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关于”鼓励孩子们努力上进“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Encourage children to work hard。以下是关于鼓励孩子们努力上进的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage children to work hard


1、Only the boy's father can coax him into grater effort.


2、He saw us as four hero-worshipping kids trying to replicate our favorite bands.


3、The boy pressed on in spite of the wind.

音乐项目的团队合作鼓励学生共同努力进行一场完美的演出。 借助同龄人的支持,这项活动不仅在精神上充满挑战,而且能够帮助学生建立自信。

4、Music programs encourage students to work together to produce an excellent performance that is both mentally challenging and confidence-building with the support of their peers.


5、The physical efforts of childbirth; parturition.


6、Mother inculcated us with the senses of love and duty. She encouraged us to study hard for the family and the country even in the hard time, and supported us to pursue our careers.


7、Every effort of ours will soon be seen on every oral English learner. Their happiness will always encourage us to make greater progress.


8、Express appreciation for your children's efforts, says Beaudoin, and give specific, positive feedback, such as, "I noticed how hard you worked on dusting the table.


9、Parents would not expect their children to become useful persons without working hard.


10、Along the way, I have also endeavored to teach my kids about sensible investing.


11、Picture shows Mr. Benoit Amado (left three), General Manager of Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai, is encouraging the disabled staffs to continue their hard work and takes photos with them.



12、Our children do try to live up to our expectations.


13、In fact, we could encourage them to get bogged down for 100 years in an unrealisable project.

They work hard, marry, have lots of children and set aside an evening each week for quality time with the family.



15、Shortly afterwards Andriy Shevchenko turned to lift an effort just over the top and Chelsea were now in full flow, taking encouragement from their opponents' failings .


16、More efforts should be put into encouraging Rotaractors to continue their service as part of Rotary.


17、Only the boy's father can coax him into grater effort.


18、I'll try my best to let the children in-to the school, into the classroom.


19、Someone has to take up the cudgels for children's rights, as the children are helpless to do it themselves.

20、Only the boy's father can coax him into grater effort. 只有孩子的父亲可说服他更加努力.

21、Nevertheless, students who were praised for their effort exhibited significant improvement, raising their average score by 30 percent.然而,被表扬努力的孩子展示了非常明显的进步,平均分提高了30%。

22、We built this ability to reflect the Stronghold faction specificities and to encourage the player to use aggressive tactics.我们建立了这种能力,以反映据点派特殊性,并鼓励玩家使用进攻战术。

23、Only the boy's father can coax him into grater effort.只有孩子的父亲可说服他更加努力.

24、We'll do our best to catch up with the advanced world levels.我们将努力赶上世界先进水平。

25、Adults do have an important role in helping children – whether they are girls or boys, high or low achievers – to have confidence in themselves as learners.成年人应该努力帮助孩子成长,不管是男孩还是女孩,成绩好还是成绩差,都应帮他们在学习上建立自信。

英文句子26:,26、Especially when he started gambling, start a normal life, and began to work hard, do not begrudge giving them verbal encouragement.特别是当他开始戒赌,开始了正常生活,开始了努力工作时候,不要吝惜给予他们言语上的鼓励。

27、Pull away, boys! A little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore.努力划呀,孩子们!再加一把劲,我们很快就要到岸了。

28、“We worked on him for over an hour, ” said Mr. Monson. “It’s like a state of calm.“我们在孩子身上努力了一个多钟头”,蒙逊先生说:“那就好像是进入了一种入定的状态。

29、In our Mega English courses , the teachers are always striving to find the best in each child and , as a result , students are enthusiastic and energetic in their daily life.在明格英语中心,老师们总是努力寻找每个孩子的闪光点,孩子们也因此在每天的学习生活中充满兴趣的活力。

30、Emphasize the importance of effort in succeeding on a task, and your kids will see failure as a challenge that they can meet.向孩子强调努力是获得成功的关键,孩子遇到挫折时便会迎难而上视之为一项挑战。

31、That’s why we worked this hard. That’s why we poisoned ourselves at this factory.我们想让孩子拥有一切,这是我们努力工作的目的,这也是我们在毒工厂工作的原因。

32、She did her best to hold up before her children.她在孩子面前尽最大努力保持平静。

33、But within the classroom bright children were the heroes and the slower ones worked hard to be like them.然而,在课堂上,聪明的孩子却是英雄,差些的孩子则努力使自己像他们一样。

34、Especially when he started gambling, started a normal life, began to work hard, do not save their verbal encouragement.特别是当他开始戒赌,开始了正常生活,开始了努力工作时候,不要吝惜给予他们言语上的鼓励。

35、Meanwhile, girls are well ahead of boys in verbal skills, and they just seem to try harder.与此同时,女孩儿在口头表达能力上大大领先男孩,她们也更努力。

36、I think we will work our way towards a position that says that having more than two children is irresponsible.我认为我们在朝这样一个目标努力,这就是:有超过两个以上的孩子是不负责任的。

37、Parentss would not expect their children to become useful persons without working hard.父母们不能指望孩子们不经过刻苦努力就可以成才。 。

38、Efforts to encourage people to cut their energy should emphasise the range of ways that people can do so effectively, says Attari.Attari认为,鼓励人们减少能源消耗的努力应该把重点放在那些可以有效降低能耗的一系列行为方式上。

39、I can cook. I raise my children. I work hard.我会煮饭,我负责带孩子,我努力工作。

40、“We worked on him for over an hour,” said Mr. Monson. “It's like a state of calm.“我们在孩子身上努力了一个多钟头”,蒙逊先生说:“那就好像是进入了一种入定的状态。

41、We had a quick review this week of what we have learned so far in this class and then spent the class working on one of the hardest types of speaking - Impromptu speaking.每个孩子都带来了回家作业,并且很努力地投入他们的演讲练习,大家快速温习了目前为止我们在课上的所学,接着让孩子们花时间进行了演讲类型中最难的一个:即兴演讲。

42、I represent all of the children to guarantee : we 'll study hard to requite you !我代表所有的孩子们保证:我们会努力学习来报答您!

43、Let's work together to create a boundless world for our YK Pao children!希望我们携手努力,让包校的孩子们有一片更广阔的天空!

44、Dailey moved the child to the floor and continued CPR.戴莉把孩子移到地板上,继续做着复苏心肺的努力。

45、Many million of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so.成千上万在学的男孩和女孩正在努力学习英语。

46、The kids here all have a spirit of hard-work.这里的孩子们都很努力。

47、These findings should encourage greater efforts to prescribe and monitor appropriate antithrombotic therapy to prevent stroke in individuals with atrial fibrillation.这些发现鼓励我们为了预防那些有房颤的病人发生中风,应该尽更大的努力处方并监测适当的抗血栓治疗。

48、The child has no incentive to study harder because his parents cannot afford to send him to college.这孩子没有努力学习的动力,因为他父母供不起他上大学.

49、Now is the time to work together to restore the sustained growth that can only come from open and stable markets that harness innovation, support entrepreneurship and advance opportunity.时不我待,我们必须共同努力,恢复只有开放和稳定的市场才能带来的持续增长,这样的市场鼓励创新,支持创业,增进机会。

50、They work hard, marry, have lots of children and set aside an evening each week for quality time with the family.他们努力工作,结婚,生许多小孩,每周都会留出一个晚上来和家人讨论与家庭、孩子有关的话题。

经典英文句子51:鼓励孩子们努力上进,51、Not only does this flesh out your task organization it also fosters team member buy-in to the tasks to which they'll be assigned.这不仅可以充实您的任务组织结构,还可以鼓励工作组成员为分配给他们的任务而努力。

52、So we continue to encourage China to help us do even more together, to work more actively with us to solve these problems.因此,我们继续鼓励中国帮助我们一起做更多的事情,更积极地与我们共同努力解决这些问题。

53、We encourage the MDBs to contribute fully to the achievement of this objective.我们鼓励多边开发银行(MDB)竭尽全力对这一目标所将取得的成就进行支持。

54、A movement with the girl, the pursuit of progress, a strong strong heart, work hard, love learning!一个动静结合的女孩,追求上进,强烈的好强心,努力勤奋,爱学习!

55、The mommas sat in chairs with the children on their laps, trying to smile; the older children stood around them, and the support staff on both sides.“妈妈”们坐在椅子上,怀中抱着孩子,她们努力地扬起嘴角微笑,年纪较长的孩子们站在她们身旁,其他后勤人员则分立两侧。


标签: 孩子

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