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关于”有两个谓语动词“的英语句子29个,句子主体:There are two predicate verbs。以下是关于有两个谓语动词的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:There are two predicate verbs

1、swerving all up in the curve 是伴随状语,修饰谓语动词,指(我要赶着回家所以)开车在转弯处做了一次紧急调头


2、We study

17 Cause-result connectives of indicating in total , they are classified as illustrative connectives and inferential connectives .


3、There are in English two articles: the definite article and the indefinite article.

hour (locked)in my study. 一般的朋友看到谓语动词spend会条件反射想到spend的固定搭配spend 。

4、in order not to be disturbeb,i spent


5、Quite a number of animal words from Chinese and English language have their own special cultural implication.


6、There are two main phonetic iconicity motivations in demonstratives: sonority hierarchy iconicity motivation and complexity iconicity motivation.


7、Whether a verb can be used to modify nouns directly is restricted by its typicality and catogory level, which in turn are restricted by the internal formation of the very verb.


8、English verbs have two aspects : the progressive aspect and the perfective aspect .

但事实是,顺序的确有影响,因为这两个谓词并不 总是需要应用。

9、But the truth is that it does matter, because both do not always need to be applied.


10、Within that predicate, you might drill down again to add another predicate.


11、I have two words for you - body language.

印欧语系词根bheid有“分开(to split)”的意思。 它经由古英语,一路发展,生成了现代英语中bitter和bite两个单词。

12、Both words trace back through Old English to an Indo-European root bheid meaning to split.


13、There are in English two articles:the definite article and the in-definite article.


14、When adding a modifier like "active" before a compound of nouns like "termites and organisms", be sure to clarify whether you intend the modifier to apply to both nouns or just the first one.

或:My English teacher is the luckily dog.(仅变谓语动词的时态)

15、My current English teacher is the luckily dog.


16、A legitimate expression of the predicate calculus. That is, it is acceptable under the predicate calculus' syntax.

其他的非 DB2 自动提供的,而又能提供谓词传递闭包的本地谓词。

17、Additional local predicates that are not automatically provided by DB2 that can provide predicate transitive closure.


18、Although Chinese and English belong to two different language families respectively, noun-converted verbs are identified in both languages.


19、Nearly one-fifth of the Chinese verbs are translated into English non-predicate verbs;



20、The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate.

21、The second predicate is applied only when the row is disqualified by the first predicate.仅当第一个谓词认为行不合格时第二个谓词才应用。

22、Now that two of her three successors have been female, the phrase ‘Madam Secretary’ is no longer a novelty.而现在,她的三个继任者中,有两位女性,“国务卿女士”这一称谓已不再是新鲜的词语。

23、a deliberately ambiguous use of certain particles and verb forms in places where the conjunction 'and' would be used in English有意模棱两可地使用某些小品词,以及在英语中本应该使用连词“and”的地方使用动词形式;

24、There are two main phonetic iconicity motivations in demonstratives:sonority hierarchy iconicity motivation and c.指示代词语音象似动因主要有两个:语音音响度象似动因和复杂性象似动因。

25、In compounds, the two lexical morphemes can be of different word classes.复合词中,两个词汇语素可能是不同的词类。

英文句子26:,26、In Latin, there are four types of participles . Two, happen to be in the active voice, and two happen to be in the passive voice.拉丁文中有四种分词,其中两种为主动语态,两种为被动语态。

27、The latter is distinct in the expression "intentionally" or "unintentionally" because it has two kinds of verbs: transitive verbs and intransitive ones.日语动词由于有自动词和他动词的存在,它们在体现动词的“有意”和“无意”上分工明确。

28、Here and there are two pure place deictic words in contemporary English.这里有两个纯地方指示词在当代英语。

29、In both queries, the join predicate is expressed within the square brackets.在这两个查询中,方括号中表示了连接谓词。

30、Symbolic logic is often divided into two branches, propositional logic and predicate logic.符号逻辑往往分为两个分支,命题逻辑和谓词逻辑。

31、Likewise, the two range predicates will be applied in their coded order, and the in-list and like predicates were left in the order originally coded.同样,那两个范围谓词也将以它们的编码顺序应用,列表和相似谓词遵循它们的原始编码顺序。

32、A transitive verb takes an object.及物动词有一个宾语。

33、The Oxford English Dictionary refers to two guys— Pliny and Nicander—in its etymology for the word magnet.磁铁这个词,牛津英语词典上标明说pliny和nicander这两个词是它的词源。

34、Except the introduction and conclusion, text into four chapters:The first chapter of the book for the verb predicate sentences.除了绪论和结语以外,正文分为四章:第一章《尚书·周书》的动词性谓语句。

35、Many animal words both in English and in Chinese have rich national cultural meanings and become a most special part of "cultural words" in English and Chinese.英汉两种语言中不少动物词语具有丰富的国俗语义,成为英汉“文化词语”中极具特色的一个部分。

36、Intransitive verbs do not have an object.有及物动词没有宾语。

37、The verb set syntax is important if you want to customize or extend the predefined verb set, whereas the parameterized verb syntax is important if you want to customize XSLT mapping files.如果您希望自定义或扩展预定义的谓词集,则谓词集语法非常重要;而如果您希望自定义 XSLT 映射文件,则参数化谓词语法非常重要。

38、Professor Sun Jianyi published Examination of Chinese Characters, Words and Morpheme. He was also the deputy editor-in-chief of Dictionary of Chinese Title.孙剑艺教授另出版有《汉语的字、词、词素探析》等著作,并任《汉语称谓大词典》副主编。

39、There is a tendency that the substantive can be shifted to the predicate in modern Chinese word-class.通过对现代汉语词类活用的分析发现,汉语词类活用中存在体词谓词化的倾向。

40、A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject-predicate structure.片语是构成一个语法单位的一组词,它没有限定动词,也不存在主述结构。

41、Therefore, in view of the valence price of verbs, the verbs involving one or two semantic roles accounts for 81.8%;由此可知,从动词的配价价位上看,联系一个语义角色和联系两个语义角色的动词数量是最多的,占了81.8%;

42、A reference to an XSLT verb mapping file, which translates the parameterized verbs into the plug-in specific staff query language.一个到 XSLT 谓词映射文件的引用,该引用将参数化谓词转换为特定于插件的人员查询语言。

43、The second chapter in this book for the adjective predicate sentences.第二章《尚书·周书》的形容词性谓语。

44、Predicate Calculus language of the traditional semantic component of the mathematical logic of a very rich branch.谓词演算语言的传统的语义组成了数理逻辑的一个很丰富的分支。

45、Unlike most languages it has two parents, a combination of largely Aleut vocabulary and Russian verb endings.与大多数语言不同的是,这门语言有两个来源,它混合了大量的阿留申语词汇和俄语的动词结尾。

46、There is a close relationship between the manner adverbials and prepositional phrase, there are two semantic hierarchy in the prepositional phrase.方式状语与介词结构有密切的关系,介词结构的语义关系有两个层级。

47、Both thumb and thigh go back to the same Indo-European root.拇指和大腿这两个词语都可以追溯到同一个印欧语系词源。

48、You are the only one of the family who has received education.你是家中唯一一个受过教育的人。(谓语动词用单数)

49、The man rose from the ground, beating the dust off his clothes.那个男子从地上站了起来,拍掉衣服上的尘土。(分词动作后于谓语动作)

50、Your duty is to look after the sick child.你的责任是非谓语动词的用法照料这个病孩。

经典英文句子51:有两个谓语动词,51、When the verb takes an object, it is usually repeated, and the complement of duration is put after the repeated verb.如果动词后面带有宾语,一般要重复动词,时量补语放在重复的动词后面。

52、Each part or both parts of the two-word verb can have an object.成语动词的每个部分或两个部分可以有一个宾语。



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