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关于”肖申克的救赎名句“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Shawshank's Redemption。以下是关于肖申克的救赎名句的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Shawshank's Redemption

只 神必救赎我的灵魂脱离阴间的权势,因为他必把我接去。

1、But God will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself.


2、Our LORD will then complete the salvation of His people. They will be finally and perfectly saved and will in every respect enjoy the fullness of that salvation.


3、Kershaw was the starting pitcher that day.


4、In the Passover meal, the celebrants reviewed the events of God's deliverance of His Old Testament people and praised God for His saving love.


5、Any Redemption Grace Period (RGP) for . JP domain name?


6、In verse

8, the sin they ate up was the sin offerings the people offered under the law as seen in Leviticus




7、Since it took the blood of his own Son-which is of infinite value-to save sinners, everyone who is redeemed by God is precious to him.


8、Only this true God can redeem me from my sins, wash away my iniquities.


9、First person, over-excited, shock to the hospital first aid and can not accept the award.


10、And thinks that the developing orbit is from recieving soul to upspring desire.


11、I just want so badly for Snape to redeem himself.


12、And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their redeemer.


13、For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth


14、Through their anguish, McCann’s characters manage to find comfort, even a kind of redemption.


15、In fact, they're just there as back up.


16、Through their anguish, McCann's characters manage to find comfort, even a kind of redemption.


17、Thus dispensationalists have misconstrued God's work of salvation and (again) the newness ofthe New Covenant.


18、Salvation,therefore,from the world, must be escaped from this physical world into something else.


19、For Paul's theology, justification is something you've experienced, but salvation is something you still have to wait on.


20、A lost dream, an unlikely friendship and the redemptive power of music.

21、There's no resurrection, there's no joy, there's no victory without the Cross.那时,没有复活,也没有喜悦,没有十字架,就没有救赎。

22、And we can say that God allows it only for redemptive purposes.我们也可以说,神就是为了救赎的目的,才允许它这么做。

23、Ms parker brought commander peng XiaoYin spectrum where they take care of, return immediately to rescue the Zhou Muyang caught himself.罗派克把彭司令带到了肖寅谱那里托他们照顾,自己立即返回去营救被抓的周木阳。 。

24、Positive side of salvation is in view here: renewal is eschatological in character.这里所指的,乃是救赎正面的一面﹕「更新」是末世的事实。

25、Being an Avenger gives Clint his path and redeems him.成为复仇者给他指明一条道路,一个赎救自我的机会。

英文句子26:,26、In a general way, personal salvation allowed escape from the lacerations breaking down society.一般来说,个人的救赎容许从撕裂社会的这些裂痕逃避出来。

27、One of a series of text portraits of Michael Jackson created by Ralph Ueltzhoeffer... Picture: Ralph Ueltzhoeffer德国文字肖像画家拉尔夫·乌尔兹霍夫(Ralph Ueltzhoeffer)创作的一系列迈克尔·杰克逊的文字组成肖像画。

28、It is merely claimed that this is pride abdicating to save itself.他仅仅把这称之为是人的高傲为了自我救赎而退出了王座。

29、Women have to be modestly dressed,no jewelry, saved through childbearing.女人必须衣着简朴,不能戴首饰,通过生育得到救赎。

30、Failing to perform his legal duty, Xiao committed a negative crime.肖志军因具有法定的救助义务而成立不作为;

31、The blood He shed on Calvary's cross once and for all atoned for our sin.祂在十字架上流的血,一举竟全功救赎了我们的罪。

32、Frameless head on nameless walls.无框的肖像挂在无名的墙上。

33、Benjamin; aura; art's fissure; shock; reproductive technology; aesthetic salvation.本雅明; 灵韵; 艺术裂变; 震惊; 复制技术; 救赎美学。

34、The Stoke manager also defended Shawcross, adding: "Ryan Shawcross has no bad blood in him whatsoever."斯托克城主教练同样为肖克罗斯辩护:“无论在什么状况下,肖克罗斯都没有恶意。

35、Redeemed by Thee at dreadful price, With angels I would sing Thy praise.祢救赎我代价极重,我与天使向祢歌颂。

36、Former British soldier Shaun Clark has 223 names of troops killed in Afghanistan tattooed on his body (see photo) in honor of their sacrifice, the Daily Mail reported.据英国《每日邮报》报道,为纪念在阿富汗牺牲的战友,退役英军士兵肖恩·克拉克在自己身上纹下了223名阵亡战友的名字(见图)。

37、I think the universe is conspiring to help us have a redemptive moment here.我想,整个宇宙都在协力帮助我们在这里迎来救赎的时刻。

38、As you go to cape there. Whether redemption or subjugate depravity.愿意天涯天涯随你往。无论是救赎还是沦陷堕落。

39、And she never experienced that kind of redemptive love in her life.而兰在她的生命里从来没有品尝过这样一份救赎式的爱。

40、Intercession is the chief means appointed by God to bring the great redemption within the reach of all.而代祷则是神所定规将救赎带给所有的人的主要途径。

41、In this sense Mani was a true Gnostic , as he brought salvation by knowledge.在这个意义上玛尼是一位真正的诺斯底,因为他带来救赎的知识。

42、But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me.至于我,却要行事纯全。 求你救赎我,怜恤我。

43、Human beings can not give up evils and go after good by themselves and they will destroy themselves unless they believe in God.人靠自身是无法弃恶从善、获得拯救的,只有依靠上帝才能获得救赎,否则将走向毁灭。

44、Col. 西一

1:14 In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins;

14 我们在爱子�得蒙救赎,就是罪得赦免。

45、As for Cheng Guorong, his photograph has become a trademark, which is under application for registration.程国荣的肖像已经作为商标正在申请注册当中。

46、And the Person against whom we sin is our magnificent Creator, Savior, and Comforter.我们犯罪敌对的,是威严的创造主、救赎主和安慰者。

47、Tiety Entjes-Weij, of Queen Beatrix.图为荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝的肖像。

48、The pre-temporal covenant of redemption (pactum salutis) stands behind the covenant of works and covenant of grace.时间之前的救赎之约是工作之约和恩典之约的基础。

49、because they have transgressed against me: though I have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me.我虽要救赎他们,他们却向我说谎。

50、Paramedic Shaun Leach holds up an oxygen tank as a British soldier is stretched from a Chinook to a waiting ambulance at Camp Bastion基地里一名受伤的英国士兵正从支努干飞机转移到救护车,急救医护员肖恩.利奇拿着氧气瓶为他输氧。

经典英文句子51:肖申克的救赎名句,51、She read of the mysteries and the miracles, of penances and indulgences.在救赎和沉迷的驱动下她读了很多的神奇故事和神迹。

52、In fact, tournaments would be lost without the redemption schtick.事实也是如此,没法完成自我救赎,就是失去一切。

53、Other faiths believe that salvation is based on good deeds or keeping certain laws.其他信仰相信救赎是建立在做好事和守律法的基础上的。

54、Around the same time Dr Xiao applied to be elected to the Chinese Academy of Engineering.大约与此同时,肖大夫申请评选中国工程院院士。

55、Maradona atoned by inspiring Argentina to win the next World Cup.马拉多纳通过激励阿根廷获得世界杯冠军获得了救赎。

56、The "old things" – neuter plural things – an expression of the "unredeemed world, " existing in sin and misery.指﹕未被救赎的世界,于罪与痛苦中生存。

57、Now the Daily Mail reports that a lawyer who is sick of the sight of Picton wants his portrait to be removed from Carmarthen crown court.如今,《每日邮报》报道称,一名厌恶皮克顿形象的律师希望皮克顿的肖像能从喀麦登刑事法庭中移除。

58、He was renowned as a portrait painter.他以肖像画家著名。

59、Through the water and the Word of God people received forgiveness of sins and, therefore, salvation.通过水和上帝的道,人们被赦罪,得到救赎。

60、The Diamond Necklace, a short fiction written by Maupassant, is a world of metaphors. In the story, the protagonist Mathilde shifts from self-deception to salvation but ends up with absurdity.莫泊桑的短篇小说《项链》构成了一个隐喻的世界,在这个世界中,主人公玛蒂尔德从自欺走向自我救赎,但救赎却是以荒诞结束。

61、Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.为父神后嗣,已得救赎,从圣灵得生,宝血洗净。

62、Special Jerry Hsu photo portrait footbeds.特别许克威照片肖像鞋垫。

63、In the field, relief providers may demand kickbacks from villagers before they register them for aid or shave off a portion when they deliver it.在救助现场,救济提供者可能向申请援助的难民收取回扣或者在发放过程中克扣一部分。

64、How many had gotten away between 1938, when I came here, and that day in October when Andy first mentioned Zihuatanejo to me?从xx年我入狱以来,到安迪第一次和我提到齐华坦尼荷那天为止,究竟有多少人逃离肖申克?

65、Made famous after being played by Justin Timberlake in movie The Social Network.自从贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake )在电影社交网络中扮演了他,肖恩•帕克变得颇为知名。

66、The first three Evangelists spoke of redemption as a pardon of sin, or Justification.在前三本福音书中,说到救赎乃是罪得赦免或称义。

67、Redeemed, the: Prometheans who have become mortal. Most retain no memory of their Promethean lives.救赎者:成为凡人的活尸。大多不再拥有自己身为活尸的记忆。

68、A man named Sean Fentress was on that train.“”命名的肖恩芬特雷斯一名男子在该列车。

69、The name, emblem and symbol of the Beijing2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee;奥林匹克运动会申办委员会的名称、徽记、标志;

70、There were 219,258 foreclosure filings in April, the latest month available.有219,258申请量今年xx月,丧失抵押品赎回权的最新月可用。

71、A lot of people have a rather shallow view of the plan of salvation.很多人对于救赎计划仅有很浅陋的认识。

72、How encouraging is the thought of the Redeemer's never- ceasing intercession for us.想到我们的救赎主永不停止为我们代求,是何等的鼓舞啊!

73、Last summer, more than 3000 city welfare employees staged a "work-in" during which they showed up at the office but refused to process cases.上一个夏天,3000多名靠城市福利救济的雇工举行了一次“消极怠工”活动,他们出现在办公室,但救济申请却被拒绝了。

74、Based on this, Benjamin built his unique theory of aesthetic salvation.基于这一认识,本雅明建构起了他独特的审美救赎理论。

75、By offering prayers and penances for those you have wronged, you should seek to atone personally for your actions.通过为那些被你们所伤害者奉献祈祷和补赎,你们应该为自己的罪过寻求救赎。

英文句子模板76:Shawshank's Redemption,76、More than once tried, for directing a ears to salvation.不止一次地尝试过、欲导演一场掩耳盗铃地救赎。

77、Rescuers look for missing people at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant after it exploded.俄罗斯萨扬-舒申斯克水电站发生爆炸后 救援队员寻找失踪人员。

78、They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.他们也追念神是他们的磐石,至高的神,是他们的救赎主。



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