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关于”评价学生“的英语句子37个,句子主体:evaluate students。以下是关于评价学生的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:evaluate students


1、I bring up its students valuation methods and its valuations of practic as a try , these are a piece of its content.


2、In the implementation of the evaluation, attention must be paid to the evaluation of teachers, student self-evaluation, mutual evaluation between students and parents, and evaluation from parents.


3、Also China Geological Survey put out a testing Evaluation Guidebook of the Ecological Geochemistry to make the evaluation work of the regional ecological geochemistry have evidence.


4、Post-project review learning is organizational learning through post-project review, and is a learning and improving process based on the post-project review.


5、CUC will comprehensively evaluate student in aspects of academic record, class attendance, behavior, student's self-assessment etc.


6、In order to estimate teachers teaching quality impersonally, fairly and impartially, we should base on students evaluation, craft brothers evaluation and experts evaluation.


7、Teach children self-evaluation and monitoring skills;


8、E-portfolio can keep full track of a student's study process and path of growth. Besides, the portfolio is capable of giving a true assessment of a student's learning activities and progress.


9、Teachers evaluate pro-social behaviors of deaf students highly.


10、Schools are thus responsible for fostering such ability in students through various subject-and task-specific self assessment activities.


11、Scientific orientation teachers job evaluation standard and accurate grasp student bilingually evaluation standard, create good teachers and students of dynamic atmosphere proved.


12、And the comments on the quality of the fermented Straw Feed should include some comprehensive comments with physical, chemical and biological index.


13、Assessment influences the enforcement of teaching and the study of students. It is worth studying how to enforce web-based assessment.


14、Results The methods of quality evaluation about Radix Glycyrrhizae include produce place, origin, character, histology, chemical compositions and fingerprinting, etc.


15、The university evaluation in Japan has rapidly been undergoing a shift from self-evaluation to external evaluation and then accreditation in 1990s.


16、At present, in the appraisals for elementary students compositions exists the phenomenon of abusing the evaluation criteria, a negative impact on the practice of teaching.


17、The human resources-teacher, parents, classmates, etc. can evaluate the history study from different points of view. Therefore, all of them can become the valuators.


18、The students overvalue their own inquiry abilities, which didn't agree with the teachers' assessment.


19、This evaluation established new rural green space plant landscape evaluation model, including aesthetic, eco-efficiency, social benefit as criteria layers and

12 evaluation factors.


20、The scores of male students are significantly higher than female one in removing conflict, self-perceive, self-feedback, cognizing others and evaluating others.

21、The first strategy of portfolio assessment involves the integration of summative evaluation, diagnostic evaluation, and formative evaluation.学生档案袋评定的策略,一是终结性评价、诊断性评价、形成性评价相结合;

22、III. Set up a plural evaluation trunk. A student's study evaluation is composed of self evaluation, group evaluation, family evaluation, and teacher evaluation.第三,设立多元的评价主体,一个学生的学习评价,由自我评价、小组评价、家长评价、老师评价综合而成。

23、Diversification of subjects refers to the combination of all the assessment from teachers, students themselves, other students, parents and related people of the society.主体多元化,是指将教师评价、自我评价、学生互评、家长和社会有关人员评价等结合起来;

24、Objective:To evaluate synthetically medical college students' comprehensive quality and rank the evaluation results.目的:评价不同专业医学生的综合素质,并对评价结果分档排序。

25、Change the concept, set up new student's evaluation criterion.转变思想观念,建立新的学生评价标准。

英文句子26:,26、In order to evaluate it scientifically, the fuzzy logic evaluation method is applied.本文采用模糊推理进行评价,科学合理地评估学生的物理实验成绩。

27、Students are to be guided by teachers in their self-evaluation and the evaluation of each other.评价主体:坚持“多元”,注重学生主体的评价,积极发挥教师在学生自评和互评中的组织和引导作用。

28、Four months later the reasearchers re-evaluated the students'progress through a combination of school data, teacher ratings and in-depth interviews with students and parents.四个月之后,研究人员结合学校的纪录,老师的评价,及与学生和家长深谈后对这些学生的进步进行了再次的评价。

29、At present, students'evaluation of teaching has become one of the major methods aboutthe evaluation of teaching quality.目前,学生评教成为评价教师课堂教学质量的主要方式之

30、A Research and Analysis on How to Instruct Students to Conduct Self-appraisal in the Teaching of Bodybuilding Specialized Course;自我评价是指让学生自主地对学习的进展进行持续的评价和调控。

31、Owing to the leading role of the students in the course of teaching, my thesis also involves the evaluation project of student- centered class education.最后,鉴于学生在教学过程中的主体地位,探讨了以学生为评价主体的课堂教学评价方案。

32、The third chapter is a quantitative assessment and evaluation of the quality of math education in secondary schools in the evaluation of the integration.第三章是量性评价和质性评价在中学数学学业评价中整合。

33、Under the direction of developing evaluative perspective, Some elementary-middle schools begin to apply student portfolio assessment to student evaluation.我国的一些中小学校在发展性评价观的指导下,开始尝试把学生档案袋评价策略应用于对学生的评价中。

34、After so much research and writing, the writer personally believes the assessment on junior students mathematics learning should pluralize the individuals, and diversify the assessment forms.通过对本文的撰写我认为,对初中生数学学习的评价,要真正实现评价主体多元化,评价方式多样化。

35、The evaluation of an individual student is the greatest interest with which the teachers follow and is also used as a way to judge the students and their progress.对学生个体的评价是任课教师最关注的评价,用以判断学生及其学习的进展。

36、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Virological , immunological and clinical evaluations were performed before and during treatment.评价指标:治疗前后病毒学、免疫学临床评价。

37、Difference-rization, respect student's individual difference on valuation standard;在评价标准上差异化,尊重学生的个体差异;

38、The heat-moisture comfort assessment methods includes microclimate parameters assessment, physiology assessment, psychology assessment and comprehensive assessment.从微气候参数评价方法、生理学评价方法、心理学评价方法及综合评价方法等方面进行了阐述;

39、Teaching quality is the lifeline of a school, teaching evaluation is constant for a teacher of the volume and price sheet.教学质量是一所学校的生命线, 教学评价是衡定一位教师的量价表。

40、When the research objects evaluate the mathematics lessons, they pay more attention to students" performance. Evaluating teacher"s performance by evaluating students" performance is prevalent.评课时,学生在教学过程中的表现是大多数评价者的关注点,以学评教是普遍的做法。

41、Higher educational evaluation not only affects the education quality and the appraising of teaching level, but also affects the teacher's evaluation of his value and opportunity for success.高校教育评价不仅是关系到学校教育质量和教学水平的评价,而且也关系到学生对自身价值的估价和成功机会的把握。

42、Then, how is the situation implemented of requisition of Brand-new appraisal idea to student's appraisal in brand-new physics teaching practice in experiment areas?那么,全新的评价理念对学生评价的要求在实验区初中物理教学实践中落实的情况如何呢?。

43、Teachers teaching performance is outcome-based & blurred assessment.教师教学绩效评价是结果导向的模糊性评价。

44、On the research of teaching assessment of inquiry-based studying of electrotechnics and eletronics;“网上学生评教”已经成为高校广泛采用的一种教学评价方式。

45、In terms of time, formation evaluation runs through the whole teaching process, including real-time evaluation, formative tests and periodic evaluation.从评价时间来说,形成性评价贯穿整个教学过程,包含即时性评价、形成性测验和阶段性评价。

46、The evaluation of process and participation is not strong, and the students lack the self-evaluation abilities.评价的过程性和全员参与性不强,学生欠缺正确的自我评价能力。

47、How would you evaluate the work ethic of Korean students?你会如何评价韩国学生的职业道德呢?

48、As a kind of value judgment on the students'scholastic achievements, the evaluation is aimed to promote the students'studies. The function of evaluation is not just to discriminate, but to develop.评价是对学生学业进行价值判断的过程,评价的目的是为了更好地促进学生的学习,评价的功能不仅是甄别更重在发展。

49、They are rated on the basis of school and faculty quality, student quality and peer-reputation ranking.评分以学校及学院质素、学生质素和同辈评价为准则。

50、In aspect of assessment, the exam should be recommended the adoption of the standard C scores, indicated individual scores and advocated comprehensive assessing students.在综合评价考生素质方面,建议采用标准C分数并标明个别分数,提倡综合评价学生。

经典英文句子51:评价学生,51、Four months later the researchers re-evaluated the students'progress through a combination of school data, teacher ratings and in-depth interviews with students and parents.四个月之后,研究人员结合学校的纪录,老师的评价,及与学生和家长深谈后对这些学生的进步进行了再次的评价。

52、The magic of the assessment of student academic achievement makes the assessment become the sword of Damocles to schools, teachers, students and parents.为什么需要促进学习的课堂评价结果处理?学生学业成就评价的“魔力”,就像悬挂在学校、教师、学生和家长头上的“达摩克利斯之剑”。

53、It concerns a lot of people as soon as assessment for study has been put forward. It adopted the methods of evaluation to promote the student learning.学习性评价从一提出就受到了很多人的关注,它通过评价的方法更好的促进学生的学习。

54、The assessment of ADHD has always two tropisms of physiological-psychological assessment and behavior assessment in school psychology.有关注意缺损多动障碍的评估一直存在着生理-心理学测评和学校心理学的行为评价的不同取向。

55、At last the authorexpound the assessment of research-based learning, discusses assess principles assess index and assess method.最后本文简单讨论了研究性学习的评价问题,阐述了研究性学习评价原则、评价指标和评价方法。

56、The lower self-evaluation of performance was, the higher their level of anxiety would be. (自我成绩评价较差学生的焦虑得分显著高于自我成绩评价优秀的学生。 (

10) Using the diagnostic diagram to describe the anxiety of individual students and groups.


57、To improve the teaching of Chinese, we have to be student-oriented in the teaching process and in setting teaching goals.评价取向:坚持“生本”,就是教学过程体现学生主体观,教学目标体现以学生发展为本的价值观;

58、The whole evaluation model reflects the students, as has been the dominant position of the evaluators, and also reflects the fundamental purpose of student development.整个评价模式反映了学生作为被评价者的主体地位,体现了评价是为了学生发展的根本宗旨。

59、The three dimensional teaching was highly evaluated by undergraduates and the supervising commission of teaching experts.教学效果受到学生和教学督导组专家的高度评价。

60、In terms of subjects, formative evaluation advocates students'self-assessment, peer-assessment and parental involvement so as to make multiple evaluation more complete.从实施主体来说,除了传统的教师评价之外,形成性评价倡导学生自评、同伴互评和家长参与,使得多元多角度的评价更完整。

61、Such methods as self-assessment, mutual assessment and assessment by the school and the family are used to have an overall, objective and effective evaluation of students' innovative learning.评价主体依据创新学习行为评价标准,运用学生自评、同学互评、家校联评等方法,对学生个体的创新学习行为进行全面、 客观、有效的评价。

62、Taking Northeast Dianli University student achievement as a data source, using DEA evaluation method to evaluate the empirical.以东北电力大学学生成绩作为数据源,运用DEA评价方法对其进行实证综合评价。

63、Objective To evaluate the sanitary conditions of campus' refectories using the microbial methods.目的采用微生物学检测方法评价学校食堂卫生状况。

64、Secondly, it studies the theoretical basis of self-assessment and peer-assessment and discusses how to carry out self-assessment and peer-assessment in Mathematics learning.研究了多主体评价中的自我评价、同学互评的理论基础,并就数学学习中如何开展自我评价、同学互评作了探讨。

65、Rubrics An established set of criteria for rating students in all areas.评价指引表建立一套各个领域评价学生的对照标准。

66、Teachers always appraise their students.老师总是会去评价学生的。

67、Ask two groups to show it and tell the reasons.生生评价。由学生举手表决最倾向的小组。

68、Science cognition is the unity of the true, the good and the beautiful. The evaluation over natural science theory should be based on the unity of evaluation of truth, value and aesthetics.科学认识是真、善、美的统一,我们对自然科学理论的评价,应当坚持真理评价、价值评价和美学评价的统

69、Departments shall, in accordance with the actual situation in a reasonable appraisal of student learning and teaching effectiveness and quality evaluation criteria.各院系应根据实际情况制定合理的学生学习考核评价体系和教师教学效果与质量评价标准。

70、The four main evaluations: students cited the self-assessment, each student assessment, teacher evaluation, parent evaluation.列举了学生自我评价、学生互评、教师评价、家长评价四种评价主体。

71、Nutritional value of the proteins from liquid cultivated mycelium and fruiting body of Agaricus blazei Murrill. was assessed using non-biological evaluation method.采用非生物学评价法,评价巴西蘑菇液体发酵菌丝体与子实体蛋白质的营养价值。

72、It also attaches importance to science culture-based assessment, formative assessment, so that students' full development can be promoted through assessment.强调小学科学课程评价要立足科学文化,注重过程评价,通过评价要促进学生全面发展;



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