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关于”描写乡村“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Describe the countryside。以下是关于描写乡村的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the countryside


1、Home exists only in rural areas.

乡村歌手Taylor Swift喜出望外地拿起了她职业生涯中第一个格莱美奖,她赢得了最佳乡村歌曲和最佳乡村女歌手奖。

2、Country singer Taylor Swift was overjoyed to pick up the first Grammys of her career, winning best country song and best female country vocal performance.


3、The significance of this description shows itself first in its truthfulness of farmers' description, which exceeds all attempt of its sort since the May4th Movement.

他主张发展“ 生利”的乡村教育,要建设中国乡村的活教育。

4、He advocated to develop "producing benefit" education in villages, built live education of Chinese villages.


5、This feature focuses on three health workers in Kumuli – a small village in Nowabganj, northern Bangladesh.


6、Rural land include farming land , residence base , rural enterprise construction land , village public mainly.


7、Country road, take me home.

玛拿西没有赶出伯善和属伯善乡村的居民,他纳和属他纳乡村的居民,多珥和属多珥乡村的居民,以伯莲和属以伯莲乡村的居民,米吉多和属米吉多乡村的居民。 迦南人却执意住在那些地方。

8、But Manasseh did not drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor or Ibleam or Megiddo and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that land.


9、A rustic cottage; a country retreat.


10、Xiong Yuezhi:" The Country in the Urban and Rural and Urban " Wen Hui Pao 2008104.


11、Take me home country roads.


12、Based on the materials obtained from field-work this dissertation makes a study on the cultural interaction between two linked villages in southern Jiangxi in different periods.


13、No. Yeah, we got lots of country music. We're the home of country music.


14、Rural county-oil, every village access roads.


15、The small rural town of our country has experienced the central place stage from rural fair trade to rural administrative. It is the stage of rural industry now.


16、I was living lyrics from a country tune -- music I loathed.


17、In the present rural tourism planning in China, planners paid more attentions to rural tourism product and market planning, attention to the village landscape planning is insufficient.


18、This is the village school.

19、乡村路带我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads


20、Along with domestic tourism vigorous rise the rural tourism is quickly developing with its special rural living fashion, folk-custom and rurality.

21、Xidi and Hongcun are Chinese villages in painting.西递、宏村——中国的“画里乡村”。

22、Shakespeare's knowledge of the English countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.莎士比亚对英国乡村生活的了解也是极为明显的。他的作品描绘了深山老林,描绘了乡村的鲜花以及农夫古老而流行的传统。

23、To say hello, originally from the Fine Arts Department of Wuhan University students in the "798 rural" arrangements down to Guan Ling Cun sketch.斗胆问候一下,原来是来自武汉大学美术系的大学生,在“乡村798”的安排下来到官岭村写生。

24、Country star Keith Urban was nominated for Grammy Awards for best male country vocal performance, best country album, best long form music video, and best country collaboration.乡村歌手凯斯·厄本获得了四项提名,包括:最佳乡村男歌手、最佳乡村专辑、最佳长篇录影带以及最佳乡村演唱组合奖。

25、On the external side, the rural school and education dissociate away from the rural country, regardless of the content and values incompatible with the rural country.对乡村社会的外在性而言,乡村的学校及教育是游离于乡村之外的,无论是其内容还是价值都与乡村社会格格不入。

英文句子26:,26、When I am in the country I wish to vegetate like the country.置身乡村,我愿化作乡村的草木果蔬。

27、As the biggest selling point, the feature of rurality make rural tourism be developing prosperously.乡村旅游以乡村性为最大的卖点而蓬勃发展。

28、Later in his life. Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet .在生活晚期,赫利奥特写了许多有关当乡村兽医时的经历。

29、The honest villagers came from a lonely village.这些淳朴的乡民来自于一个偏远的乡村。

30、He wrote the song, "Country Roads, Take me home".他写了那首斐声世界的乡村歌曲“故乡的路,带我回家”。

31、First, improve rural grassroots power function through the rational division of administrative villages and expanding rural grassroots power;首先,通过合理划分乡村行政范围、拓展乡村基层政权职能来健全乡村基层政权机构;

32、She went to the country to recuperate.她去乡村休养。

33、Woman Is the countryside interesting?这是乡村野趣吗?

34、Rural Landscape Planning;乡村景观规划;

35、Strange rural atmosphere, rustic kind of rural people is the focus of its description, and as social development, rural areas and farmers, the world changes in ideas also has displayed her work.灵奇诡异的乡村氛围,质朴善良的乡村人民是其描写的重点,而随着社会的发展,农村世界和农民思想观念的变化也在她的作品中有所展示。

36、The rural country needs to form authority and decide the rights of developments dependently.乡村社会要形成权威,自主决定乡村教育的发展权。

37、ASK someone to write down all the differences between China and rural Georgia and his hand will fall off before he’s halfway done.如果叫一个人写出中国和佐治亚州乡村所有的不同之处,那么在他还没写到一半,手就写不动了。

38、After the reform of the rural tax expenses, a lot of areas have implemented " the village finance are managed by governments of villages and towns ".实行会计统一代理制的有效方式是“村有乡管”、村有乡管主要包括三种形式,即:村资乡管、村账乡管和双代管。

39、In the painting , there are houses, boats and several villagers, it is depicting the simplicity of village in China, and it lets us feel leisurely.画中的村屋、小船和几位村民,正是在描绘中国水乡的纯朴风情, 令人感到恬静、閒适。

40、The portrait of country life represented what those from the countryside hungered for.这些乡村生活的描绘正是那些来自乡村的人们所渴望的。

41、The novel describes a vivi(d) pi(c)ture of life in a village.小说生动地描述了乡村生活的画面。

42、The landscaping in the countryside is an important means of sustainable development.乡村景观规划是未来我国乡村持续发展的重要手段。

43、In TRC's thesis the majority of rural inhabitants are either retired people or commuters.乡村联盟的报告说,住在乡村的大多是退休人员和乘公车上下班的人。

44、In the third part we describe Liang Shuming' practice contents of country building movement.第三部分描述了梁漱溟乡村建设运动的实践内容;

45、Early stars like Jimmy Rodger, known as "The Father of Country Music", and the Carter Family established its strong traditions - good song-writing, singing and playing.早期的歌星诸如号称为“乡村音乐之父”的吉米·罗杰以及卡特家族为乡村音乐奠定了牢固的传统——即一流的写歌、演唱、弹奏水平。

46、The second part describes the situation that township judicial is facing the tradition of a large number of folk laws and the lack of rule of law in rural community.第二部分描述乡镇司法所面对农村中民间法等乡土“地方性知识”;

47、She lived on the top floor of the village office building.她住在那个乡村 的乡公所楼上。

48、Julien Dupré depicts mostly images of French rustic life, and prefers to place main figures in the foreground.裘利恩‧杜普荷以描绘法国乡间农村生活为多,喜爱将主题人物画于前景。

49、Village life is portrayed as sequestered in a bygone age, with farmers trailing water buffalo through postage-stamp paddies and rural labourers trudging home in the twilight from Dickensian factories.在过去的年代,乡村生活被描述成世外桃源式的生活,农民牵着水牛穿过一块块稻田,黄昏下,乡村工人从狄更斯式的工厂里蹒跚地走回家。

50、Inter-village commuter bus; Country road; Luggage deposit;“村村通”客车; 乡村公路; 行李存放区;

经典英文句子51:描写乡村,51、The development of countryside markets can not be done in a day .乡村市场的发展非xx日之功。或乡村市场的发展是一个长期的过程。

52、It is the most purely country classicalism in Europe and a refuge in village.欧洲最纯粹的乡村古典主义,以乡村之名铸就的避世居所。

53、Liang Shuming think that the Chinese society is based on the villages, and villages and the main targets.梁漱溟认为中国社会是与乡村为基础,并与乡村为主体的。

54、Along with promoting rural reform, rural society organizations have been stripped of their original function, the time of organizations restructuring has come.伴随乡村改革的不断深入,乡村基层社会组织的原有功能已大部分被剥离,中国乡村社会组织重构的时机已经到来。

55、The three watercolours auctioned on Saturday included depictions of cottages, mills and churches nestled in rural landscapes.上周六被拍卖的三幅水彩画描绘的是德国乡间的村舍、 磨坊和教堂。

56、Country roads, take me home.乡村路,带我回家。

57、Zhang Cheng from small village.张诚来自小乡村。

58、Plenum proposes building a new socialist countryside is to target the key issues for the new rural financial ability to provide strong support for rural construction.十六届五中全会提出建立社会主义新乡村的目的关头问题在于乡村金融可否为新乡村建立供给强有力的撑持。

59、The rural nonagriculturalizition is the proceed of nonagricultural sectors and its development and strength.乡村非农化即乡村地域非农产业与活动逐步发展壮大之过程。

60、To me, England is the country, and the country is England.在我望来,英格兰是乡村,乡村就是英格兰。

61、One of TRC's tenets is that rural communities are in desperate need of "affordable" housing.乡村联盟的信条之一是,乡村社区急需“承担的起”的房屋。

62、I was living lyrics from a country tune---music I loathed.我正经历着某首乡村歌曲中描绘的情节,我讨厌这种音乐。

63、Rural landscape planning should incorporate traditional rural culture and customs and accentuate the rural scenery in order to develop and market rural tourism as a local brand.在进行乡村环境景观设计时,需因地制宜,利用乡村独特的自然风光,充分挖掘乡村传统文化和人文特色,发展休闲观光农业,打造乡土品牌。

64、With the development of rural economy, rural tourism has become a new growth point of the rural economy.跟着乡村经济地开展,村落旅幼约旱逐步成为乡村经济新地增加点。

65、Starting from the mistake idea of female literature of 20th century, this article discusses on Wang Anyi, Fang Fang, Chi Zijian's works about country women since new century.本文从20世纪女性文学的误区入手,通过与男作家笔下的乡村女性作比较,论述了新世纪以来王安忆、方方、迟子建三位女作家描写乡村女性的作品。

66、The village landscape can be improved through scientific landscape planning.经过科学规划的乡村旅游的发展又能促进乡村景观的改善。

67、What they wanted to know: "Why do you play country music?"(Rucker wanted to sound like Lovett; Lovett wanted to write narrative country songs like Kristoffersen) to "How do you avoid writer's block?"他们想知道:“为什么你要玩乡村音乐”(Rucker以Lovett为榜样,而Lovett想写出Kristofferson那样的本土乡村歌谣),接着又问“你如何避免创作障碍?”


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