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关于”用描写人物外貌“的英语句子26个,句子主体:Describe the appearance of characters。以下是关于用描写人物外貌的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the appearance of characters


1、My father was wearing a pair of glasses, small eyes, thin lips, because overworked with wrinkles


2、The fabricating methods and the prospects of applications on U-V writing fiber Bragg gratings are described. Their present situation at home and abroad is also included.


3、You’re a fine one to criticize someone else’s appearance and personal hygiene.


4、SEM photographs show that pyrites occurred in forms of both micro- spheroids and cubic crystal aggregations, caused by microbial fossilization and inorganic processes, respectively.

5、 B. His nose is very big, so he doesn';t like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它。


6、The boride layers on different carbon steels have been extracted by etching in 18% HCl water solution and observed under SEM.


7、He evolved from a thin, stern-looking old bishop into the fat, cheerful fellow we all know today.


8、It has alon g history and different paintings have various styles.


9、tooth to exclude buses, like the very cute.


10、Time has taken away its outer material, but it still keeps its shape and sense of majesty.


11、Although in her middle ages, Linda has a youthful appearance.


12、A striking deep sea-fish called an amphipod crustacean reveals the diversity of sea creatures under the belly of Australia's deep sea world.

物质都用质量来描述。 有时侯也用电荷来描述。 但是, …

13、Matter Representation can be complete only when a complex number is used.


14、It is impolite to poke the top of food with chopsticks.


15、This does mot rule out people who are not good-looking or even ugly, because many such have great personal charm.


16、The focus of this dissertation is on how to realize politeness with various politeness strategies in business correspondence and at the same time to fulfill the writer's communicative goal.


17、of the seeds face, round eyes and cheeks has two deep dimple, it is lively and cute.


18、Lookism is discrimination against or prejudice towards others based on their appearance. The term is not in widespread use, though it appears in major English language dictionaries.


19、The two animals are similar in appearance, but they belong to different species.


20、In the bizarre tale recounted by Jacobsen, Mengele surgically altered a group of children to look like space aliens.

21、green military uniform worn down to the anterior. 释义:那是个十来岁的瘦骨伶仃的小孩,却长得眉清目秀。

22、Yesterday a person exactly corresponding with this description was followed, but he was lost sight of at the corner of the Rue de la Jussienne and the Rue Coq-Héron.昨天跟踪到一个人,他的外貌和以上所描过的完全相符,但那人到裘森尼街和高海隆路的拐角上便 突然不见 了。

23、 A. When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。

24、Fatuous, clichéd or selective depictions of Bangkok by visiting filmmakers are so commonplace that foreign residents quickly stop registering them.曼谷的昏庸,陈词滥调或选择性的描写访问电影人司空见惯,以至于外国人登记他们迅速停止。

25、In Shanghai they used the term Laowai (not sure on the spelling) to refer to foreigners.在上海,他们使用“老外”一词(不确定拼写)来指外国人。

英文句子26:,26、Besides displaying the live plants, the Society will also show the medicinal parts of the plants.中药学会除展出这些中草药的原植物外, 还会展示一些草药鲜用时的外貌。

27、When foods presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more of interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time.当普通人不再担心食物时,人们开始把更多的兴趣集中到漂亮的外貌和快乐的休闲时间。

28、Simulating the fire residues of the home electrical appliance, the microscopic appearances of heated wire were observed by SEM.模拟家用电热器具火灾残留物,用SEM(扫描电子显微镜)对火灾残留物中的电热丝显微形貌进行观察。

29、And one more thing, don't talk with your mous rude.此外,当你嘴里塞满了食物的时候,不要说话,否则是不礼貌的。

30、This is a series of Chinese outside reading materials that target foreign Chinese learners.针对学习中文的外国人所撰写的中文课外读物。

31、 A. Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。

32、The morphologies of Si epitaxy thin films and carrier concentration hear its junction are observe and measured by means of SEM, X - ray, AES and C -V measurements.运用扫描电镜、C-V法及俄歇能谱对外延膜形貌和结深附近载流子浓度进行了观察和测量。

33、 B. She has a double chin. 她有双下巴。

34、RedLaser’s barcode scanning technology allows users to comparison shop on the go.RedLaser的条形码扫描技术可以方便用户在繁忙的外出购物时进行商品挑选。

35、There would be a museum to display the history of Kowloon Walled City .另外增设博物馆,展出九龙寨城的历史及旧貌。

36、His technique is to describe history through its players, with all their foibles.他的特点就是用人物的弱点去描述历史。

37、It's one of those sci-fi epics, where there's an alien invasion to be overturned, a stoic soldier to defeat it, and maybe a cool gun or two to use in the process.这是一本科幻小说巨制。 书中描写的是外星人入侵被推翻,一位坚忍的战士挫败了外星人的阴谋,也许在战斗中还用到一两种很酷的武器。

38、I was struck with the man's singular appearance.那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。

39、Using this method, we make a copy of Ni Stamper of CD and give the microstructure of the copied information with SEM.本文不仅描述了采用二阶段加压法工艺复制的CD唱片,还描述了用SEM观察复制信息的微观形貌。

40、Effect of Ti-containing complex inclusions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of medium carbon non-quenched and tempered steel;用金相显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱观察和分析了转炉生产的含硫非调质钢轧后硫化物夹杂的形貌。

41、Methods of qualitative description have constantly been applied to the research and evaluation on townscape feature.对于城市风貌,历来多采用定性描述的方法进行研究和评价。

42、The morphology of sulphide inclusions in sulphur-comprising microalloyed steel manufactured by converter after rolling was observed.用金相显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱观察和分析了转炉生产的含硫非调质钢轧后硫化物夹杂的形貌。

43、B. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。

44、Optical and SEM microscopy on cross-sections are conducted to inspect the morphology of IMCs.焊点横截面的光学照片和扫描电镜照片反映了金属间化合物的显微形貌。

45、Innovative applications of biopolymers are described.描述了生物聚合物的创新应用。

46、Undoubtly, appearance of human is essential to first expression.毫无疑问,人的外貌对第一印象是至关重要。

47、Chemically preserving skins, hair, and feathers made it possible to recreate the appearance of live animals by stuffing the sewed-up skin with straw or hay.运用化学方法保存动物皮肤、毛、羽以免腐坏,再用干草填充动物皮张,从而栩栩如生地表现动物的外貌。

48、 A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。

49、Men approach with their hands behind their backs while the women use their skirts to keep the men enticed from a respectful distance.男人们手背在身后往前凑,女人们则利用裙子把男人们挡在礼貌的距离外。

50、Furthermore, bridging logic has to be written for servlets to use beans defined in the Spring descriptor.此外,需要为 servlets 编写桥接逻辑,以使用在 Spring 描述符中定义的 beans。

经典英文句子51:用描写人物外貌,51、On the one hand, he extracts the valuable from the seemingly valueless in our daily life to depict the unimportant persons' tragedy, thus advocates man's value.他的小说既从普通生活中貌似无价值的事物中提取有价值的东西来叙写小人物的悲剧,宣扬“人”的价值;

52、In such cases, it is expected that appearance information estimated from evidence material will help in finding unknown persons.在这种情况下,人们就希望通过证物推测出的嫌疑人的外貌特征,借此找出这些身份不明的人。


标签: 人物 外貌

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