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关于”孤独的很丧的短句“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Lonely very mournful short sentence。以下是关于孤独的很丧的短句的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Lonely very mournful short sentence


1、Those women who retreat to complete domesticity tend to feel depressed, isolated and frustrated.


2、Everybody would feel lonely sometimes, it is suppose to learn how to bear the solitariness, never do something stupid due to solitariness.


3、"Turkey now finds itself very alone on the world stage, " says Ozel.


4、lonely friday when the sky is gray


5、Strip away the huge salary and the executive jet, and you find much solitary misery.


6、Although loneliness is acknowledged by many doctors to be a huge social problem, when male professionals refer to loneliness the examples cited are nearly always female.


7、So I picked the lonely, outcast-banana over the gang of handsome bananas.


8、Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.


9、"In the future, " he writes, hauntingly, "it will be difficult to die alone. "


10、The heavy wind always in the city, the lonely people always go home later.


11、There is a variability of symptoms, and a whole spectrum there.


12、I resent the assumption that autism is simply a disability.


13、After they had gone he felt lonely, and began to tire of his lady- love.


14、He did not stay long; the loneliness of the gloomy cavern became frightful to him.

在冬天的天空下,他久久而孤独地在阴沈的沙滩上走了很久。 收藏。

15、Long and lonely he paced the dreary beach beneath a wintry sky.

我孤独的待在那白色的妙境里。 。

16、Im all alone in that white wonderland.


17、Although there is a separate room for one lone 800-pound gorilla, it was rarely mentioned.


18、He is used to collective life and feels very lonely when he is left alone.


19、You seemed so fed up with me. I didn’t realized it would —oh , Alan.


20、Stanton believes that the big problem for parents whose children have just been diagnosed as autistic is that they are told to do everything they can to "rescue" their child from autism.

21、What I've learned which I appreciate so much is just to be reminded that I'm not alone, even I felt alone a lot of the times.我所学到的让我珍视的,是提醒自己并不孤单,即便很多时候我感到孤独。

22、But you have to be very alert when you are at your most vulnerable when you are depressed or feeling isolated.但你必须非常警惕,尤其是在你最容易受到伤害的时候,当你心情沮丧或者感到孤独的时候。

23、If you ever find youself , lost and all alone .如果你曾经发现你自己迷失了。总会感到很孤独的。

24、They are autistic, and for them this is normality.她们是孤独症患者,对她们来说,这很正常。

25、) I'm all alone in this world. (在这个世界上我总是孤独的。

英文句子26:,26、This is a spectrum disorder with plenty of variables.孤独症是一个谱系障碍,变数很多。

27、Some women could be going undiagnosed.在这样的妇女中,有些很有可能有孤独症而没有被诊断出来。

28、Literature has close relation with solitude.文学和孤独的关系血浓于水。

29、Those who stayed face poor working conditions, insufficient training and isolation.那些留守人员则需面对很差的工作条件、培训不足以及与孤独等挑战。

30、I feel so unloved and alone.我感觉不到有人爱我,很是孤独。

31、He was very lonely and, dreamed urgently to be a real boy.匹诺曹很孤独,他多么希望自己成为一个真正的小男孩呀。

32、She shook her head. “A loner.她摇了摇头,“可以成为一个很优秀隐士的一个孤独者。”

33、I had something to prove, but they all had something to do.我感觉非常地孤独,我要证明一些事,但是他们都很忙。

34、Wolstencroft felt sad and lonely sitting there all by himself on the shelf that was high above the Christmas cards.在满是圣诞卡片的货架的上方,Wolstencroft独自坐着,他感到沮丧和孤独。

35、It might be very important and insightful, but you're not saying anything especially interesting about death when you say everyone dies alone, if it's also true that everyone eats their lunch alone.很重要,很有见地,但这样提出每个人都孤独而死时,并未对死亡本身提出什么有趣特别的见地,因为说每个人都孤独地吃中饭也是对的。

36、Dugu PD have Zhong Xian heart found by his works is very dark.独孤PD通过他的作品发现钟贤内心有很黑暗的东西。

37、A bridge alone, a person alone, it is demonstrating the quiet isolation.孤桥一座,独人一个,表现出一种很冷清的场面。

38、It is good to be lonely, for being alone is not easy. The fact that something is difficult must be one more reason to do it. - Rilke.孤独是好事,因为孤身一人并不容易。一件事很困难也是去做这件事的理由。——里尔克。

39、He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him.他很孤独,想要找一个朋友,那个朋友看起来要想他。

40、"A Person in Loneliness" contains rich connotations. Through an intertextual study, it can be seen that the three characters' lonely destiny forms an intertextual cycle;《孤独者》是一篇内涵很丰富的小说,在“互文”的研读视野中,文本内三个人物的“孤独”命运形成互文式循环;

41、Long after his days of war, Ezzard found himself doing sit-ups and struggling again with the existential loneliness of a man who fights alone.于是,在拳击生涯结束很久之后,他又开始做仰卧起坐,那种孤身作战的孤独感又卷土重来。

42、lonely friday when the sky is gray 灰色天空下的孤独星期五

43、You weselves search these depression is causing you to feel lfirstly or insecure.本周神情沮丧,更让你感到孤独和不安全。

44、I thought I was autistic and felt very lonely until I realized my gay friends were experiencing the same kinds of things.我想我是孤僻的,总感觉自己很孤独,直到我发现很多圈中朋友也经历着和我一样的困扰。

45、People often overeat when they're feeling stressed, lonely, and depressed --"comfort foods."当人们感到压力、孤独、沮丧的时候往往吃得过饱,即“爽心食物”。

46、The loneliness spreads asneighboursneighbors who were close friends now spend less time together.孤独症的传播使得曾经很亲近的伙伴不再花时间聚在一起。

47、Unfortunately, moving to a new city without any of the people you know can be lonely at first.不幸地,到了一个新城市,没有认识的人,一开始会很孤独。

48、They are lonely, and they eat to comfort that incredible sense of loss.他们很孤独,以吃东西来减缓那种无法想象的失落感。

49、I've been stressing Frost's solitude.我一直在强调弗罗斯特的孤独。

50、But the deaths of siblings Emily and Branwell in 1848, and of Anne in 1849, left her feeling dejected and emotionally isolated.但是她的兄弟姐妹们——艾米莉和布兰威尔于xx年、安妮于xx年的相继去世使她备感沮丧和情感上孤独。

经典英文句子51:孤独的很丧的短句,51、Although there is a separate room for one lone 800-pound gorilla , it was rarely mentioned.虽然一只孤独的重达800磅的大猩猩有一个单独的房间,此事很少被提及。

52、Too late its beauty, lonely thing它的美色来得太晚,孤独的东西

53、I would die for so many resons, I would be cold, lonely, sad, scared, trying to finding the way out.很多情况会让我死掉。我会很冷,很孤独,很伤心,很害怕,努力地寻找出去的办法。

54、If they are not healthy and strong enough to live alone, they live in special homes for old people.他单独居住和是非常怏怏不乐的因为他是很孤独的。

55、With the rescue operation of the army, the village will soon no longer be a lonely island.随着同日军方村户营救行动的实施,孤岛将很快不再孤独。

56、Testimonies of friends and acquaintances today portray the table tennis champion as a lonely and frustrated person who felt rejected by society.今天来自朋友和熟人的证词表明,这个前乒乓球冠军是一个感到孤独、沮丧,和被社区拒绝的人。

57、“In the future,” he writes, hauntingly, “it will be difficult to die alone.”他鬼气森森的写到,“未来我们将很难孤独终老。”

58、People that desire to create and enterprise do a lot to build the world, but it’s often a lonely and frustrating path.一心想创作或创业的人们总是做很多去构筑他们心目中的世界,可这通常是一条孤独而沮丧的道路。

59、Becoming disconnected, isolated or withdrawn can mark the beginning of deterioration and loss of function.当你变得离群索居、孤立或孤独这就是退化和功能丧失开始的标志。

60、People in their golden years are often alone and craving human contact.人们在他们金色年华的时候总会觉得孤独,很渴望能与他人交流。

61、Keep a lonely night, holding a lonely song.守着孤独的夜,守着寂寞的歌。

62、It's similar to the feeling of being alone that we have in various situations.就和其他很多情况下,感受到孤独一样。

63、So the life of man is the life of nature, the life of solitary,poor, nasty, brutish and short.人类的生命便是自然的写照,生命是如此孤独,贫穷,令人作呕,既残忍又短暂。

64、You may find that depression is causing you to feel lonely and insecure.本周神情沮丧,更让你感到孤独和不安全。

65、He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered.这咱人很快就会发现自己感到孤独、痛苦和难过。

66、What happened to your lonely soul?Screamin out.你这孤独的灵魂怎么了?

67、How lonely and friendless Bartleby must be.多么孤独寂寞的巴特必须。

68、While advances have been made to the awareness of autism, advances haven't been made in how we handle it.尽管人们的孤独症意识向前推进了,但是在如何对付孤独症方面却止步不前。

69、Yamashita tomohisa always says, he hates loneliness, and he can't live without his friends.山下智久常说,自己很讨厌也很害怕孤独,所以没有朋友的话,可能会真的活不下去。

70、Life must have been lonely for a boy losing his father, but Dad never wallowed in self-pity.对于一个年幼丧父的孩子来讲,他的生活一定是孤独的,但父亲从不沉湎于自怜。

71、and“Iam fine, thankyou”come uncontroltableemotions of loneliness, anger, and uncertainty.(我很好,谢谢。)”的时候,孤独,愤怒,彷徨的情绪会无法控制的袭来。

72、But children who lost a mother fared even worse—they were shorter, poorer and did not live as long as fatherless orphans.但是失去母亲的孩子就过得更糟了——他们更矮,更穷,还比丧父的孤儿活得更短。

73、These included emotions such as fretful, confused, anxious, irritable, insecure, nervous, restless, crazy, addicted, panicked, jealous, angry, lonely, dependent, depressed, jittery and paranoid.这些包括焦燥,困惑,急切,易怒,不安全,紧张,失眠,上瘾,恐慌,妒忌,愤怒,孤独,依赖,沮丧,过敏,幻想的情感。

74、.他感到很孤独,因为她没有朋友. He feels lonely because he has no friend.

75、And autism is something I've always found a fascinating disorder for many reasons.出于很多原因,我一直觉得孤独症是一种非常迷人的障碍

英文句子模板76:Lonely very mournful short sentence,76、Soon, we found, after the writing of "The outline of poetics", Haizi moved towards deeper solitude.很快,我们发现,写出《诗学提纲》后的海子,走向了更深的孤独。


标签: 英文 短句

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