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关于”诗歌的单词“的英语句子23个,句子主体:words of poetry。以下是关于诗歌的单词的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:words of poetry


1、And then at the words you can see-- well, maybe you can't see -but the text is "On that terrible sorrowful day" -we have the words--where is it?


2、I taught them the new words first, before teaching the chant line by line.


3、I'm okey, I really am now.


4、Lyrics synchronized display: the majority of music files, all with lyrics. Listen, download, play song lyrics will be displayed simultaneously.

5、不知道是不是这首歌,原歌词是I am trapped 我第一次听就听成了I tried, 只不过这是男声唱的不是女的,歌词里有 还在这里 I am trapped I am trapped


6、Part three: language usage characteristics of present pop songs.


7、Lacking lyrics, the song`s meaning is the music itself.


8、Theme-song Lyrics: Linda Yeh, winner of a Golden Melody Award for best pop lyric, wrote all of the lyrics.


9、The song was already giving some of us a little trouble. Many of us can't speak English and will have to learn the words parrot fashion .


10、Many years ago, when I was a little pig, my mother and the other sows used to sing an old song of which they knew only the tune and the first three words.


11、Grass Ring, Li Wei, lyrics.


12、He says his students can hear the words, plus the songs often have stories.


13、He swept Song of the Year, Best Composer and Best Lyricist for his single Jonathan's Song.


14、The song’s a little long, but there aren’t really that many lyrics.


15、The entire stadium knew all the lyrics to our team's song.


16、Listening to lyrics of songs in English, watching movies in English etc all helps you get hold of the accent and learn new words and expressions.


17、Song lyrics printed inside your new CD, so you can sing along without feeling stupid.


18、All the remaining songs lyrical viewpoint is from the inside in.


19、The Verse is words of songs and the words of pop songs whose character is amusing, worldly and jokingly.

事实是:这首歌选入这个歌单比其他的歌曲要难点。 因为这首歌除了歌词有些创新词汇的改编以外,一些旋律和和声也有所改变。

20、True: this song is harder than the others on the list, since it has a few rhythm and harmony changes, along with lyrics made up partially of invented words.

21、The music by that composer is always so melodious.是这个歌曲作家为那只流行歌曲写的词。

22、Or listen to some English songs, listen and learn English words.或者多听些英文歌,边听边学习英语单词。

23、SARAH: There is a songbook. All the words are in the songbook. Many people have to read the words.这是歌集。所有的歌词在歌集里。很多人一定要读词的。

24、Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words .你可以和平有谈你看的电影或你听的歌曲,猜测不熟悉单词的意思。

25、Boys and girls, now, let's make a food train. Let's do it together. OK?教师将有关食物的单词串成一首歌谣,请同学们由慢到快诵读,以开。

英文句子26:,26、This song, like most traditional 'Amis songs, is performed entirely in vocables, syllables used for singing that have no fixed meaning.这首歌使用阿美族传统歌曲的虚词, 是一种没有一定语意,专门在唱歌用的音节。 歌唱时只有这些词能充满表达当时的心声。

27、Support for online listening and display of lyrics information.支持在线试听网络歌曲,支持显示网络歌曲歌词信息。

28、Yep – song lyrics.歌词!!

29、At the core of the new offerings is a basic re-imagining of how people interact with lyrics.此次歌词


30、LRC Air is a music player which can display the dynamic lyrics and search the corresponding lyrics automatically.LRC Air 是一款音乐播放程序,她可以同步显示当前正在播放歌曲的歌词,也支持用户自定义搜索歌词。

31、Then it was her turn. Somehow, I heard every word. One verse in particular stood out然后轮到她了。不知为何,我能听清每一个单词。有一段歌词特别吸引我注意

32、Anybody know--figure out what that corresponds to?谁知道这改编自哪首歌的歌词

33、Derived from Auto-tune, the software used to enhance vocals in many modern songs.该词从“自动调音”这个词演化而来,这个词意思是现在很多歌曲中使用软件美化歌声。

34、Do you know the words to our famous anthem?你懂我们这首著名队歌的歌词吗?

35、Wang said he wept many times while writing the lyrics, which to some extent were mainly based on his own decades-long singing dream.王太利说,自己在写这首歌歌词时哭了很屡次,这些歌词在某种意义上来自于他几xx年来一直坚持的歌唱空想。

36、I only edited the lyric of song once.我只是将这首歌的歌词编辑整理了一遍。

37、For the students, being unable to read the lyrics and understand the meaning of the lyrics were two major problems in learning English songs.而学生认为不会念歌词及不懂歌词意义是学英语歌曲的困难之处。

38、I not only learned many new words and dialogues, but also learned a lot of English songs.不仅学到了很多新单词和对话、而且还学会了许多好听的英文儿歌。

39、By memorizing the words of pop songs .通过记住流行歌曲歌词。

40、The specialized production vanity mirror, picture frame, pen container, bamboo handicrafts and so on hanging scroll.专业出产各样化妆镜子、保健梳、奇巧相框、造像独特笔筒、山水人物、诗词歌赋挂画等竹制工艺品。

41、Jack Gladstone, Montana-based songwriter and storyteller of the Blackfeet nation of the northern Great Plains, carries on his tribe’s tradition in poetry.杰克·格拉德斯通(Jack Gladstone)是蒙大拿州的歌词作者,也是北部大平原(Great Plains)地区黑脚(Blackfeet)部族的讲故事人,他通过诗歌传承黑脚部落的传统。

42、There were no words to the song, scarcely even vocables;歌曲没有歌词,甚至几乎没有词语;

43、Listen to the words of an English-language song that you like.仔细听你喜欢的英文歌曲的歌词。

44、Ava Maria, "the words" Josh Groban "and 73" Josh Groban "lyrics.阿瓦玛丽亚“歌词”乔许葛洛班“,与73个”乔许葛洛班“的歌词。

45、Say with one voice, cereal song Korea flaunts only " global standard " , ignore search advertisement however (search word appears relevant advertisement) the place of the service is changed.众口一词称,谷歌韩国只标榜“全球标准”,却忽视搜索广告(搜索单词就出现相关广告)服务的当地化。

46、Lyrics (in singular form Lyric) are a set of words that accompany music, either by speaking or singing.歌词是指一首歌曲中的文词部分。

47、Lyrics and word-for-word translation of a popular song.一首流行歌,歌词有中英逐字翻译。

48、Viewers learned new words, grammar and syntax as they learned the songs.电视观众可以一边学歌,一边学单词和语法。

49、We will prepare songbooks, so don't worry if you don't know the words!我们将会准备歌词本,别担心您会忘记歌词!

50、Each song includes lyrics and a suggested strumming pattern.每首歌曲,包括歌词和建议弹模式。

经典英文句子51:诗歌的单词,51、Chapter two introduces structure and its change of folk-song's words.第二章:民歌歌词的结构形式及其演变;

52、Song and lyrics are the intellectual property of Utada Hikaru.歌和歌词的知识产权 宇多田光。


标签: 单词 诗歌

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