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关于”短语和的区别“的英语句子42个,句子主体:The difference between phrases and。以下是关于短语和的区别的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The difference between phrases and


1、One guideline that often works leverages the distinction between semantics and syntax.


2、The aim of this thesis is to compare and study the differences of phatic language between English and Chinese.


3、Why to examine the difference between literary language to the difference from the genre?


4、Everyone has strengths, weaknesses, habits, and principles that define who you are and can make you distinctive.


5、Machine languages differ depending on the manufacturer and model of computer.


6、That's the semantic distinction. Yeah.


7、That is an essential skill in permanently feuding Belgian, which has separate parliaments for its Dutch- and French-speaking regions, and for bilingual Brussels.


8、In the big mandarin area, we should differentiate proper noun, technical terms and common words.


9、We can identify and correct them through the strategies of language sense, context or other linguistic means.


10、For unknown words recognition, we use different method to recognize numeric phrase, reiterative locution and name.


11、The use of risk metalanguage should ensure that risk identification actually identifies risks, distinct from causes or effects.

汉语的发音和英语有相当大的区别(different from)

12、Because of the bad weather, he was late for the meeting.

主要包括三个方面 :

13、Three aspects of anaphora resolution are discussed: (

1) it is difficult to identify some Chinese anaphors such as zero forms and common noun ones;

1 照应语的识别 ,尤其是零形式照应语和无标记的普通名词或名词短语作为照应语的辨识缺乏标记 ;


14、"Koro could hardly sound more different from Aka," Harrison writes. "They sound as different as, say, English and Japanese."


15、British and American English have much, much more in common with each other than they have that separates them.


16、Analysts distinguish between long-running 'secular' periods and shorter-term bear markets, such as the one that occurred from 2000 through 2002.


17、The life of slang is now shorter than ever, say linguists, and what was once a reliable code for identifying members of an in-group or subculture is losing some of its magic.


18、Urbane speech is educated speech, as distinguished from the speech of the ignorant.


19、Syntax--The question is, "How is syntax different from grammar?"

20、 He has a habit of early rising.他有早起的习惯。

21、For the purpose of improving the real-time capabilities and the efficiency of the recognition, a method of dynamic window length short-time energy is used for endpoint detection for speech signals.为了提高语音识别的实时性和识别率,采用动态窗长短时能量进行语音信号的端点检测方法。

22、gencon: (default in V8) Treats short-lived and long-lived objects differently to provide a combination of lower pause times and high application throughput.gencon:区别对待短期和长期对象,同时提供较短的暂停时间和较高的应用程序吞吐量。

23、It was Tom's custom to get up early and go for a walk before breakfast. 汤姆的习惯是很早起床,并且在早餐以前散步。

24、What's the difference between diglossia and bilingualism?双语和双言现象有什么区别?

25、Saussure compared the working of language to chess playing, which vividly described differences between the concepts of synchrony and diachrony in linguistics.索绪尔用下棋比拟语言的运行,很好地解释了语言的共时态和历时态的区别。

英文句子26:,26、An alias can abbreviate command names and command-line phrases.别名(alias)是缩写的命令名和命令行短语。

27、The hearing can have only a general idea what this is like--the gulf between spoken and visual language is far greater than that between, say, English and Russian.听觉好的人仅仅对手势语有个大概的了解。而口语和视觉语的区别远远大于英语和俄语的不同。

28、In American English, Slang is mingled with jargon and Colloquialism, but they are different from each other.在美语口语当中,俚语常与行话,口语体交织在一起,但又相互区别。

29、I distinguish myself from the language of being.我将我自己跟生命实存的语言区别出来。

30、"Koro could hardly sound more different from Aka, " Harrison writes. "They sound as different as, say, English and Japanese. "“珂珞语的发音很难和阿卡语有更大的区别了,”哈里森写到,“它们发音的区别就像是,比如,英语和日语。”

31、Of course, simply creating and operating a PMO -- which can assume many forms -- differentiates programs from projects.当然,简短地创建和运行一个PMO--可以采取许多形式--将规划区别于项目。

32、The theories about distinguishing synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics put forward by Saussure are of guiding significance in the study of language.索绪尔提出的有关共时语言学和历时语言学相区别的理论,对于语言研究具有普遍的指导意义。

33、The native languages of the two translators are English and Chinese respectively, so they represent foreign-to-native and native-to-foreign translations.两位译者母语分别为英语和汉语,因此两个译本分别代表了外语向母语和母语向外语的翻译。

34、I play table tennis with my classmates after classes. 其实英语和美语的不同是在某些单词上有不同的解释,或者某种表达上有一点区别。

35、The ability to talk distinguishes human beings from lower animals.语言能力把人和其他低等动物区别开来了。

36、The principles of autonomy and equality are the fundamental difference between synthetic Chinese learning and traditional language learning.自主性和平等性原则是语文综合性学习与传统语文教学的根本区别。

37、The text is handing in discussed conception to word of description. It is that important to discussing difference from Chinese"s word of description proverb locution and idiom."本文从讨论描述语的概念入手,着重论述汉语描述语和谚语、惯用语、成语的区别。

38、However, when they are in non-literary situation, they don't thus, their essential distinctions are ones of their situations.因此,文学语言与非文学语言区别的实质是语境的区别。

39、In fact these two styles of speech have differences, so teachers should pay enough attention to them in phonetic teaching.这两种口语体有很大区别,英语语音教学必须对这两种口语体给予足够的重视。

40、The main linguistic accomplishments during this stage are control of the speech musculature and sensitivity to the phonetic distinctions used in the parents ' language.在这个阶段主要的语言学的能力控制着母语中发音肌肉和语音区别的敏感。

41、Preservation of dialect regions and minority languages.方言区和弱势语言区的保护。

42、The programs are written to recognize the meaning of words and phrases in context, like distinguishing between “terribly,” “good” and “terribly good.它的程序设计是使其能从上下文中识别词汇和短语的意思,好像区别“极”、“好”和“极好”。

43、Some of his phrases include 'We Need a Revolution', 'Trust No One', 'Reality Sucks' and 'I Am Free'.一些他折出来的短语包括“我们需要变革”,“别信任任何人”,“差劲的现实”,和“我自由了”。

44、There is a great difference between externalism and internalism among many semantic theories.语义外在论和内在论是语义理论诸多学派间的一个根本区别。

45、The first of these two are common English sounds found in words such as but and caught (some English dialects will distinguish the difference between caught and cot; this workbook does not).这三个音中前两个是很常见的,可以在but和caught这样的单词中碰到(一些英语发言中会区分caught和cot的区别,本材料中不作区别)。

46、Distinct difference exists between the teaching of College and High School Chinese.大学语文教学和中小学语文教学必须有明显的区别。

47、He had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases.他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法是很有道理的。

48、There are relations and differences between the morpheme absorpiton and the semantic development.义素脱落和语义演变有联系也有区别。

49、Beside the difference between speech and writing there is a difference between formality and informality.除了有口语体与书面语体的区别外,还有正式和非正式语气的区别。

50、The evident difference between English and Chinese is hypotaxis and parataxis.语篇的形合与意合是英汉语言之间最明显的区别特征。

经典英文句子51:短语和的区别,51、It is important to draw a distinction between natural language processing (NLP) and specific n-gram grammars.一定要对自然语言处理 (NLP) 和特定的 n 元语法加以区别。

52、The distinguish words and the measure words, which are studied lately, are two kinds of contentious words in Chinese grammar field.区别词和量词是汉语语法界研究较晚且争议颇多的两类词。

53、Phoneme: the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words.指一种语言中能区别两个词的最小语音单位。

54、In terms of pronunciation and intonation, it differs a great deal from the Queen's English, let alone its written language.仅就语音和语调来说,它与英国英语的区别已众人皆知,更不用说其书面语言了。

55、Russian speakers, who have more words for light and dark blues, are better able to visually discriminate shades of blue.俄语中对于浅蓝和深蓝做了特别细致的区分,所以讲俄语的人可以更好地从视觉上辨别蓝色系的颜色。

56、Broca' s area locates at the back of the brain and wernicke' s area locates at the front of the brain which are responsible respectively for Chinese to study native language and second language.布鲁卡语言区与威尔尼克语言区分别位于人的前后脑,分别负责中国人母语的学习和第二语言的习得。

57、Wetware ---- Slang for human beings ---- part of the environment that also includes hardware and software. Also called liveware.是人的俚语,它将人区别于硬件、软件和固件。也称为湿件。

58、This article explores specially the use of inferable anaphoric NPs, esp. definite NPs, in discourse based on some foreigners' pragmatic and cognitive studies.本文根据国外语用和认知方面的研究理论专门探讨名词(短)语特别是有定名词语在语篇中的可推知照应的用法。

59、The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and "three-time".我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“two-time(两次)”和“three -time(三次)“。

60、Features explored include lexical density and nominalizations, both of which may affect the way information is packaged in academic English.词汇密度和名物化是语法隐喻的两个重要概念,也是区别口语与书面语的重要标志。


标签: 区别 短语

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