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关于”表明观点“的英语句子44个,句子主体:make a point。以下是关于表明观点的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:make a point

1、Honored guest, welcome you to my home 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

2、I enjoy reading at home during weekend. 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。


3、Disclaimer: the above articles do not represent Theatre Arts Troupe.


4、He holds strong views on race.


5、As the comparison with Japan suggests, I do not buy Chinese exceptionalist arguments, just as I do not buy American exceptionalist arguments.


6、Comments besides the winning photos only represent the viewpoint of the commentator. They do not represent the view points of the judges or the Board.

7、I can because i think i can 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。


8、Taking sides - A debate on benefit and detriment of health-centered physical education: Voices from two perspectives.


9、Remarkably, one survey revealed that even 6% of neuroscientists agreed with this claim!2


10、Please elaborate your points.


11、Simply put, people have different definitions on success.


12、The new observations also suggest that quasars were more common in the early universe than previously thought.


13、Results indicated that children of 6-7 years old have owned definite social perspective-taking ability.



14、Ray Huang's macro-history has distinctive features concerning historical method and historical expression.


15、A growing amount of research shows a pessimistic outlook can take a huge toll on your health.


16、As a scientist said, technology knows no bound.


17、Another view of rear truck, shows somewhat dirty brake shoes and brake beam.

观点二的理由 观点二的理由 我的观点。 个人观点理由 个人观点理由 举例说明。 综上所述再次强调自己的观点。

18、They maintain——

7. And——

8. Weighing up these arguments, Iam for——

9. For one thing——.

10. For another, ——

11. For instance, ——

12. Therefore, as stated above.










19、Illustration is the use of example to illustrate a point.


20、Take representative plots from literature to help illustrate your idea you want communicate throu. your talk.

21、He stated his views to me.他向我说明了他的观点。

22、Thanks for accompanying me all the time. 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

23、The friends I deleted are mentally retarded 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

24、insomnia and sleeping are because of you. 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

25、He stated his view-point clearly.他很清楚明白地阐述了自己的观点。

英文句子26:,26、In the conclusion, the thesis reasserts its views.结束语部分简要概括了本论文所要表明的观点。

27、Is there a mango on the table? 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

28、Best to assume the view indicates only stress - not necessarily the degree or intensity of the stress.最佳承担的观点表明,只强调-并不一定程度或强度的压力。

29、Although this view is wildly held, this( there) is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明教育能够在任何地点、何年龄进行。

30、Though she identified herself as a school district employee, she was careful to note that she was not speaking as a representative of L.A. Unified.虽然她表明了自己是学区的雇员,但是她也谨慎的说明了,她的话并不能代表洛杉矶联合学区的观点。

31、Shi i Ming, a TCM doctor from Shanghai Literature Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said Yang's behavior is wise.中国传统医学上海文学研究所的中医史明表示,杨的观点是明智的。

32、Studies suggest optimists live longer and enjoy better health than pessimists.多项研究表明,乐观者比悲观者更健康长寿。

33、So people who hanker to express their own views find that their voices are muffled.于是那些渴望表明自身观点的人发现他们的声音是如此含混不清。

34、However, that view reflects a poor understanding of the technology.但是,持这种观点表明您对这种技术还不甚了解。

35、For graphics of copper imports and apparent consumption: here浏览铜进口和表观消费量统计图表,请点选:( here)

36、The study shows that the Changbaishan area is a sensitive site for observing the earthquake anomalies.表明长白山区是一处地震前兆观测的敏感点。

37、my garden's flowers are less than yours 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

38、You deserve a better time with family! 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

39、Thiss view is widely acknowledged; however, there is little evidence that smoking is beneficial to people's health.这个观点被广泛认可,然而,几乎没有证据表明吸烟对人们健康有利。 䃠。

40、The author 's style suggests a certain ambiguity in his moral view.该作家的风格表明其道德观有点暧昧不明。

41、Although thellos view is widely held, thellos is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表高明的指教诲能够在任何地点任何春秋举行。

42、Me kewangzhishi jiurutongwomenkewanghuxiyiyang,jiunengbiandeyouzhihui,you cue web 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

43、Again, the above never represent my point about women just for fun. Hehe.再次声明,以上不代表我对女同胞的观点,仅供开心搞笑哈!

44、The results show that this method has several advantages such as high precision, intuitiveness, simplicity, strong practicality, and so on.结果表明,该方法具有数据处理精度高,物理意义明显直观,实用性强等优点。

45、I need a chain and a bracelet. 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

46、I love my family housing intermediaries responsible person clearly expressed his views.房屋中介机构我爱我家的负责人明确表示了他的观点。

47、Thus the negative group velocity is simply an apparent velocity as we shall show from the study of energy flow.因此,负群速度只是表观速度,能流的研究结果也证明了这一点。

48、However, he adds that a youthful outlook and joie de vivre are also significant characteristics in those who retain a young appearance.他又说,外表年轻的人往往有乐观的性格,这一点也很明显。

49、Johannes speculates that there might be an “obscure epigenetic editing process going on” that repairs disadvantageous epigenetic states for crucial genes.Johannes推测也许存在一个“不明显的表观基因改写过程”,这为关键基因修复了有缺点的表观基因状态。

50、It indicates that the proposers haven't yet proved the proposition themselves.它表明,提出者本人还没有办法证明他们提出的观点。

经典英文句子51:表明观点,51、Test results show that it has smaller apparent density, higher water absorption, larger crushing index and so on.基本性能试验结果表明,再生骨料较天然骨料具有表观密度小、吸水率高、压碎指标大等特点;

52、I think that you have your work cut out for you.我想,这本书已经完全表明你的观点啦。

53、The results indicated:(研究结果表明:(

1)it was feasible to develop children's social perspective taking through intervention training;


54、Don't hum and haw, but air your views.别支支吾吾的,快亮明你的观点。

55、Lots of simulation results reveal that the stiffeners have a trend to connect with the boundary. This phenomenon is explained qualitatively with the concept of impedance matching.综合多次的计算结果表明:优化后,加强筋有优先把激励点和最近的简支边相连的趋势,这种观点可以定性的用阻抗的观点来解释。

56、I'm a man of pronounced views.我向来观点鲜明。

57、The idea that if labor is left free then that common man always has a chance.这个观点表明如果劳动是自由的,那么平民始终有希望

58、It turned out that the site's two major influences were compatibility and appearance.结果表明影响该站点的两个主要因素是兼容性和外观。

59、Don‘t let autism kill the children's voice. 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

60、Does this idea show your turn from post-structuralism?这一观点是否表明了您对后结构主义的背离?

61、Optical and fluorescent photomicrographs showed good morphology of L929 in these hydrogels.直接观测与荧光观测结果表明L929细胞在水凝胶膜表面生长形态良好。

62、A couple of things to point out about this view.在此观点上有几点事情要指明

63、One view, which the company favours, is that Alibaba's reaction demonstrates its underlying integrity.一种观点,也是企业赞同的,是阿里巴巴的反应表明了它的原本正直。

64、The results revealed the followings: The theses on PE teaching have the largest quantity, involving extensive areas and comprehensive opinions;结果表明:体育教学论文数量最多,涉及面广,观点百花齐放;

65、Before presenting my view, I will explore both sides of this controversial issue.在表明我的观点之前,我将探讨一下这个具有争议的事件的正反面。

66、Given my background, my politics, and my professed values and ideals, there will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough.鉴于我的背景、我的从政经历、我明确表明的价值观和理想,毫无疑问我批评上述观点的声明对某些人来说仍不足为训。

67、Save unnecessary writing when ideas have been well expressed by the original author.当原作者已充分表明观点时,引言能减少不必要的叙述。

68、Good girlfriends as long as I live 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

69、Offer nods and murmurs to indicate that you understand his or her point of view.适当地点头或低声应答,以表明你对他或她的观点颇有同感。



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