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关于”保护环境“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Protecting the Environment。以下是关于保护环境的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Protecting the Environment


1、They're actually... Our Environmental Protection Agency which is under the executive branch


2、Li Jijun was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hunan Province. (2009.09.09)


3、China) (②Huaibei Coal Mining Teachers College; Huaibei; Anhui 235000; China) (③Institute of Forest Environment and Conserv;


4、It is evident that the mindset of environmental protection has deeply embedded in all my schoolmates\' heart. Every one of us is doing what we can do to contribute to the 2008 Green Olympics.


5、Free trade advocators affirm that freetrade will improve the environment quality, and environment protection advocators affirm that freetrade will worsen the quality of it.


6、In this article mainly introduce the concrete application, pointe out some questions at present, and propose the development tendency of modern biotechnology in environmental protection.


7、Yu Huiwen was appointed as Vice-Director of Environmental Protection Bureau of Sichuan. (2010.05.25)


8、An increasing number of people are realising the neccesity to protect enviroment.


9、Secondly, forestry protects and constructs the rural ecological environment, promotes harmony between human and nature, and builds environment-friendly society;


10、Ziyang Greenfield applies the best practices in energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.

查看分布图,这一物种在环境署世界保护监测中心 。

11、View a distribution map for this species at UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre .


12、Ma, whose organization has a registry of environmental scofflaws.


13、Wang Huilong was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hunan Province. (2009.09.09)


14、When discussing its theoretical basis, the basis of jurisprudence of PPEP and the theoretical basis of the law of environment preservation are also researched.


15、Non-biodegradable waste has already become a great problem in the environmental protection.


16、Li Jijun was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hunan Province. (2009.09.09)


17、I decided this was a test, a test of my commitment to environmental conservation.


18、The new taxes - environmental taxes is quietly rising which to correct market failures and protect the environment as a policy objective.


19、Not only does it help myself but also protects the environment, which is highly important.


20、So the wind dust network settings so that the environment is effectively protected.

21、To gangue rocky mountain management, both must guarantee the security, and must conform to the environmental protection requirement.对矸石山的管理,既要保证安全,又要符合环境保护的要求。

22、Through the investigation, main ecological environment problems were found in Xinmin city, and protect the environment and improve the ecological environment was put forwarded.通过调查,找出新民市当前主要生态环境问题,提出保护和改善生态环境是当务之急。

23、The Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group was set up in 1990 to facilitate exchanges on environmental issues of mutual concern.一九九零年成立的粤港环境保护联络小组,有助两地就双方关注的环境问题交流意见。

24、In recent years, countries in the world to promote environmental protection, environmental protection and the use of chopstick with the WHO requirements.近年来,世界各国都在提倡环境保护,使用竹筷符合环保和世卫组织的要求。

25、The professer is giving a lecture on the subject of environmental protection this afternoon.这位教授下午将要做一个关于环境保护的演讲。

英文句子26:,26、Thus Environmental liability insurance (ELI) is established in time that is in order to stop the serious consequences caused by environmental damage and protect the interest of each aspect.为了杜绝环境损害的恶劣后果,尽最大可能协调、保护各方的利益,环境责任保险就应时而生了。

27、The fundamental countermeasure is to change views, insist on sustainable development, enhance environmental legal enforcement and protect the ecol…根本的防治对策, 在于改变观念, 坚持可持续发展, 加大环保执法力度, 保护生态环境。

28、“I believe we all have a responsibility to do what we can to maintain the ecological balance,” Yoying declares.对我们每人来说,保持生态平衡,保护环境都是责无旁贷的!

29、Located in the eco-environment protect area of Huangheyuan, Tongde County has a long-term task of grassland protect and construction.同德县地处黄河源头生态环境治理区,保护和建设生态环境是一项长期的战略任务。

30、Thinker, environmentalist and philosopher extraordinaire ... A one-man force of nature.思考者,环境保护者,非凡的哲学家。只有一人的自然之力。

31、The connotation of equipments' green maintenance is economizing resource , protecting environment , raising efficiency and guaranteeing safety.装备绿色维修的内涵是节约资源、保护环境、提高效能、保证安全。

32、First, I hope the economy can grow on the basis of environmental protection.首先,我希望经济能在保护环境的基础上发展。

33、to administer comprehensively the environment protection and energy conservations in the railway sector;综合管理铁路行业环境保护、节约能源工作。

34、The authors suggested some principles, objectives and means of protection to protect tourism resources and ecological environment.针对客观实际,对葡萄沟景区的旅游资源和生态环境提出保护原则、目标及各种保护措施。

35、At present, China's environmental protection feature is the direct administrative control-type control.我国目前环境保护的突出特点是行政直控型管制。

36、Recognizing the importance of environmental protection and the part television could play in communicating this message, Liudengli set about his work.认识到环境保护的重要性后,刘登利开始尝试用电视节目的形式来宣传环保。

37、Students, and let us rise up quick action, warm response environmental protection bureau "protect the environment, everyone duty for the call of"!同学们,让我们快快行动起来,热烈响应环保局“保护环境,人人有责”的号召吧 !

38、Hao Ming Liaoning Province monitor of agricultural environmental protection Centre(Shenyang 110034);沈阳药科大学药学院; 辽宁省农业环境保护监测站;

39、Due to plunderous mining and delay of environmental protection, serious deterioration of environment has occurred in China.由于掠夺式开采以及环境保护滞后于经济发展,我国矿产资源开发利用产生了比较严重的环境问题。

40、Recruitment Professional: plant protection, agricultural entomology and pest control, environment and ecology.招聘专业:植物保护、农业昆虫与害虫防治、环境生态等。

41、In addition, Chichilnisky pointed out that trade liberalization should be carried out under the framework of protecting the environment of the multilateral environmental agreements.另外,Chichilnisky指出贸易自由化应该在以保护环境为目标的多边环境协议的框架下进行。

42、K-anonymity is a popular model used in microdata publishing.匿名化是数据发布环境下保护数据隐私的一种方法。

43、Let's contribute in the environment protection. Say no to development within the sensitive area!让我们为环境保护尽一份力,向发展计划说“不”!

44、Environmental quality has a measurable value, which is determined by the amount of tabou(?) consumed in protecting and const(?)ucting the environment.环境质量具有价值,而且是可以计量的,它由保护和建设环境所耗费的劳动量朱确定。

45、Wang Huilong was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hunan Province. (2009.09.09)王会龙同志任湖南省环境保护厅副厅长。(2009.09.09)

46、We absolutely need strong rules to protect our environment and critical species.我们绝对需要强有力的条例来保护环境和濒危物种。

47、Trane has been devoted in environment conservation and green building promotion for long.特灵长期致力于保护环境,推动绿色建筑的发展;

48、Founded in 1993, the Environmental Working Group says it aims “to use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment.”成立于xx年的环境监测组说,其目的是“利用公共信息的力量保护公共卫生和环境”。

49、The protections consist of private remedies, i. e. legal protection of internet technology and public remedies, i. e. judicial and legislative protection of copyright.网络环境下著作权的保护分为私力救济-网络技术措施的法律保护和公力救济-网络著作权的司法及立法保护。

50、Long-term exposure has been linked to cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.据环境保护署研究,长期暴露于此会导致癌症。

经典英文句子51:保护环境,51、Conservationists have taken the first step in their quest to save the world's rarest duck - the Madagascar pochard.生态环境保护者们已迈出了他们保护世界稀有鸭——马达加斯加红头潜鸭的第一步。

52、They may serve the interests of non-profit organizations that promote environmental conservation.他们会为促进环境保护非牟利组织而服务。

53、Peng Xiang was appointed Deputy Director-General of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hunan Province. (2009.09.09)彭翔同志任湖南省环境保护厅副厅长。(2009.09.09)

54、The corn fiber bedding has saving in resource, environment friendship, high comfortability and high heat insulating ability.本实用 新型有利于节约资源和环境保护,舒适性和保暖性好。

55、Conservationists argue that given the global decline of shark species, preserving shark populations is becoming more valuable than fishing them.自然保护者认为,在全球鲨鱼数量下降的大环境下,保护鲨鱼比捕捞它们更有价值。

56、IAEH is a worldwide association of environmental hydrologists dedicated to the protection and cleanup of fresh water resources.国际环境水文学协会(IAEH)是一个由环境水文学家组成的国际性组织,它的宗旨是保护和利用水资源。

57、Mark Held: The EOG's Association for Conservation is a major initiative for the outdoor industry.EOG环境保护基金是户外行业的一个重大举措。

58、The essence of the protection of intangible cultural heritage is the object of inheritance, the environment and the inheriting people.非物质文化遗产的保护,就其本质看是对传承对象、传承环境和传承人的保护。

59、We suspect there are environmental problems, which the Environmental Protection Agency would pounce on, levying heavy fines, once we own the town.我们怀疑它有环境问题,一旦我们拥有这个镇子,环境保护局便会予以干涉,征收高额罚款。

60、Promote recycle economy, facilitate technological progress, save energy, reduce consumption and protect the environment; …大力推广循环经济,推进行业技术进步, 节约能源,降低消耗,保护环境;

61、Cefas is an internationally renowned scientific research and advisory centre working in fisheries management, environmental protection and aquaculture.环境、淡水、水科学中心是国际知名的科学研究和咨询中心,致力于渔业管理,环境保护和农业工作。


标签: 环境 保护

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