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关于”生日的著名诗“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Famous Birthday Poems。以下是关于生日的著名诗的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Famous Birthday Poems


1、In order to add a birthday to an existing contact choose command New from contact.


2、In 2003, a well-known Japanese comic book company published a manga version of the original novel.


3、Liu Dabai is a famous poet and a nameable scholar in the history of Chinese modern literature.


4、What is the perfect birthday gift for a famous singer who has the status of heavenly king?


5、A fiction writer and poet, she is best known for her memoir, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, and for Tender Buttons (prose poetry).


6、He has exerted great influence in academic circles especially in Japanese Sinological arena with his academic works on Chinese paleography.


7、Mr. Mei Yuan Meng, a contemporary Japanese well known philosopher and thinker, argues that the thought of forest is the origin of Japanese culture.


8、Takeshi Kitano, a famous Japanese film director, actor, TV presenter.


9、Who knows a famous Japanese cartoonist - Chapman article?


10、He was a sophomore in a famous university.


11、On July 21, 1998, a bad accident happened to Sang Lan, a famous Chinese sports girl.


12、Later, Tao Yuanming was content with a hermetic life in the mountains and became a well-known pastoral poet.


13、Jane Austen, a famous English writer, was born at Steventon, Hampshire, on December

16, 1775, and died on July

18, 1817.


14、Japanese management, especially with Japanese employees, is famous for this pragmatic synthesis.


15、As a famous poet of Yi nationality in contemporary China, Jidi Majia is one of the few minority nationality poets who have nationality consciousness earlier.


16、England's famed Lake District, in the northwestern county of Cumbria, boasts breathtaking scenery that has inspired some of the country's most famous poets and novelists.


17、This should boost carmakers and related firms, to the detriment of Japan’s famed railways.


18、Yang Shen is a famous scholar and poet in Ming Dynasty. Because of exiling , he spent half part of his life in Yun nan.


19、Akron had crashed into the Atlantic killing more than twice as many people. ) But when calculating the epic status of a catastrophe, terrifying photographs and quotable quotes ("Oh, the humanity!"


20、In Nansong Dynasty, the famous poet Lu You had formed his literary thoughts during his nine years in Sichuan.

21、Kobo Abe(1924-1993)is a famous Japanese novelist and playwright.安部公房(1924-1993)是日本著名小说家、剧作家。

22、Born on a cold night in the chapel of a small Austrian village, Silent Night, the world's most famous Christmas carol, celebrated its 190thanniversary.世界最著名的圣诞歌曲《平安夜》日前迎来其xx岁的生日。这首歌在一个寒冷的夜晚诞生于奥地利一个小村庄的教堂。

23、He became a famous doctor. 他成为了一名著名的医生。

24、Lin Changyi was a famous poetry theorist in the early stage of Chinese modern times, who, writing nearly 900 poems in his life, made a great contribution to the literary treasure-house of his time.林昌彝作为中国近代早期著名的诗论家,一生为后人留下了近900首诗歌,是中国近代文学宝库中一笔宝贵的财富。

25、Li Shunhua (1957·2—), one of the 李顺骅(1957·2—) 20世纪末21世纪初苗族著名诗人和散文家。

5 important Miao poets of the 20th century.

英文句子26:,26、Tennyson 's well-known description of nature as "red in tooth and claw" conjures up dramatic moments in the prey-predator relationship.英国诗人丁尼生对大自然的著名描述「红牙血爪」,令人想起掠食者与被掠食者间的惊悚时刻。

27、The most famous occurred in A.D. 1054.最著名的一次发生在公元xx年。

28、A new costume for the world-known cartoon character Hello Kitty has been unveiled to mark her 35th birthday in Tokyo (see photo).日前,世界著名卡通形象Hello Kitty在东京着新装闪亮登场,庆祝即将到来的xx岁生日(见图)。

29、Natumesouseki was a famous thinker and writer in modern history of Japan.夏目漱石是日本近代著名的思想家和文学家。

30、Mr. Zhang Zhongxing is our country now a generation of renowned scholar, the writer, is also the renowned language educationalist .张中行先生是我国现当代著名学者、作家,又是著名的语文教育家。

31、Nagoya, Toyohashi City, Japan, the famous conductor Mr. Zhai Qiao vine.日本名古屋丰桥市著名指挥斎藤乔先生。

32、The company makes Palin's MP-704 glasses, designed out of titanium by Kazuo Kawasaki.该公司生产的佩林所戴的那款MP-704钛材眼镜是由(日本著名工业设计师)川崎和男设计的。

33、Murakami haruki is currently a very famous author in Japan.村上春树是日本当代著名作家。

34、Abe no Nakamaro, one of them, lived in China for several decades. He became a senior government official and made friends with famous poets Wang Wei and Li Bai.他在中国生活了几xx年,并担任唐朝的重要官吏,与王维、李白等著名诗人结为好友。

35、One of the 20th century's most notorious bangs happened at 20世纪最为著名的爆炸发生在xx年xx月xx日上午

7.14 am on 30 June 1908.


36、Famous visitors include Ngawang Namgyal in the 17th century and Milarepa.著名的访问者包括阿旺朗杰在17世纪和米拉日巴。

37、Winnie-the-Pooh made his first appearance in a poem called teddy bear by A. A.小熊维尼初次呈现于一首由米尔恩著作的诗篇,名叫玩具熊。

38、Obara kuniyoshi is the founder of Yuchuan Institute, which is well-known in Japan.小原国芳是日本著名的玉川学园的创始人,终生致力于全人教育实践的教育家。

39、The famous star made an appearance at the movie premiere.那位著名的明星出现在那部电影的首映日。

40、Born on a cold night in the chapel of a small Austrian village, Silent Night, the world's most famous Christmas carol, is celebrating its 192nd anniversary.世界最著名的圣诞歌曲《平安夜》(Silent Night)日前迎来其xx岁的生日。 这首歌在一个寒冷的夜晚诞生于奥地利一个小村庄的教堂。

41、"Gitanjali" is one of the most outstanding works by Tagore, a well-known Indian poet.《吉檀迦利》是印度著名诗人泰戈尔的杰出代表作。

42、Since it was once visited by three famous poets in the past, it has got the name the Three Vistors'Cave.因为曾经有三个著名的诗人来游览过,所以取名“三游洞”。

43、Your name from hence immortal life shall have.你的芳名会在诗里获得永生。

44、Meanwhile, we wait in hopeful anticipation, living out our days on Saturday, the in-between day with no name.此时,我们必须带著盼望等待,星期六是夹在两个重要的日子中间的「无名之日」,但我们要在其中好好地生活。

45、While composing the letter, Keats witnessed the planet Venus rising outside his window. At that moment, doubt and distraction left him; it was only beauty, Fanny's and the star's, that mattered.看到金星在地平线缓缓升起,诗人茅塞顿开,于是乎,这首著名的十四行诗诞生了。

46、And genes, as Richard Dawkins has famously suggested, are pretty selfish.并且理查•道金斯(著名生物学家)曾经提出过一个著名的论断,即基因是非常自私的。

47、S. senator from Indiana (1899-1911), he is best known for his historical works, most notably The Life of John Marshall (1916-1919).以其历史著作最为闻名,最著名的是《约翰·马歇尔的一生》(1916-xx年)。

48、A graphic representation of the subject of Poe's most celebrated and tragic narrative poem of the same name, supernaturally lamenting the death of a young lover.对爱伦坡最著名的同名悲剧叙事诗的生动再现,用超自然的手法悼念年轻恋人的死亡。

49、An unidentified man carries an umbrella as he walks in the rain past Saks Fifth Avenue in New York City, Friday morning September 27, 1985.在xx年xx月xx日星期五的早晨,一位无名先生撑伞走过著名的第五大道萨克斯百货公司。

50、Radclyffe Hall, one of the famous English modern female writers and poets, was born in 1880, and was known to her friends as 'John'.拉德克利夫·霍尔,英国现代著名女小说家、诗人,出生于xx年,她的朋友都称她为“约翰”。

经典英文句子51:生日的著名诗,51、Guo Morou is the famous poet and playwright, who also shares the awareness of novel.郭沫若 是著名的诗人和历史剧作家,但并不乏小说意识。

52、The Famous poet Lui Yazi once tasted the "Chicken in light soup"and described it as "thin skin, tender meat, loose bone and delicious soup" .著名诗人柳亚子先生品尝后对“清汤越鸡”的特点概括为八个字:“皮薄、肉嫩、骨松、汤鲜。”

53、Daido Moriyama is one of Japan's most celebrated photographers.森山大道是日本最著名的摄影家。

54、Water pollution is the most famous in Japan's Minamata disease.水污染问题中最著名的是日本的水俣病。

55、Higuchiichiyo is a modern Japanese writer.木通口一叶,日本近代著名的女作家。

56、There are many reasons for Lu You's finalizing and printing his poem manuscript in Yanzhou.著名的《剑南诗稿》 ,陆游在严州任上定稿刊行,原因是多方面的。

57、This year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Norwegian poet Olav H. Hauge .今年是挪威著名诗人乌拉夫·H·候格的百周年诞辰。

58、Japan's Sony, Panasonic, Hitachi, Toshiba, Toyota and otherworld famous enterprises have presenced in China.日本的索尼、松下、日立、东芝、丰田等世界著名企业纷纷进驻中国。

59、Ted Hughes gave me this advice and it works wonders: record moments, fleeting impressions, overheard dialogue, your own sadnesses and bewilderments and joys.Ted Hughes【英国诗人,著有《雨中的鹰》,《河》,《生日信札》等诗集】给了我这个建议,而它十分神奇:记录片刻,转瞬即逝的感觉,偶尔听到的对话,你自己的忧伤、困惑和快乐。

60、They have commented on the famous school and writer of poetic circles in the Ming dynasty.对明代诗坛上著名的流派和作家都进行了品评。

61、Sun Sheng's younger brother Sun Chuo, not only one of the most famous poets of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but also was famous for the argument in writing.孙盛从弟孙绰是东晋最著名的玄言诗人之一,在立论著述方面也大放异彩。

62、Beanie Babieswere lots of fun; they came with their own tags containing theirname, birthday, and a poem.豆豆娃十分有趣;他们每一个的标签上都印有自己的名字、生日和一首诗歌。

63、的人群中著名 Jin yong is famous as a writer. 金庸是著名的作家。

64、I like Japanese food because it is famous for being fresh.我喜欢日本食物,因为它为是著名的新鲜的。

65、The great Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa once said, "To be an artist means never to avert your eyes."日本著名电影导演黑泽明(Akira Kurosawa)曾这样说:"作为一名艺术家,应直面人生永不退缩。"

66、His name, birth place and family members are the basic resources to study his whole life.高启是明初最著名的诗人,其字号、籍贯和家族成员是研究其生平的基础资料。

67、John Donne (1572-1631) has been recognized as one of the greatest English poets in the history.约翰·邓恩(1572—1631)是英国十七世纪文艺复兴时期的著名诗人。

68、Yueman, a famous litterateur and scholar of the late Qing Dynasty, who wrote Yuemantang Diary and Bai Hua Jiang Fu Ge Poems, also had a distinguishing feature about books collection and emendation.越缦是晚清著名文学家、学者。 著有《越缦堂日记》、《白华绛跗阁诗》等,藏书、校书亦具特色。

69、Domi Chirongo, a famous poet and writer in contemporary Mozambique, is an earthly who was born for the first time in the year of 1975.多米·切荣戈,莫桑比克当代著名诗人、作家,一个现实主义者,xx年生。

70、Deng Xianhe only was appointed Ningxiang lecture, he devoted actually to the collection, compiled tin Hunan literature, he was the renowned scholar a the poet.邓显鹤仅任宁乡训导,却一生致力于搜集、整理湖南文献,是著名的学者和诗人。

71、Francesca Lodo was born on Sunday, August 01, 1982 and is a famous model.弗朗西斯•洛多出生于xx年xx月xx日,星期天,是著名的模特。

72、He has since been the recipient of several prestigious awards from Korea and Japan.此后他又获得韩国和日本的多项著名的奖项。

73、Of a work (and of a contained name and nomenclatural act): the date on which copies of the work become available by purchase or free distribution.一著作物(以及所包含的名称和命名举动):可购得或由免费散发而获得该著作物的复本的日期。


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