a distinct instinct of protecting themselves from being extinct.


12、Although Chinese media always call on protecting wild animals, I still feel they only promote threatened animals such as Giant pandas and Chinese sturgeons.


13、Because of the wildlife project, the number of milu deer has increased.

南丫岛 动物保护组织将会有一个义卖摊位,请来支持!

14、LAWC will have a charity sale booth there. Please come and support us.


15、All of the wild cats were found in an unprotected forest corridor between the Bukit Tigapuluh forest landscape and the Rimbang Baling wildlife sanctuary in Riau province.


16、Siemers reminds that the record-breaking bat is classified as near threatened on the World Conservation Union's Red List.


17、Then she was brought to Germany in May by animal protectors and has settled down in Leipzig Zoo。


18、Conservation would be a novel concept to anyone unacquainted with what is supposed to be preserved, such as wildness, wildlife, natural beauty.


19、In rodents, the protein that corresponds to LL-37 protects against brain infections.


20、In 2002, the Bushmen were evicted from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.

21、The majority of birds at the sanctuary are "problem pets" which overwhelmed their owners.动物保护区内大部分的鸟都是“问题宠物”,它们让主人无计可施。

22、She says burros have protected farm animals even again bellsagainst bears.她说小驴可以保护农场动物甚至可以与熊对抗。

23、And new laws to protect threatened animals are not always enforced.新制定的有关保护濒危动物的法律并不总是得到实行。

24、Conclusion: Huangyangning injection has protective effects on animals with myocardial ischemia model.结论:黄杨宁注射液对心肌缺血模型动物具有保护作用。

25、Comparing with the traditional percentage restraint differential protection. it introduces the adaptive elliptical restraint characteristic of L90 relay.对比传统比例制动差动保护,介绍了L90保护自适应椭圆形制动特性。

英文句子26:,26、Folklore's participation in protection of intangible cultural heritage lies in "community protection", "cultural space protection" and "non-governmental society protection".民俗学参与非物质文化遗产保护的立场问题在于“基层社区”保护、“文化空间保护”和“民间社会保护”三方面。

27、Protect historical sites and cultural relics.保护文物古迹。

28、The agreement was signed yesterday in London by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), which owns Edinburgh Zoo, and the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA).爱丁堡动物园的所有者苏格兰皇家动物学会和中国野生动物保护协会昨天于伦敦签署了协议。

29、The Wildlife Heritage Foundation is a U. K. -based charity for the protection and preservation of big cat species.野生动物遗产基金会是总部设立于英国的致力于保护大型猫科动物物种的慈善机构。

30、The labor protection, work conditions, and protection against and prevention of occupational harm; and劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护;

31、Today it is home to the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary, where displaced apes are prepared for return to the wilderness.今天,这里建立起塞皮洛克奥兰古坦动物保护区。保护区的工作人员正准备让落难的大猩猩返回荒野。

32、Aba Prefecture is the ideal habitat of various kinds of wild animal and the grand of the multi-species of the rare and precious plants.野生动植物保护阿坝州是各种野生动物的理想栖息地,是多类珍稀植物的大观圆。

33、One promising profession that's emerging this century is wildlife preservationist.本世纪一个很有前途的新兴职业是野生动物保护者。

34、Established the database that connected with international and domestic organizations for wildlife conservation, industries and associations. so to conserve and utilize ge…创建了国内外相关野生动物保护组织、行业、协会等保护和利用野牦牛遗传资源的共享平台。

35、At least that’s the scheme some plants have developed to defend themselves from leaf eaters.至少一些植物就采用了这个计划来保护自身免于食草动物的伤害。

36、The dynamic simulation of FOPS will provide the basis for the structural design.落物保护结构的动态仿真为结构的设计提供了依据。

37、Bulldogs were also used for protection against other carnivorous wild animals.斗牛狗也用于保护人们免遭其他食肉动物的伤害。

38、If predictions hold true, the region will yield more new species discoveries in future, hopefully permitting expansion of protected regions on the animal and plant-rich island.如果预测准确,那么这个地区将会发现更多新的物种,这些受保护动植物的保护范围将会很有希望得到扩大。

39、Over current protection, negative current protection, zero sequence current protection, over time of start protection and low voltage protection is configured in the device.本装置配有过流保护、负序电流保护、零序电路保护、起动时间过长保护、低电压保护。

40、The switch is protected through the linked action of the guard plate to realize the power cut and the brake.通过保护板的动作联动保护开关,实现断电与 刹车。

41、However, the cull drew international condemnation from animal rights activists, including former Beatle Paul McCartney.然而,此次行动遭到了动物权利保护者等国际社会的谴责,前披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡尼也对这次行动进行了谴责。

42、The experimental and field applications results proved that both means of the passive immunity can provided very good prevention for gosling against GNTVE.动物保护试验和田间应用试验的结果均表明,制备的高免血清和用灭活油乳剂苗免疫种鹅均能给雏鹅提供很好的被动保护。

43、Auto-stop protection; Pulse beate.自动停车保护;

44、There are 有自治区级保护植物6种,其他类型保护植物4种。

6 species of regional level protected plants and

4 species of other type protected plants.

45、It isn't just poison that protects, but even the pretence of having poison.动物不仅用毒汁保护自己,还会伪装成有毒的摸样。

46、Different from ordinary animal protection law, animal welfare law emphasizes on animal's living right and the harmonization between human being and nature.与一般的动物保护法律不同,动物福利法着重强调尊重动物的生存权利,促进人与自然的协调发展。

47、High risk individuals such as veterinarian and wildlife conservation personnel are advised to receive pre-exposure vaccination.兽医及野生动物保护员等高危人士则应于接触动物前接受疫苗注射。

48、Conclusion: Cornu Cervi had remarkable protective effect on experimental myocardial ischemia by ligaturing the c…结论:鹿茸对动物结扎冠状动脉实验性心肌缺血具有保护作用。

49、The site protects key threatened species, including giant arapaima fish, the Amazonian manatee, the black caiman and two species of river dolphin.保护区为许多珍稀濒危动物提供保护,例如巨骨舌鱼、亚马逊海牛、黑凯门鳄和两种淡水豚类。

50、In view of protected species, 35.77% species are not under protection, most of which are Orchidaceae, Cycas and Phasianidae.从物种保护来看,35.77%物种没有得到保护,主要集中在兰科植物、苏铁和雉科。

经典英文句子51:保护动物,51、An Austrian animal sanctuary says it will buy Yvonne if she's taken alive.一家奥地利动物保护区表示,将买下遭活捉的“伊冯娜”。

52、Adaptive protection for middle and low voltage line based on phase-to-phase differential current and phase-to-phase voltage;分相电流差动保护装置中一般都配置零序差动保护 ,目的是为了提高保护装置的耐过渡电阻能力。

53、Added TOL Protection for buildings.新增TOL保护建筑物。

54、Originally Ancestral Temple, People's Cultural Palace is National major cultural relics preservation unit.劳动人民文化宫原为太庙,为全国重点文物保护单位。

55、They are emblematic of what I would call single-species conservation: ie a focus on one animal.它们是我所说的单一物种保护的象征:即,侧重于一种动物。

56、China makes the Animal Welfare Law can consult the experience of legislation in Britain, which has positive meaning .英国的立法经验对于我国动物保护法、动物福利法的制定有着相当积极的借鉴意义。

57、"We hardly know anything about this area or the animals in it, since it was a region formerly held by the Khmer Rouge," said conservation biologist Jenny Daltry, also of Fauna & Flora International.同样来自野生动植物保护国际的保护生物学家Jenny Daltry说:“因为红色高棉对这一地区的控制,我们对该区域及生活其中的动物一无所知。”


标签: 动物 保护

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