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关于”古老有深意的短句“的英语句子34个,句子主体:ancient and profound short sentences。以下是关于古老有深意的短句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:ancient and profound short sentences


1、I really enjoy it.The old Chinese classics are deeply attracting me.


2、It was the old tragedy of insularity trying to serve as mentor to the universal.


3、Bagua Zhen in ancient Chinese history and has far-reaching influence!


4、These information will help to reconstruct paleoenvironment with huge significance in the research of water depth change.


5、Unscrupulous exporters looking for short term gains are going back to the old trade practices of yester years.


6、Classic caris a term used to describe an older car, but the exact meaning is subject to differences in opinion.


7、In other words, create a community of caregivers — an old idea for a new age.


8、These rare as Sambo , the extensive and profound history and culture in this ancient city in the deeply into these ancient peoples and land and water in this side.


9、The Standard Grey has black eyes, grey ears and a white tummy. The 'grey' can vary from a lighter shade to a very dark grey.


10、Mongolia 's pastoral saying goes, "on various hunting, people take their prey, " This is a very old and the warmth of the distribution, and continues to this day.


11、Communication and gender relations is an old topic, many women are deeply troubled by this.


12、The image of grass is an implied aesthetic creation in ancient literature.

达 婆吠陀意思是明智和古老的吠陀。

13、Atharvaveda means the Veda of the Wise and the Old.


14、Intriguingly, this could mean the device is even older than thought.


15、M44 is also known by an older name, Praesepe, Latin for cradle or manger.


16、Time is short and unfortunately we are all getting older. There may never be a better time than now to have a meaningful conversation with your parent or parents.


17、There wasmuch value to my name, teacher, no matter how strange it maysound to your cars.

特有性强,共有52种中国特有植物; 起源古老,有41种古老孑遗植物;

18、There are 41 species of relic plants and 52 species of Chinese endemic plants.

“vegetarian” 在古老印第安语中是“糟糕的猎手”的意思。

19、Vegetarian: an old Indian word for bad hunter.


20、Funing local drama is born against old, profound, historical and cultural background.

21、Five-thousand-year long history lends Hunan with an aroma of profound cultural heritage.五千年的古老历史,为湖南留下了深厚的文化底蕴。

22、so we humans still have these sub-cortical areas, deep in the brain, that are ancient.所以我们人类还有这些分皮质区,在大脑深处,是古老的。

23、Dive into the sultry fragrance of the flowers growing deep in the age-old forest.潜入撩人的芬芳的花朵生长在古老的森林深处。

24、What were the subtexts of this venerable tale?这部古老的童话所暗含的意义是什么呢?

25、Yuelao never old, ancient predictions are difficult, and Christmas Bugan Wang, deliberately send text messages, hope you are more well-being, ah.月老不曾老,自古情难了,圣诞不敢忘,特意发短信,望您多安康啊。

英文句子26:,26、A old song kept obtruding upon my consciousness .一首古老的歌不断在我的意识中涌现。

27、It is one of the earliest surviving public manuscript depositories in the country, holding one of the greatest classical texts collections in the world.意大利国内现存最古老的存有原稿的公共性图书馆,拥有世界上最伟大的古典文献收藏。

28、This richer notion stems from ancient Japanese culture, which perceived the overlap between geometry and meaning.这个意义丰富的概念源自古老的日本文化,古代的日本认识到了几何学与含意之间的交迭。

29、Wong Lo a black teacher with short hair, a pair of black-Yo eyes, high nose, curved eyebrows, deep laugh and a couple of small dimples.王老师长着一头乌黑的短发,有一双黑溜溜的眼睛,高高的鼻梁,弯弯的眉毛,笑起来还有一对深深的小酒窝。

30、With research continuing into this strand of ancient history, it remains to be seen whether Pythagoras's theorem will come to bear the name of an old Babylonian scribe instead.随着研究继续深入到这段古老历史的边缘,毕达哥拉斯定理是否会被一个古老的巴比伦文人的名字来取代,仍然有待于进一步的观察。

31、Jinmen Guli means old place in Tianjin for the reason that Jinmen is another name for Tianjin and Guli implies old place.金门古丽手段在天津老地方,理由是,金门的另一个名称是天津和古丽意味着老地方。

32、"This is Dov's specialty, " Gaines said. "Finding really old data sets that are very interesting."“这就是Dov的专业性,”Ganies说,“寻找真正古老的资料很有意思。”

33、These information can help to reconstruct paleoenvironment and have huge significance in the research of water depth change.这些对恢复古环境,研究陆相湖盆水深变化具有重要的指示意义。

34、The old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" needs to be rethought.需要反思一下“一张图片胜过千言万语”这一句古老的格言。

35、The ancient silk road bears testimony to the profound friendship of our peoples.古老的丝绸之路见证了各国人民结下的深厚传统友谊。

36、Poland is an old idea, and an old kingdom. Like anything old, it has old enmities and problems.波兰是一个古老的概念,一个古老的王国。和任何古老的事物(王国?)一样,有它自己的夙敌和顽疾。

37、The Chinese culture is both old and new, old in terms of its profound roots in our time-honoured history, and new in the sense of China’s fast development and change.中国的文化,既古老、又现代,古老是因为它具有深厚的历史积淀,现代是因为它与时俱进。

38、Italy has some of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world.意大利拥有一些世界上最古老的葡萄酒产区。

39、The Old Man and Sea by Hemingway is profound moral.海明威的《老人与海》有着深刻的蕴意。

40、Machu Picchu in Peru, which means ‘Old Peak, ” is one of the most enigmatic ancient sites in the world.马丘比丘在秘鲁是“古老的顶峰”的意思。 这是世界上最具神秘色彩的古老建筑。

41、I believe in the old adage, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. " There's no point in belaboring the etiquette issue.我相信一句古老的格言:“你捉到更多的苍蝇用蜂蜜比用醋。”有没有哪一方的礼仪问题点。

42、An act of coitus . taboo but too old and well known to be slang.是禁忌语,有“性行为”的意思,是非常古老的俗语,也非常出名。

43、The foundation pit engineering is an ancient subject, but there're still many problems needing further research.深基坑工程是一个古老的课题,发展到今天仍然有许多问题需要进一步研究。

44、On her way home from Shenzhen to Qingdao, Shaohua especially stopped over Hangzhou for a short stay.少华从深圳来,要回青岛老家,特意在杭州做短暂停留。

45、As we all all know China is a very ancient nation, so I was the Chinese culture fascinated.众所都知中国是很古老的民族,所以我也被中国的文化所深深的吸引。

46、The world's oldest perfumes have been found on Cyprus by a team of archaeologists.近日,意大利考古学家在塞浦路斯南部发现了世界上最古老的香水。

47、Some ancient towns have walls round them.有些古老的城市周围有城墙。

48、A shortwave radio might seem like ancient technology these days.短波收音机如今看来可能像是一种很古老的技术。

49、The originality of the botanic moppet seems to come from the folk fairy tale which believes that everything has a life.娃娃树的创意似乎来自万物有灵的古老民间童话。

50、From the recesses of my memory, from some archaic library within my past, came the words "We will never, never cut your hair short, Joann."从我记忆的深处,从我过去的某些古老沉旧的历史图书馆中,一些语言跃入眼前:“我们将永远永远不会将你的头发剪短,琼安。

经典英文句子51:古老有深意的短句,51、Fujian Xinyuancheng International trading Co. , Ltd.深圳市老深镇油画贸易有限公司。

52、I stopped noticing India’s newness, oldness and juxtapositioned-ness.我不再留意印度的新鲜,古老以及井然有序。

53、It has been the creative folk art handed down from the ancient China; it is the product created when artisans' carve the words and expressions with profound meaning by hands with accessories added.这是古老中国流传至今的一种民间艺术创意,经民间艺人的手刻上深情寄意的字句,再加上装饰配件便形成了一种产品。

54、Nim's lips moved silently, stumbling over the ancient aramaic words.尼姆的嘴唇无声地动著,结结巴巴地背著古老的亚拉姆语的词句。

55、The people of Koguryo is one of the ancient minorities in northeast area of China.高句丽民族是我国东北地区的古老少数民族之

56、Awe-inspiring inside the hall is the fresco titled Five Hundred Arhats Worshiping Vairocana Buddha.走进千佛殿,你会被大殿上的古老壁画——《五百罗汉朝毗卢》所深深震撼。

57、In China, there is an old saying that one's hair and skin is given by his parents, so there no right for him to change his skin.在中国,有句古老的方言,一个人的发肤授之父母,所以他没有权利去改变发肤。

58、Boppard is a small, quaint town with narrow streets.博帕德是一个有着许多深巷窄道、古香古色的小镇。

59、Lao - tse and Chuang - tse have deep influence on Chinese culture, especially on Chinese literary thinking .《老子》和《庄子》对于中国古代文化尤其是文艺思想有着深远的影响。

60、Indeed, clerical vestments such as an alb are directly related to the ancient tunic, with the word origin being a latin phrase meaning a tunic of white.事实上,文职法衣如白蛋白有直接关系的古老袍,用这个词的起源是一个拉丁短语的意思是白色的外衣。

61、Niyazov noted that since time immemorial, the Turkmenian people have held profound respects for China that has always been striving for continuous self-renewal and development.尼亚佐夫说,土库曼斯坦人民自古以来就对自强不息、不断发展的中国怀有深深的敬意。

62、A gracious sanctuary of Four Seasons hospitality and service, with impressive views of the Great Pyramids over the old-growth canopy of Cairo's ancient Zoological and Botanical Gardens.一个四季服务热情好客和庇护,与令人印象深刻的景色,大金字塔在开罗的古老动植物公园古老的檐篷。

63、A small sturdy dog of an ancient breed originating in China, having a snub nose, a wrinkled face, a squarish body, short smooth hair, and a curled tail.哈巴狗,狮子狗:中国的一种血统古老、体小而强壮的狗,有短鼻、面部多皱纹、方形身体、毛发短而光滑、尾巴卷曲。

64、Nim's lips moved silently, stumbling over the ancient Aramaic words.尼姆的嘴唇无声地动着,结结巴巴地背着古老的亚拉姆语的词句。

65、As one of China's oldest minorities, Qiang's special ethnic dress has deep cultural indications.羌族是中华民族最古老的民族之一,其特有的民族服饰具有较深厚的文化内涵。

66、The empty house, old days in deep;古老的空宅,日久年深;

67、The naissance of Yijing was raisen by immemorial philosophy . Old folks' life consciousness which nature and hunman were syncretic was the profoundest civilization details of Yijing.意境的诞生是古老的哲学孕育的结果,先民天人合一的生命意识是其最深刻的文化底蕴。


标签: 英文 短句

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