倒茶的英语说作" Tea",还经常被译作serve the tea,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到34个与倒茶相关的译文和例句。
1. Tea
倒茶翻译为 Tea 。
1、As I pour tea and coffee, an emaciated black man in a filthy sweatshirt shakes my hand warmly and asks me how I'm doing today.
2. serve the tea
倒茶翻译为serve the tea。
示例:人们用一套规范的仪式倒茶、手持精致的瓷杯。 They show the stylised rituals of pouring the tea and holding the delicate porcelain cup.
3. pour tea
倒茶翻译为pour tea。
示例:让他自己去倒茶。 Let him get his own cup of tea.
4. Pour out the tea
倒茶翻译为 Pour out the tea 。
示例:Can i pour you a cup of tea? 我给你倒杯茶吧
1. pourer(n. 倒茶水的人, 浇注工)
2. pourers((pourer 的复数) n. 倒茶水的人, 浇注工)
茶话会;茶党;该词来源于波士顿倾茶事件\n 茶叶党;倒茶事件)
3. tea parties(n. (下午) 茶会;
英语短语&俚语, POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ( 波莉倒茶 )
Lady at the Tea Table ( 桌边倒茶的妇女 )
backrocket ( 倒茶壶 )
Final water into the teapot ( 最后把水倒在茶壶 )
pour some tea ( 倒一些茶 )
pour some tea ( 端茶倒水 )
obovatifolia ( 倒卵瘤果茶 )
1. Thank you so much, Mrs Watts. i'll pour the tea.
译文:非常感谢你,Watts太太 我去倒茶。
2. i'm thirsty. Give me some tea.
3. Who knows... this flask your grandpa is sewing tea from... might be made of some dust from Alexander's body...
译文:谁知道... ... 你爷爷倒茶的那个壶,来自哪里。
4. i'll go and make some tea.
5. Oh, no, don't get up, Jocelyn. i'll get the tea. Sorry.
译文:噢 不 不用起来 乔斯琳 我去倒茶 抱歉。
6. Would you get the tea, Leo? is it ready?
7. i went to give you a cup of tea it
译文:我进去给你倒杯茶吧 倒茶?。
8. Just pull yourself together and pour the tea.
9. You're perfectly capable of pouring it yourself.
10. Aren't you going to pour it for us?
11. - Go! i'll think of something.
译文:倒茶 我叫你倒就倒去。
12. DRAGON, i said pour me some tea
13. The usual stuff, you know, cooking and cleaning... that kind of thing.
译文:老妈是烧菜,倒茶 拿卫生纸的,老笨蛋。
14. They show the stylised rituals of pouring the tea and holding the delicate porcelain cup.
译文:人们用一套规范的仪式倒茶、手持精致的瓷杯。 。
15. Bring my friends some tea, some baklava, huh? Come on.
译文:给我的朋友倒茶 再拿点果仁酥饼,赶紧的。
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